

에스겔 16



1 여호와의 말씀이 또 내게 임하여 가라사대

2 인자야 예루살렘으로 그 가증한 일을 알게 하여

3 이르기를 주 여호와께서 예루살렘에 대하여 말씀하시되 네 근본과 난 땅은 가나안이요 네 아비는 아모리 사람이요 네 어미는 헷 사람이라

4 너의 난 것을 말하건대 네가 날 때에 네 배꼽줄을 자르지 아니하였고 너를 물로 씻어 정결케 하지 아니하였고 네게 소금을 뿌리지 아니하였고 너를 강보에 싸지도 아니하였나니

5 너를 돌아 보아 이 중에 한 가지라도 네게 행하여 너를 긍휼히 여긴 자가 없었으므로 네가 나던 날에 네 몸이 꺼린바 되어 네가 들에 버리웠었느니라

6 내가 네 곁으로 지나 갈 때에 네가 피투성이가 되어 발짓하는 것을 보고 네게 이르기를 너는 피투성이라도 살라 다시 이르기를 너는 피투성이라도 살라 하고

7 내가 너로 들의 풀 같이 많게 하였더니 네가 크게 자라고 심히 아름다우며 유방이 뚜렷하고 네 머리털이 자랐으나 네가 오히려 벌거벗은 적신이더라

8 내가 네 곁으로 지나며 보니 네 때가 사랑스러운 때라 내 옷으로 너를 덮어 벌거벗은 것을 가리우고 네게 맹세하고 언약하여 너로 내게 속하게 하였었느니라 나 주 여호와의 말이니라

9 내가 물로 너를 씻겨서 네 피를 없이 하며 네게 기름을 바르고

10 수 놓은 옷을 입히고 물돼지 가죽신을 신기고 가는 베로 띠우고 명주로 덧입히고

11 패물을 채우고 팔고리를 손목에 끼우고 사슬을 목에 드리우고

12 코고리를 코에 달고 귀고리를 귀에 달고 화려한 면류관을 머리에 씌웠나니

13 이와 같이 네가 금 은으로 장식하고 가는 베와 명주와 수놓은 것을 입으며 또 고운 밀가루와 꿀과 기름을 먹음으로 극히 곱고 형통하여 왕후의 지위에 나아갔느니라

14 네 화려함을 인하여 네 명성이 이방인 중에 퍼졌음은 내가 네게 입힌 영화로 네 화려함이 온전함이니라 나 주 여호와의 말이니라

15 그러나 네가 네 화려함을 믿고 네 명성을 인하여 행음하되 무릇 지나가는 자면 더불어 음란을 많이 행하므로 네 몸이 그들의 것이 되도다

16 네가 네 의복을 취하여 색스러운 산당을 너를 위하여 만들고 거기서 행음하였나니 이런 일은 전무후무하니라

17 네가 또 나의 준 금,은 장식품으로 너를 위하여 남자 우상을 만들어 행음하며

18 또 네 수 놓은 옷으로 그 우상에게 입히고 나의 기름과 향으로 그 앞에 베풀며

19 또 내가 네게 주어 먹게 한 내 식물 곧 고운 밀가루와 기름과 꿀을 네가 그 앞에 베풀어 향기를 삼았나니 과연 그렇게 하였느니라 나 주 여호와의 말이니라

20 또 네가 나를 위하여 낳은 네 자녀를 가져 그들에게 드려 제물을 삼아 불살랐느니라 네가 너의 음행을 작은 일로 여겨서

21 나의 자녀들을 죽여 우상에게 붙여 불 가운데로 지나가게 하였느냐 ?

22 네 어렸을 때에 벌거벗어 적신이었으며 피투성이가 되어서 발짓하던 것을 기억지 아니하고 네가 모든 가증한 일과 음란을 행하였느니라

23 나 주 여호와가 말하노라 너는 화 있을진저 화 있을진저 네가 모든 악을 행한 후에

24 너를 위하여 누를 건축하며 모든 거리에 높은 대를 쌓았도다

25 네가 높은 대를 모든 길 머리에 쌓고 네 아름다움을 가증하게 하여 모든 지나가는 자에게 다리를 벌려 심히 행음하고

26 하체가 큰 네 이웃나라 애굽 사람과도 행음하되 심히 음란히 하여 내 노를 격동하였도다

27 그러므로 내가 내 손을 네 위에 펴서 네 일용 양식을 감하고 너를 미워하는 블레셋 여자 곧 네 더러운 행실을 부끄러워하는 자에게 너를 붙여 임의로 하게 하였거늘

28 네가 음욕이 차지 아니하여 또 앗수르 사람과 행음하고 그들과 행음하고도 오히려 부족히 여겨

29 장사하는 땅 갈대아에까지 심히 행음하되 오히려 족한 줄을 알지못하였느니라

30 나 주 여호와가 말하노라 네가 이 모든 일을 행하니 이는 방자한 음부의 행위라 네 마음이 어찌 그리 약한지

31 네가 누를 모든 길 머리에 건축하며 높은 대를 모든 거리에 쌓고도 값을 싫어하니 창기 같지도 않도다

32 그 지아비 대신에 외인과 사통하여 간음하는 아내로다

33 사람들은 모든 창기에게 선물을 주거늘 오직 너는 네 모든 정든 자에게 선물을 주며 값을 주어서 사방에서 와서 너와 행음하게 하니

34 사람들은 모든 창기에게 선물을 주거늘 오직 너는 네 모든 정든 자에게 선물을 주며 값을 주어서 사방에서 와서 너와 행음하게 하니

35 너의 음란함이 다른 여인과 같지 아니함은 행음하려고 너를 따르는 자가 없음이며 또 네가 값을 받지 아니하고 도리어 줌이라 그런즉 다른 여인과 같지 아니하니라

36 그러므로 너 음부야 여호와의 말을 들을지어다

37 나 주 여호와가 말하노라 네가 네 누추한 것을 쏟으며 네 정든 자와 행음함으로 벗은 몸을 드러내며 또 가증한 우상을 위하여 네 자녀의 피를 그 우상에게 드렸은즉

38 내가 저의 즐거워하는 정든 자와 사랑하던 모든 자와 미워하던 모든 자를 모으되 사방에서 모아 너를 대적하게 할 것이요 또 네 벗은 몸을 그 앞에 드러내어 그들로 그것을 다 보게 할 것이며

39 내가 또 간음하고 사람의 피를 흘리는 여인을 국문함 같이 너를 국문하여 진노의 피와 투기의 피를 네게 돌리고

40 내가 또 너를 그들의 손에 붙이리니 그들이 네 누를 헐며 네 높은 대를 훼파하며 네 의복을 벗기고 네 장식품을 빼앗고 네 몸을 벌거벗겨 버려두며

41 무리를 데리고 와서 너를 돌로 치며 칼로 찌르며

42 불로 너의 집들을 사르고 여러 여인의 목전에서 너를 벌할지라 내가 너로 곧 음행을 그치게 하리니 네가 다시는 값을 주지 아니하리라

43 그리한즉 내가 네게 대한 내 분노가 그치며 내 투기가 네게서 떠나고 마음이 평안하여 다시는 노하지 아니하리라

44 네가 어렸을 때를 기억지 아니하고 이 모든 일로 나를 격노케 하였은즉 내가 네 행위대로 네 머리에 보응하리니 네가 이 음란과 네 모든 가증한 일을 다시는 행하지 아니하리라 나 주 여호와의 말이니라

45 무릇 속담하는 자가 네게 대하여 속담하기를 어미가 어떠하면 딸도 그렇다 하리라

46 너는 그 남편과 자녀를 싫어한 어미의 딸이요 너는 그 남편과 자녀를 싫어한 형의 동생이로다 네 어미는 헷 사람이요 네 아비는 아모리 사람이며

47 네 형은 그 딸들과 함께 네 좌편에 거하는 사마리아요 네 아우는 그 딸들과 함께 네 우편에 거하는 소돔이라

48 네가 그들의 행위대로만 행치 아니하며 그 가증한대로만 행치 아니하고 그것을 적게 여겨서 네 모든 행위가 그보다 더욱 부패하였도다

49 나 주 여호와가 말하노라 내가 나의 삶을 두고 맹세하노니 네 아우 소돔 곧 그와 그 딸들은 너와 네 딸들의 행위 같이 행치 아니하였느니라

50 네 아우 소돔의 죄악은 이러하니 그와 그 딸들에게 교만함과 식물의 풍족함과 태평함이 있음이며 또 그가 가난하고 궁핍한 자를 도와주지 아니하며

51 거만하여 가증한 일을 내 앞에서 행하였음이라 그러므로 내가 보고 곧 그들을 없이 하였느니라

52 사마리아는 네 죄의 절반도 범치 아니하였느니라 네가 그들보다 가증한 일을 심히 행한고로 너의 가증한 행위로 네 형과 아우를 의롭게 하였느니라

53 네가 네 형과 아우를 논단하였은즉 너도 네 수치를 담당할찌니라 네가 그들보다 더욱 가증한 죄를 범하므로 그들이 너보다 의롭게 되었나니 네가 네 형과 아우를 의롭게 하였은즉 너는 놀라며 네 수치를 담당할지니라

54 내가 그들의 사로잡힘 곧 소돔과 그 딸들의 사로잡힘과 사마리아와 그 딸들의 사로잡힘과 그들 중에 너의 사로잡힌 자의 사로잡힘을 돌이켜서

55 너로 네 수욕을 담당하고 너의 행한 모든 일을 인하여 부끄럽게 하리니 이는 네가 그들에게 위로가 됨이라

56 네 아우 소돔과 그 딸들이 옛 지위를 회복할 것이요 사마리아와 그 딸들도 그 옛 지위를 회복할 것이며 너와 네 딸들도 너희 옛 지위를 회복할 것이니라

57 네가 교만하던 때에 네 아우 소돔을 네 입으로 말하지도 아니하였나니

58 곧 네 악이 드러나기 전에며 아람 딸들이 너를 능욕하기 전에며 너의 사방에 둘러 있는 블레셋 딸들이 너를 멸시하기 전에니라

59 네 음란과 네 가증한 일을 네가 담당하였느니라 나 여호와의 말이니라

60 나 주 여호와가 말하노라 네가 맹세를 멸시하여 언약을 배반하였은즉 내가 네 행한대로 네게 행하리라

61 그러나 내가 너의 어렸을 때에 너와 세운 언약을 기억하고 너와 영원한 언약을 세우리라

62 네가 네 형과 아우를 접대할 때에 네 행위를 기억하고 부끄러워할 것이라 내가 그들을 네게 딸로 주려니와 네 언약으로 말미암음이 아니니라

63 내가 네게 내 언약을 세워서 너로 나를 여호와인 줄 알게 하리니 [ (Ezekiel 16:64) 이는 내가 네 모든 행한 일을 용서한 후에 너로 기억하고 놀라고 부끄러워서 다시는 입을 열지 못하게 하려 함이니라 나 주 여호와의 말이니라 하셨다 하라 ]


Okususelwe Emisebenzini kaSwedenborg


Apocalypse Explained #577

Funda lesi Sigaba

Yiya esigabeni / 1232  

577. And the heads of the horses as the heads of lions, signifies knowledge (scientia) and thought therefrom destructive of truth. This is evident from the signification of "the heads of horses," as being knowledge [scientia] and thought therefrom (of which presently); and from the signification of "the heads of lions," as being the consequent destruction of truth. "The heads of lions" signify here the destruction of truth, because a "lion" in the highest sense signifies Divine truth in respect to power, and in the contrary sense falsity destroying truth, consequently the destruction of truth, and "the head of a lion" signifies the powers of the mind through which it destroys, which are reasonings from falsities. (That a "lion" signifies Divine truth in respect to power, and in the contrary sense falsity destroying truth, may be seen above, n. 278.) The "heads of horses" signify knowledge [scientia] and thought therefrom, because "head" signifies intelligence, and "the horse" the understanding; and as the sensual man and here his reasoning from falsities are treated of, and the sensual man who reasons from falsities has no intelligence, but only knowledge [scientia] and thought therefrom, therefore these are here signified by "the heads of the horses." (That those who are in falsities have no intelligence, but instead of intelligence only knowledge, may be seen in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 33.)

[2] The "head" signifies intelligence, because the understanding and the will of man have their seat in the interiors of his head; consequently in the front part of the head, which is the face, are the senses of sight, hearing, smell, and taste, into which the understanding and the will flow from the interior and vivify them, and also cause them to enjoy their sensations; this is why the "head" signifies in the Word intelligence. But as those only who receive influx from heaven are intelligent, for all intelligence and wisdom flow in out of heaven from the Lord, it follows that they who are in the falsities of evil have no intelligence; for in them the higher and spiritual mind is closed, and only the lower mind, which is called the natural mind, is opened; and when the higher mind is closed the lower receives nothing of truth and good, consequently no intelligence from heaven, but only from the world. Such, therefore, in place of intelligence have mere knowledge [scientia] and thought from it, and from this proceeds reasoning, and by means of it the confirmation of falsity and evil against truth and good.

[3] That the "head" signifies in the Word intelligence and wisdom, and in the contrary sense knowledge [scientia] and fatuous thought therefrom, can be seen from the following passages in the Word. In Ezekiel:

I put a jewel upon thy nose, and ear-rings in thine ears, and a crown of adorning upon thy head (Ezekiel 16:12).

This is said of Jerusalem, which signifies the church, here such as it was in the beginning; "a jewel upon the nose" signifies the perception of truth from good; "the ear-rings in the ears" signify hearkening and obedience, and "a crown upon the head" signifies wisdom; for intelligence, which is from Divine truth, becomes wisdom from the good of love, and this is signified by "a crown of gold."

[4] In Revelation:

A woman encompassed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars (Revelation 12:1).

The "head" upon which was a crown of twelve stars, signifies intelligence, as will be seen in the explanation hereafter.

That the Jews placed a crown of thorns upon the Lord's head, and that they smote His head (Matthew 27:29, 30; Mark 15:17, 19; John 19:2);

signifies that they treated with such contumely Divine truth itself and Divine wisdom; for they falsified the Word, which is Divine truth and in which is Divine wisdom, and adulterated it by their traditions and by applying it to themselves; thus they desired a king who would exalt them over all in the whole earth. And as the Lord's kingdom was not earthly but heavenly, they perverted everything that was said respecting Him in the Word, and mocked at what was foretold of Him. This is what was represented by "their placing a crown of thorns upon His head, and smiting His head."

[5] Where the statue of Nebuchadnezzar seen in a dream is described, it is said in Daniel:

Its head was of pure gold, its breast and arms of silver, its belly and thighs of brass, its legs of iron, its feet part of iron and part of clay (Daniel 2:32, 33).

That statue represented the successive states of the church; "the head of gold" represented and signified the Most Ancient Church, which was in celestial wisdom, and thus in intelligence above the churches that followed; this wisdom and its intelligence are meant by the "head of gold." That the other parts of that statue signified the states of subsequent churches may be seen above (176, 411).

In David:

Thou hast brought us into the net; thou hast laid oppressions 1 upon our loins. Thou hast caused man to ride over our head (Psalms 66:11, 12).

"To cause man to ride over our head" signifies that there is no intelligence (See above, n. 355), where this is more fully explained).

[6] In Moses:

These blessings shall come upon the head of Joseph, and upon the crown of the head of the Nazirite of his brethren (Genesis 49:26; Deuteronomy 33:13-16).

That "blessings shall come upon the head of Joseph" signifies that all the things that had just been mentioned, that are blessings of heaven, should take place in the interiors of his mind, which are the lives of the understanding and will, for these are the interiors of the mind. That they shall come upon "the crown of the head of the Nazirite of his brethren" signifies that they should also take place in the exteriors of his natural mind, for the "Naziriteship" signifies the exteriors of the natural mind, since it means the hairs, or the hair of the head. (But these words may be seen further explained above, n. 448; and in (Arcana Coelestia 6437, 6435) the Arcana Coelestia 6437, 6438.) In the same:

Take you wise men and intelligent, and I will put them as your heads (Deuteronomy 1:13).

It is said "as your heads" because wisdom and intelligence, in which they should excel all others, are meant; therefore it is said, "Take you wise men and intelligent."

[7] In Isaiah:

Jehovah hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed your eyes, the prophets; and your heads, the seers, hath He covered (Isaiah 29:10).

"Prophets" signify those who teach truths and are intelligent, and in an abstract sense, the doctrine of truth and intelligence; therefore it is said, "Jehovah hath closed your eyes, the prophets, and your heads, the seers," where the prophets are called "eyes," and the seers "heads," because "eyes" signify the understanding of truth in respect to doctrine, and "seers" like as "heads" signify intelligence.

[8] In the same:

Jehovah will cut off from Israel 2 head and tail, branch and rush. The old man and the honorable will make the head, and the prophet, the teacher of lies the tail (Isaiah 9:14, 15).

In the same:

Neither shall there be for Egypt any work which will make the head or tail, branch or rush (19 Isaiah 19:15).

"He will cut off from Israel head and tail," and "neither shall there be for Egypt head or tail," signify that all the intelligence and knowledge [scientia] of truth they have shall perish (as may be seen above, n. 559, where these passages are more fully explained). In the same:

In that day shall the Lord shave with a razor that is hired in the crossings of the river, by the king of Assyria, the head and the hairs of the feet; and shall also consume the beard (Isaiah 7:20).

That this signifies that reasonings from falsities will deprive the men of the church of all wisdom and spiritual intelligence, may be seen above n. 569, where this is explained in particular; it is said "in the crossings of the river," because "the river Euphrates" signifies the reasonings from falsities, therefore here attack by these upon the truths of the church which are destroyed by reasoning from falsities.

[9] In Ezekiel:

Son of man, take thee a sharp sword, a barber's razor, and cause it to pass over 3 the head and over the beard; a third part thou shalt burn with fire, a third part thou shalt smite with the sword, and a third part thou shalt disperse in the wind (Ezekiel 5:1, 2).

Here also "to cause a razor to pass over the head" signifies to deprive of all intelligence of truth; for the reason that intelligence perishes when there are no ultimates of intelligence, which are signified by "the hairs of the head, which should be shaved with a razor by causing it to pass over the head;" for when ultimates are taken away it is as when the base is taken away from a column, or the foundation from a house. This is why it was unlawful in the Jewish Church, which was a representative church, to shave the hairs of the head and induce baldness, in like manner the beard; so also those who are without intelligence appear bald in the spiritual world.

[10] From all this the signification of "a bald head" and "baldness" in the following passages can be seen. In Isaiah:

On all their heads is baldness, every beard is cut off (Isaiah 15:2);

in other words, there is no intelligence. In Ezekiel:

Shame shall be upon all faces, and baldness upon all heads (7 Ezekiel 7:18).

In the same:

Every head was made bald, and every shoulder was peeled (2 Ezekiel 29:18).

These words have a similar meaning. So Aaron and his sons were forbidden to shave their heads and the corner of the beard, of which it is said in Moses:

That Aaron and his sons shall not shave their heads nor rend their clothes, lest they die, and lest Jehovah be angry in consequence with the whole congregation (Leviticus 10:6).

And in the same:

That the sons of Aaron should not make baldness upon their head, nor shave the corner of the beard (Leviticus 21:5).

The "beard" signifies the ultimate of the rational man, and "not shaving the beard" signifies not to be deprived of the rational, by taking away its ultimate; for, as was said above, when the ultimate is taken away the interior also perishes. What is meant by:

When a woman taken captive from the enemy is desired for a wife she must shave her head and pare her nails (Deuteronomy 21:11, 12);

may be seen explained above n. 555.

[11] Because shame was represented by the hands upon the head, it is said in Jeremiah:

Thou shalt be ashamed of Egypt also, as thou wast ashamed of Assyria. From her also thou shalt go forth with thy hands upon thy head (Jeremiah 2:36, 37).

And in the same:

They were ashamed and put to confusion and covered their heads (Jeremiah 14:3-4).

Because this was a representative of shame:

Tamar, after she had been ravished by her brother Amnon, put her hand on her head, and went weeping 4 and crying (2 Samuel 13:19).

To "put the hand upon the head" signified that no intelligence remained. Also grief for sin in having acted insanely and foolishly was represented by sprinkling dust upon the head, and by bowing the head down even to the earth; and by this cursing also was signified. As in Ezekiel:

They shall cast up dust upon thy head, they shall roll thee in ashes (Ezekiel 27:30).

In Lamentations:

The elders of the daughter of Zion sit on the earth, they keep silence; they have cast up dust upon their head; they have girded themselves with sackcloth; the virgins of Jerusalem have made their head to hang down to the ground (Lamentations 2:10).

[12] But in the contrary sense the "head" signifies the craftiness that those have who are in the love of ruling. This is meant by the "head" in Moses:

The seed of the woman shall trample upon the head of the serpent, and the serpent shall hurt the heel (Genesis 3:15).

In David:

The Lord at thy right hand hath stricken through kings in the day of His anger; He hath judged among the nations; He hath filled with dead bodies; He hath stricken through the head over many a land; He shall drink out of the brook in the way; therefore shall He exalt the head (Psalms 110:5-7).

(This passage may be seen explained above, n. 518.) In the same:

God shall strike through the head of His enemies, the hairy scalp of such as go on in guilt (Psalms 68:21).

That the craftiness by which they purpose and contrive evil against others returns upon themselves is signified by:

Bringing their way upon their own head (Ezekiel 9:10; 11:21; 16:43; 17:19; 22:31; Joel 3:4, 7).

What is signified in Revelation by:

The seven heads upon which were seven diadems (Revelation 12:3; 13:1, 3; 17:3, 7, 9);

will be seen hereafter. Moreover, the "head," as what is highest and primary in man, has also many other meanings; as the peak of a mountain, the top of anything, what is primary, the beginning of a way, of a street, of a month, and the like.

Imibhalo yaphansi:

1. Latin has "oppressions," the Hebrew "oppression," as found in AE 355.

2. Latin has "Abraham," the passage quoted just before has "Israel," as in AE 559, 624.

3. Latin has "through," the passage, as cited before, has "over," with the Hebrew.

4. Latin has "weeping," the Hebrew "going."

Yiya esigabeni / 1232  

Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.

Okususelwe Emisebenzini kaSwedenborg


Arcana Coelestia #6438

Funda lesi Sigaba

Yiya esigabeni / 10837  

6438. From these things foretold by Israel regarding Joseph it may again be seen that every detail contains an inner meaning and that without that meaning scarcely anything is intelligible. The person who fixes his attention solely on the literal meaning may think that these things which were stated regarding Joseph were going to happen to his descendants from Manasseh and Ephraim, because in verse 1 Israel says that he was going to tell them what would happen to them at the end of days. But in the historical accounts concerning those descendants in the Books of Moses, Joshua, Judges, Samuel, or Kings, one does not find anything of the sort happening to them. They were no more greatly blessed than any other tribe; rather, like all the others they were taken away into captivity and scattered among the nations. From all this it is evident that the real meaning is not what presents itself in the sense of the letter but something else contained in the internal sense. Furthermore without the internal sense one cannot begin to know what all the things said about Joseph imply, namely these:

The son of a fertile one is Joseph, of a fertile one beside a spring; daughters, each one of whom marches onto the wall.

They exasperate him and shoot at him and hate him, do the archers.

He will sit in the strength of his bow, and the arms of his hands will be made strong by the hands of the powerful Jacob; from there is the shepherd, the stone of Israel.

The blessings of his father will prevail over the blessings of his ancestors, even as far as the desire of the everlasting hills.

They will be on the head of Joseph and on the crown of the head of the Nazirite among his brothers.

Every single one of these statements is of such a nature that no one can ever know what it really means except from the internal sense.

Yiya esigabeni / 10837  

Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.