

以西结书 22:10



10 在你中间有露继母下体羞辱父亲的,有玷辱月经不洁净之妇人的。





Jerusalem, on Mount Zion, signifies the doctrine of love to the Lord, and how it governs your life. Jerusalem first comes to our attention in 2 Samuel 5, when King David takes the city from the Jebusites and makes it his capital. In the next chapter he brings the Ark of the Covenant there, and later it is where Solomon builds the temple, and his own palace. From then on Jerusalem is the center of worship of the Israelitish church. It is the place where the Lord was presented in the temple as a baby, where He tarried to talk to the priests at age twelve, where He cleansed the temple, had the last supper, was crucified and then rose. It is a central place in both the old and new Testaments. The city was built on Mount Zion, the highest point of the mountains of Judea. A city, in the Word, represents doctrine, the organized knowledge of the truths of the church. Mountains represent love of the Lord and the consequent worship. If you put those things together, Jerusalem on Mount Zion signifies the doctrine of love to the Lord, and how it governs your life. This is why David was led to make Jerusalem the most important city of the land, and why all worship was conducted there. And this is also why Jeroboam was condemned for introducing idol worship in Samaria. In the Book of Revelation, John's vision of the city New Jerusalem descending from God is a prophecy of a new dispensation of doctrine coming from the Lord.

(Izinkomba: Arcana Coelestia 4539, 8938; The Apocalypse Explained 365 [35-38])



耶利米书 8:6-22



6 我留心见他们不正直的话。无悔改恶行,:我做的是甚麽呢?他们各奔己,如直闯战场。

7 空中的鹳鸟知道去的定期;斑鸠燕子与白鹤也守候当的时令;我的百姓却不知道耶和华的法则。

8 你们怎麽我们有智慧,耶和华的律法在我们这里?看哪,文士的假笔舞弄虚假。

9 智慧人惭愧,惊惶,被擒拿;他们弃掉耶和华的,心里还有甚麽智慧呢?

10 所以我必将他们的妻子别人,将他们的田地别人为业;因为他们从最小的到至的都一味地贪婪,从先知到祭司都行事虚谎。

11 他们轻轻忽忽地医治我百姓的损伤,说:平安了!平安了!其实没有平安。

12 他们行可憎的事知道惭愧麽?不然,他们毫不惭愧,也不知羞耻。因此他们必在仆倒的人中仆倒;我向他们讨罪的时候,他们必致跌倒。这是耶和华的。

13 耶和华:我必使他们全然灭绝;葡萄树上必没有葡萄,无花果树上必没有果子,子也必枯乾。我所赐他们的,必离开他们过去。

14 我们为何静不动呢?我们聚集进入坚固城,在那里静默不言;因为耶和华我们使我们静默不言,又将苦胆我们喝,都因我们得罪了耶和华

15 我们指望平安,却得不着处;指望痊愈的时候,不料,受了惊惶。

16 见从但那里敌人的喷鼻气,他的壮发嘶声,全就都震动;因为他们吞灭这和其上所有的,吞灭这城与其中的居民

17 看哪,我必使毒蛇到你们中间,是不服法术的,必咬你们。这是耶和华的。

18 我有忧愁,愿能自慰;我在我里面发昏。

19 听啊,是我百姓的哀声从极远之而来,说:耶和华不在锡安麽?锡安的王不在其中麽?耶和华说:他们为甚麽以雕刻的偶像和外邦虚无的神惹我发怒呢?

20 麦秋已过,夏令已完,我们还未得

21 先知说:因我百姓的损伤,我也受了损伤。我哀痛,惊惶将我抓住。

22 在基列岂没有乳香呢?在那着岂没有医生呢?我百姓为何不得痊愈呢?