Deuteronomy 26:8



8 And the Lord took us out of Egypt with a strong hand and a stretched-out arm, with works of power and signs and wonders:

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Ngu Alexander Payne

Verse 8. "And the Lord delivered what was spiritual in the soul from the false persuasions, which prevented its deliverance from the evils of the natural unregenerate heart,* by His Divine Omnipotence, and the manifest workings of Providence, and a mighty influx of truth, whereby falsities were dissipated, accompanied by many and clear proofs to the mind. * The regeneration of the soul being solely effected by carrying out the Divine will in the life, any doctrines which make salvation to consist in anything else, such as, in any particular doctrine, creed, church, or ceremonial; are falsities, which bar the very commencement of the regenerate life, by enslaving the only principles that can effect regeneration."