

撒母耳記上 10



1 撒母耳拿瓶倒在掃羅的上,與他親嘴,:這不是耶和華你作他產業的君麼?

2 你今日與我離別之後,在便雅憫境內的泄撒,靠近拉結的墳墓,要遇見兩個人。他們必對你:你去的那幾頭驢已經著了。現在你父親不為驢掛心,反為你擔憂,:我為兒子怎麼才好呢?

3 你從那裡往前行,到了他泊的橡樹那裡,必遇見個往伯特利去拜的人:個帶著隻山羊羔,個帶著個餅,個帶著皮袋酒。

4 他們必問你安,你兩個餅,你就從他們中接過來。

5 你到的山,在那裡有非利士人的防兵。你到了城的時候,必遇見一班先知從邱壇,前面有瑟的、擊的、吹笛的、彈琴的,他們都受感說話。

6 耶和華的靈必大大感動你,你就與他們一同受感說話;你要變為新

7 這兆頭臨到你,你就可以趁時而做,因為與你同在。

8 你當在我以先吉甲,我也必到那裡獻燔祭和平安祭。你要等候日,等我到了那裡,指示你當行的事。

9 掃羅轉身離別撒母耳,就賜他一個新。當日這一切兆頭都應驗了。

10 掃羅到了那山,有一班先知遇見他,的靈大大感動他,他就在先知中受感說話。

11 素來認識掃羅的見他和先知一同受感話,就彼此:基士的兒子遇見甚麼了?掃羅也列在先知中麼?

12 那地方有一個:這些父親是誰呢?此後有句俗語掃羅也列在先知中麼?

13 掃羅受感說話已畢,就上邱壇去了。

14 掃羅的叔叔問掃羅和他僕人:你們往哪裡去了?回答:找驢去了。我們見沒有驢,就到了撒母耳那裡。

15 掃羅的叔叔:請將撒母耳向你們所的話告訴我。

16 掃羅對他叔叔:他明明地告訴我們驢已經著了。至於撒母耳所的國事,掃羅卻沒有告訴叔叔。

17 撒母耳將百姓招聚到米斯巴耶和華那裡,

18 對他們耶和華以色列的如此:我領你們以色列人埃及,救你們脫離埃及人,又救你們脫離欺壓你們各國之人的

19 你們今日卻厭棄了你們脫離一切災難的:求你立一個王治理我們。現在你們應當按著支派、宗族都站在耶和華面前。

20 於是,撒母耳使以色列眾支派近前來掣籤,就掣出便雅憫支派來;

21 又使便雅憫支派按著宗族近前來,就掣出瑪特利族,從其中又掣出基士的兒子掃羅。眾人尋他卻尋不著,

22 就問耶和華:那到這裡來了沒有?耶和華:他藏在器具中了。

23 眾人就跑去從那裡領出他來。他站在百姓中間,身體比眾民高過一頭。

24 撒母耳對眾民:你們耶和華所揀選的人,眾民中有可比他的麼?眾民就大聲歡呼:願王萬歲!

25 撒母耳將國對百姓說明,又記在上,放在耶和華面前,然後遣散眾民,各回各家去了。

26 掃羅往基比亞回家去,有感動的一群跟隨他。

27 但有些匪徒:這人怎能我們呢?就藐視他,沒有送他禮物;掃羅卻不理會。




Exploring the Meaning of 1 Samuel 10

Ngu Garry Walsh

Samuel took a flask of oil and anointed Saul’s head -- a sign of kingship. He told Saul that the donkeys he'd been searching for had been found, so there was no need to continue the hunt.

Instead, Samuel sent Saul to Bethel, the hill of God. It was a holy place, and the resting place of the Ark of the Covenant. Bethel represented a knowledge of celestial things. (See Arcana Coelestia 1453[2].)

Samuel told Saul that he would meet a group of prophets at Bethel. When Saul arrived there, he met them, and he immediately felt the Spirit of the Lord and prophesied with them. When Saul returned home, the people who knew him realized that something about him had changed. Had he become a prophet?

Then Samuel called the people together at Mizpah again as he had when they first asked for a king. He reminded them about how they had rejected the Lord. Then he began a selection process, drawing lots to determine who would be their first king. The tribe of Benjamin was chosen, then the family of Matri, and ultimately Saul. However, Saul was reluctant, and was hiding. They searched for him, found him, and brought him before the people. The people saw his outstanding appearance and height, and accepted him as someone suitable. Samuel explained how the kingdom would work, and also wrote it in a book. Then he sent the people to their own homes.

Right away, there were hints of future trouble. Some people, referred to as children of Belial, doubted that Saul was the man to lead them, and they did not bring him gifts.

The children of Belial symbolize false ideas that are derived from evil, hellish loves. They are associated with the worship of other gods.

In the Word, gifts symbolize an introduction, to “initiate goodwill and favour.” These people did not trust Saul, and didn’t try to create a good relationship with him. (See Arcana Coelestia 4262[2-3].)

It was important that the kings of Israel were anointed with oil. It was a mark of the representative role that they were to take. As mentioned in the previous chapter, they could not represent the Lord in the loving way that priests could. Instead, they could represent His truth. They could be examples of what it means to live by and enforce the law and to provide order.

The oil that Samuel used to anoint Saul also has a symbolic meaning. It represents the Lord as the good of love. (See Arcana Coelestia 9954[1, 10].) Swedenborg writes that the reason priests kings were anointed is that through this they represented the {w219}, in His Divine humanity. (See Apocalypse Revealed 779[2].)

In a number of places in Scripture it is said that each of us has been made “kings and priests to God.” (See especially Revelation 1:5 and 5:10.) This means that our lives can evolve, with the Lord’s guidance, so that everything about us can be an expression of both His love and His teachings, as they exist as a unity. This is what is means to become the “image and likeness of God” as described in Genesis 1:26.



Revelation 1:5



5 And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,