

Mooseksen kirja 27:15



15 'Kirottu olkoon se, joka tekee jumalankuvan, veistetyn tai valetun, taitajan käden tekemän, kauhistukseksi Herralle, ja joka salaa sen pystyttää'. Ja kaikki kansa vastatkoon ja sanokoon: 'Amen'.



Explanation of Deuteronomy 27:15

Ngu Alexander Payne

Verse 15. It curses the soul and utterly averts from heaven to fabricate doctrines from self-intelligence or the depraved will, which have nothing to do with and are diametrically opposed to what comes from the Divine, however much they may artfully counterfeit what is good and true, and the evil in which is carefully concealed in the inmost recesses of the soul; and the whole mind must be brought to see and perceive that this is so.