

Daniel 9:18



18 Neige, mein Gott, dein Ohr und höre! tue deine Augen auf und sieh unsere Verwüstungen und die Stadt, welche nach deinem Namen genannt ist! Denn nicht um unserer Gerechtigkeiten willen legen wir unser Flehen vor dir nieder, sondern um deiner vielen Erbarmungen willen.




"A Peasant Family at Lunch" by Albert Neuhuys

When we eat, our bodies break down the food and get from it both energy and materials for building and repairing the body. The process is similar on a symbolic level in the Bible. Food represents the desire for good and the insight that comes from that desire for good – goodness and understanding that come from the Lord. But to put them to use we have to take them in and make them our own – which is spiritual eating.