

Sacharja 9:10



10 Und ich werde die Wagen ausrotten aus Ephraim und die Rosse aus Jerusalem, und der Kriegsbogen wird ausgerottet werden. Und er wird Frieden reden zu den Nationen; und seine Herrschaft wird sein von Meer zu Meer, und vom Strome bis an die Enden der Erde.




Morning Sunshine, by Károly Ferenczy

Like other descriptions of time in the Word, "a day" or a number of "days" describe a spiritual state rather than our natural concept of time. A spiritual "day" describes a state of mind or a state in our relationship with the Lord rather than a 12-hour or 24-hour span of natural time. "Day" describes a state in which we are turned toward the Lord, and are receiving light (which is truth) and heat (which is a desire for good) from the Lord.