Ang Bibliya


耶利米书 42



1 众军长和加利亚的儿子约哈难,并何沙雅的儿子耶撒尼亚(又名亚撒利雅,见四十三章二节)以及众百姓,从最小的到至的都进前来,

2 先知耶利米:求你准我们在你面前祈求,为我们这剩下的人祷告耶和华─你的我们本来众多,现在剩下的极少,这是你亲眼所见的。

3 耶和华─你的指示我们所当走的,所当做的事。

4 先知耶利米对他们:我已经见你们了,我必照着你们的祷告耶和华─你们的耶和华无论回答甚麽,我必都告诉你们,毫不隐瞒。

5 於是他们对耶利米我们若不照耶和华─你的差遣你来的一切行,愿耶和华我们中间作真实诚信的见证。

6 我们现在请你到耶和华我们面前,他说的无论是是歹,我们都必从;我们耶和华我们的话,就可以得福。

7 过了耶和华的临到耶利米

8 他就将加利亚的儿子约哈难和同着他的众军长,并众百姓,从最小的到至的都了来,

9 对他们耶和华以色列的,就是你们请我在他面前为你们祈求的,如此

10 你们若仍在这,我就建立你们,必不拆毁,栽植你们,并不拔出,因我为降与你们的灾祸後悔了。

11 不要你们所的巴比伦王。耶和华:不要他!因为我与你们同在,要拯你们脱离他的

12 我也要使他发怜悯,好怜悯你们,叫你们归回本地。

13 倘若你们:我们不在这,以致不耶和华─你们的话,

14 说:我们不,却要进入埃及,在那里不见争战,不见角声,也不致无食饥饿。我们必在那里。

15 你们所剩下的犹大人哪,现在要耶和华的。万军之耶和华以色列的如此:你们若定意要进入埃及,在那里寄居,

16 你们所惧的刀埃及必追上你们!你们所惧的饥荒在埃及要紧紧跟随你们!你们必在那里!

17 凡定意要进入埃及在那里寄居的必遭刀、饥荒、瘟疫,无一人存留,逃脱我所降与他们的灾祸。

18 万军之耶和华以色列的如此:我怎样将我的怒气和忿怒倾在耶路撒冷居民身上,你们进入埃及的时候,我也必照样将我的忿怒倾在你们身上,以致你们令人辱骂、惊骇、咒诅、羞辱,你们不得再见这地方

19 所剩下的犹大人哪,耶和华论到你们:不要进入埃及去。你们要确实地知道我今日警教你们了。

20 你们行诡诈自害;因为你们请我到耶和华─你们的那里,:求你为我们祷告耶和华我们,照耶和华我们一切所的告诉我们我们就必遵行。

21 我今日将这话告诉你们,耶和华─你们的为你们的事差遣我到你们那里说的,你们却一样没有听从。

22 现在你们要确实地知道,你们在所要去寄居之地必遭刀、饥荒、瘟疫






In general, birth order in the Bible reflects the progression of spiritual states, but the specifics of those states depends greatly on context: who the people in question are, and whether we’re talking about spiritual states as they flow to us from the Lord, or spiritual states as we advance through them to approach the Lord. For example, Esau was older than Jacob (by minutes, but it mattered), and as the elder represents a more internal spiritual state: the desire for good, and the ideas that flow from that desire. Jacob represents a more external state: the understanding of ideas that lead to good. The switched blessing, with Jacob getting the blessing Isaac meant for Esau, shows that to progress in life we need to put our understanding first for a while, though ultimately our loves will catch up and ultimately determine our true character. A similar thing happens when Jacob crosses his hands to give Ephraim, the younger of Joseph’s sons, the primary blessing over his older brother Manasseh. Both those cases describe blessings coming from the Lord, with the highest states coming from Him and extending down through lower states to get to us. There is a sort of opposite dynamic in the story of Leah and Rachel. There Jacob (representing the Lord himself, as a human, in His childhood) is advancing from more external states to more internal ones. In this case, then, the older daughter, Leah, represents a more external state which He had to work through to reach the more internal state represented by Rachael.