

Второзаконие 2:20



20 и она считалась землею Рефаимов; прежде жили на ней Рефаимы;Аммонитяне же называют их Замзумимами;



Explanation of Deuteronomy 2

Ngu Alexander Payne

Verses 1-7. Hereditary good nature will not avail for regeneration.

Verses 8-15. The character is not made spiritual by external worship.

Verses 14-15. The loss of self-confidence.

Verses 16-23. The soul must not remain in a state of falsified truths, but pass beyond them.

Verses 24-37. The destruction of the domination of self-love in the external mind.

Okususelwe Emisebenzini kaSwedenborg


Arcana Coelestia #349

Funda lesi Sigaba

Yiya esigabeni / 10837  

349. 'A gift' is used to mean worship. This becomes clear from the representative acts in the Jewish Church where, in addition to first-fruits of the earth and of all it yields, and also presentation of the firstborn, sacrifices of every kind are called 'gifts'. It was in these acts that worship consisted. And because they each represented something heavenly and had reference to the Lord, these gifts meant true worship, a fact that anyone is capable of recognizing. For what is any representative without the real thing it represents, and what is anything external without an internal but some idol or object that is dead? That which is external has life from things that are internal, that is, from the Lord through those internal things. From this it is clear that all gifts in the representative Church mean worship of the Lord. Further details on these points will in the Lord's Divine mercy be presented later on.

[2] That 'gifts' in general means worship becomes clear from various places in the Prophets, as in Malachi,

Who endures the day of His coming? He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver, and He will purify the sons of Levi and purge them like gold, and like silver, and they will be people who present to Jehovah a gift in righteousness. Then the gift of Judah and Jerusalem will be pleasing to Jehovah as in the days of old and as in the former years. Malachi 3:2-4.

'A gift in righteousness' means something internal, which 'the sons of Levi', that is, devout worshippers, are going to offer. 'The days of old' means the Most Ancient Church, and 'former years' the Ancient Church.

In Ezekiel,

On My holy mountain, on the mountain height of Israel, all the house of Israel, the whole of that land, will worship Me. There I will be well-disposed towards them, and there I will require your offerings and the first-fruits comprising your gifts in all your holy acts. Ezekiel 20:40.

'Offerings and first-fruits comprising gifts in holy acts' similarly are works that have been made holy through charity from the Lord. In Zephaniah,

From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia those who adore Me will bring My gift. Zephaniah 3:10.

'Ethiopia' stands for people who are in possession of celestial things, namely love, charity, and works stemming from charity.

Yiya esigabeni / 10837  

Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.