

Isaiah 1:7



7 Your country is desolate. Your cities are burned with fire. Strangers devour your land in your presence, and it is desolate, as overthrown by strangers.

Okususelwe Emisebenzini kaSwedenborg


Arcana Coelestia #7716

Funda lesi Sigaba

Yiya esigabeni / 10837  

7716. 'No man could see his brother' means that they could not perceive the truth of any good. This is clear from the meaning of 'seeing' as understanding and perceiving, dealt with in 2150, 2325, 2807, 3764, 3863, 4407-4421, 4567, 4723, 5400; from the meaning of 'man' as truth, dealt with in 3134; and from the meaning of 'brother' as good, dealt with in 2360, 3303, 3803, 3815, 4121, 5409, 5686, 5692, 6756, and a man linked to his brother as the good of truth, 3459. From these meanings it is evident that 'no man could see his brother' means that they could not perceive the truth of any good.

Yiya esigabeni / 10837  

Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.