

エゼキエル書 9:2



2 見よ、に向かう上のの道から出て来る人の者があった。おのおのそのに滅ぼす武器を持ち、彼らの中のひとりは亜麻布を着、そのに物を書く墨つぼをつけていた。彼らははいって来て、青銅の祭壇のかたわらに立った。




Photo courtesy of [http://www.flickr.com/people/14541549@N06 couscouschocolat]

It's common to say “I see” when we understand something. And indeed, “seeing” in the Bible represents grasping and understanding spiritual things. So it makes sense that the eyes, which allow us to see, represent the intellect, which allows us to understand spiritual things. This can also be used in the negative, of course; the Bible speaks of people having eyes and refusing to see, and the Lord when He was in the world advised plucking out an offending eye. These represent a refusal to acknowledge truth, or being misled by falsity.