




1 De slang nu was listiger dan al het gedierte des velds, hetwelk de HEERE God gemaakt had; en zij zeide tot de vrouw: Is het ook, dat God gezegd heeft: Gijlieden zult niet eten van allen boom dezes hofs?

2 En de vrouw zeide tot de slang: Van de vrucht der bomen dezes hofs zullen wij eten;

3 Maar van de vrucht des booms, die in het midden des hofs is, heeft God gezegd: Gij zult van die niet eten, noch die aanroeren, opdat gij niet sterft.

4 Toen zeide de slang tot de vrouw: Gijlieden zult den dood niet sterven;

5 Maar God weet, dat, ten dage als gij daarvan eet, zo zullen uw ogen geopend worden, en gij zult als God wezen, kennende het goed en het kwaad.

6 En de vrouw zag, dat die boom goed was tot spijze, en dat hij een lust was voor de ogen, ja, een boom, die begeerlijk was om verstandig te maken; en zij nam van zijn vrucht en at; en zij gaf ook haar man met haar, en hij at.

7 Toen werden hun beider ogen geopend, en zij werden gewaar, dat zij naakt waren; en zij hechtten vijgeboombladeren samen, en maakten zich schorten.

8 En zij hoorden de stem van den HEERE God, wandelende in den hof, aan de wind des daags. Toen verborg zich Adam en zijn vrouw voor het aangezicht van den HEERE God, in het midden van het geboomte des hofs.

9 En de HEERE God riep Adam, en zeide tot hem: Waar zijt gij?

10 En hij zeide: Ik hoorde Uw stem in den hof, en ik vreesde; want ik ben naakt; daarom verborg ik mij.

11 En Hij zeide: Wie heeft u te kennen gegeven, dat gij naakt zijt? Hebt gij van dien boom gegeten, van welken Ik u gebood, dat gij daarvan niet eten zoudt?

12 Toen zeide Adam: De vrouw, die Gij bij mij gegeven hebt, die heeft mij van dien boom gegeven, en ik heb gegeten.

13 En de HEERE God zeide tot de vrouw: Wat is dit, dat gij gedaan hebt? En de vrouw zeide: De slang heeft mij bedrogen, en ik heb gegeten.

14 Toen zeide de HEERE God tot die slang: Dewijl gij dit gedaan hebt, zo zijt gij vervloekt boven al het vee, en boven al het gedierte des velds! Op uw buik zult gij gaan, en stof zult gij eten, al de dagen uws levens.

15 En Ik zal vijandschap zetten tussen u en tussen deze vrouw, en tussen uw zaad en tussen haar zaad; datzelve zal u de kop vermorzelen, en gij zult het de verzenen vermorzelen.

16 Tot de vrouw zeide Hij: Ik zal zeer vermenigvuldigen uw smart, namelijk uwer dracht; met smart zult gij kinderen baren; en tot uw man zal uw begeerte zijn, en hij zal over u heerschappij hebben.

17 En tot Adam zeide Hij: Dewijl gij geluisterd hebt naar de stem uwer vrouw, en van dien boom gegeten, waarvan Ik u gebood, zeggende: Gij zult daarvan niet eten; zo zij het aardrijk om uwentwil vervloekt; en met smart zult gij daarvan eten al de dagen uws levens.

18 Ook zal het u doornen en distelen voortbrengen, en gij zult het kruid des velds eten.

19 In het zweet uws aanschijns zult gij brood eten, totdat gij tot de aarde wederkeert, dewijl gij daaruit genomen zijt; want gij zijt stof, en gij zult tot stof wederkeren.

20 Voorts noemde Adam den naam zijner vrouw Heva, omdat zij een moeder aller levenden is.

21 En de HEERE God maakte voor Adam en zijn vrouw rokken van vellen, en toog ze hun aan.

22 Toen zeide de HEERE God: Ziet, de mens is geworden als Onzer een, kennende het goed en het kwaad! Nu dan, dat hij zijn hand niet uitsteke, en neme ook van den boom des levens, en ete, en leve in eeuwigheid.

23 Zo verzond hem de HEERE God uit den hof van Eden, om den aardbodem te bouwen, waaruit hij genomen was.

24 En Hij dreef de mens uit; en stelde cherubim tegen het oosten des hofs van Eden, en een vlammig lemmer eens zwaards, dat zich omkeerde, om te bewaren den weg van den boom des levens.




Apocalypse Explained#715



715. Having seven heads.- That this signifies the knowledge (scientia) of the holy things of the Word, which they have adulterated, and consequent insanity, but yet craftiness, is evident from the signification of head, as denoting intelligence and wisdom, and in the opposite sense insanity and folly, (concerning which see above, n. 553, 577, and that it also denotes craftiness, n. 577); and from the signification of seven, which denotes all men and all things, and is said of that which is holy (concerning which see above, n. 257), in this case therefore, of the holy things of the Word, which they have adulterated. As seven is used in reference to holy things, it is also, in the opposite sense, used in reference to those things when adulterated and profaned; for in the Word every expression has also an opposite sense, and the opposite of what is holy is what is profane. It is clear from these things that the seven heads, which the dragon was seen to have, do not mean heads, or seven, but the knowledge (scientia) of the holy things of the Word, which they have adulterated, and, consequent insanity, but yet craftiness.

[2] Insanity is signified by the head of the dragon, because the intelligence of the man of the church is from genuine truths from the Word. The truly human understanding is formed and perfected by means of natural, civil, moral, and spiritual truths, the interior understanding by means of spiritual truths, but the exterior by means of moral and civil truths; such therefore as the truths are, such is the understanding that is formed from them. All spiritual truths are from the Word, and make one with the good of love and of charity. When therefore a man places everything of the church and of heaven in faith, and separates the good of charity and of love from that faith, as those do who form the head of the dragon, as stated in the preceding article, then the interior understanding cannot be formed, consequently, instead of intelligence in spiritual things, they have insanity. For from a false principle falsities flow forth in a continual series, and, in consequence of the separation of the good of charity, they cannot possibly have any genuine truth, since all truth is of good, and in fact, is good in form. From this it is clear that the head of the dragon signifies insanity in spiritual things.

[3] The head of the dragon also signifies craftiness, because all those who form its head are merely natural and sensual, and if such have at the same time studied the Word and the doctrine of the church, and have seized upon falsities instead of truths, and have also confirmed these by knowledges (scientifice), they are crafty above all others. But this craftiness is not so manifest in the world as it is afterwards when they become spirits; for in the world they cover over their craftiness with external piety and feigned morality, which conceal it from view, but as the craftiness is in their spirit, it is plainly manifest when externals are removed, as is the case in the spiritual world. But it must be understood that the craftiness which is signified by the head of the dragon is craftiness in perverting the truths and goods of the Word by reasonings from fallacies and sophistries, also from persuasive things, by means of which the understanding is fascinated, thus by giving to falsities the appearance of truths. That this is the case is also evident from the serpent by which the first parents were seduced, which is said, "to have been more crafty than any wild beast of the field" (Genesis 3:1); for the signification of that serpent is similar to that of the dragon. Therefore the latter is also called "the old serpent that seduceth the whole world," in the ninth verse of this chapter.


Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.



Apocalypse Explained#553



553. And on their heads as it were crowns like gold.- That this signifies, that they appear to themselves, when they reason, to be wise and conquerors, is evident from the signification of head, which denotes wisdom and intelligence, of which we shall speak presently; and from the signification of a crown of gold, as denoting a reward of victory (see above, n. 358). A crown like gold signifies the reward of victory, because kings, in ancient times, when in combats with their enemies, wore crowns of gold upon their heads, besides various other insignia which were then the mark of kings. The reason was, that kings represented the Lord as to Divine Truth, and Divine Truth fights from Divine Good; this therefore was represented by a crown of gold, while wisdom itself and intelligence were represented by the head upon which the crown was. Hence crowns were assigned to martyrs, for they fought from Divine Truth against falsities from evil, which are from hell, and came off conquerors, because they maintained the combat even unto death which they feared not. From these things it is evident, that by [the locusts] having upon their heads as it were crowns like gold, is signified, that those who are sensual men, from the persuasion of falsity in which they are, appear to themselves to be wise and conquerors.

[2] Since the locusts are described as to their heads, their faces, and their breasts, upon which were breast-plates, and as to their tails, their hair and teeth, it is important that the signification of their heads and the rest should be known.

The head, in the Word, signifies wisdom and intelligence, because these reside in it; but when those are treated of who are not in any wisdom and intelligence, because in falsities from evil, then the head signifies folly and insanity, because falsities and evils are therein and therefrom. In the present case, however, as those who are sensual and in the persuasion of falsity are treated of, the head properly signifies folly and insanity, for they see falsities as truths, and evils as goods, being perpetually in visions from fallacies. It is therefore said of them, that "on their heads as it were crowns like gold, and their faces as the faces of men," and many things that follow, all of which were appearances originating in their fantasy, wherefore, it is said, "as it were crowns," and "like gold." It is evident, from this that those appearances were not real, but fallacious appearances. For all the appearances which exist in the heavens are real, because they are correspondences. For the interior things pertaining to the affections and thence thoughts of the angels, when they pass to the sight of their eyes, are clothed in forms such as appear in the heavens, and because they are visible, they are called appearances, and are said to be correspondences, and they are real because from creation. But the case is otherwise in regard to the appearances in some of the hells, where are those who are in persuasions of falsity from evil; from these persuasions fantastic visions exist, in which there is inwardly nothing real, therefore they also vanish away upon the influx of only a single ray from the light of heaven. Of such a nature are the appearances here related concerning the locusts. But concerning appearances in the spiritual world, as well real as not real, see Heaven and Hell 170-176); as also above in the explanation (n. 369, 395).


Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.