5 Mózes 9:21



21 A ti bûnötöket pedig, a borjút, a melyet készítettetek, megragadám, és megégetém azt tûzzel; és összetörém azt, jól megõrölvén, mígnem porrá morzsolódék, azután bevetém annak porát a patakba, a mely a hegyrõl foly vala alá.

Ukuhlaziywa kwaleli vesi  

Ngu Alexander Payne

Verse 21. And the spiritual man searches out what is evil in the loves and worship of the external man which separates the soul from heaven, a resemblance of good in external form only, proceeding from man's own evil heart, and finds it to be defiled with self-love; and that its good and truths are profaned by being applied to evil loves till they are utterly destroyed; and that the falses which proceed from infernal delights are mixed with the truths which flow from heaven (Arcana Coelestia 9391).