Mula sa Mga gawa ni Swedenborg


Arcana Coelestia # 9819

Pag-aralan ang Sipi na ito

/ 10837  

9819. 'And they shall make Aaron's garments' means through whom the spiritual kingdom exists. This is clear from the meaning of 'Aaron's garments' as a representative sign of the Lord's spiritual kingdom lying adjacent to His celestial kingdom, dealt with above in 9814. The reason why the wise at heart, filled with the spirit of wisdom, were to make those garments is that by these people those in the celestial kingdom are meant, and the spiritual kingdom is what springs from and so what covers that celestial kingdom like a garment next to the body, as also becomes clear from the things that have been stated in 9818.

/ 10837  

Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

Ang Bibliya


Psalms 103



1 Praise Yahweh, my soul! All that is within me, Praise his holy name!

2 Praise Yahweh, my soul, and don't forget all his benefits;

3 who forgives all your sins; who heals all your diseases;

4 who redeems your life from destruction; who crowns you with loving kindness and tender mercies;

5 who satisfies your desire with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.

6 Yahweh executes righteous acts, and justice for all who are oppressed.

7 He made known his ways to Moses, his deeds to the children of Israel.

8 Yahweh is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abundant in loving kindness.

9 He will not always accuse; neither will he stay angry forever.

10 He has not dealt with us according to our sins, nor repaid us for our iniquities.

11 For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great is his loving kindness toward those who fear him.

12 As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.

13 Like a father has compassion on his children, so Yahweh has compassion on those who fear him.

14 For he knows how we are made. He remembers that we are dust.

15 As for man, his days are like grass. As a flower of the field, so he flourishes.

16 For the wind passes over it, and it is gone. Its place remembers it no more.

17 But Yahweh's loving kindness is from everlasting to everlasting with those who fear him, his righteousness to children's children;

18 to those who keep his covenant, to those who remember to obey his precepts.

19 Yahweh has established his throne in the heavens. His kingdom rules over all.

20 Praise Yahweh, you angels of his, who are mighty in strength, who fulfill his word, obeying the voice of his word.

21 Praise Yahweh, all you armies of his, you servants of his, who do his pleasure.

22 Praise Yahweh, all you works of his, in all places of his dominion. Praise Yahweh, my soul!


Mula sa Mga gawa ni Swedenborg


Arcana Coelestia # 9543

Pag-aralan ang Sipi na ito

/ 10837  

9543. 'And the table shall be carried with them' means being thereby held firmly in being. This is clear from the meaning of 'being carried' as being brought into being and kept in being, dealt with above in 9540, thus also being held firmly in being; and from the meaning of 'the table' as the receptacle of heavenly blessings, dealt with in 9527. All this serves to describe the manner in which the inmost or third heaven receives good from the Lord; for the loaves of the Presence are heavenly good that comes from the Lord, and the table on which the loaves were laid is the receptacle of that good. But I am not allowed to present a detailed description of the nature of this reality, because the majority of the things that exist in the Lord's celestial kingdom lie beyond the range of human thought and almost beyond that of the angelic spirits who live in the lowest heaven. For everything in the Lord's celestial kingdom is founded on the good that belongs to love, and not on the truth that belongs to faith. The fact that those there also communicate with one another through forms of the good of love, and not through the truths of faith as those in the Lord's spiritual kingdom do, see the places referred to in 9277.

[2] The Lord's celestial kingdom is the inmost or third heaven, and within it there exist realities beyond comprehension or description, that is, things which have never entered anyone's mind, and which eye has not seen and ear has not heard, as everyone knows. For this reason those realities existing in that heaven are brought before the eyes of spirits below by means of objects that represent them, and from these representatives they form some idea of the incomprehensible and indescribable realities that exist there. The same realities were represented in the world by the ark, mercy-seat, cherubs, table on which the loaves of the Presence were laid, and the lampstand; and these objects serve to present visually all the realities in that kingdom. In like manner the dwelling-place and court of the tent, also the curtains and veils there, served to represent the realities existing in the Lord's spiritual kingdom, which is the second or middle heaven.

/ 10837  

Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.