

Второзаконие 10:1



1 Въ то время сказалъ мнј Господь: вытеши себј двј скрижали каменныя, подобныя первымъ, и взойди ко Мнј на гору и сдјлай себј деревянный ковчегъ.



Explanation of Deuteronomy 10

Ngu Alexander Payne

Verses 1-5. That a new regenerate will is required in the natural mind.

Verses 6-7. Progression in the religious opinions.

Verses 8-11. The faculty for receiving good in the new will entirely from heaven.

Verses 12-13. The whole duty of man is to keep the commandments.

Verses 14-22. The desire of the Lord to save all as far as possible.