Från Swedenborgs verk


Arcana Caelestia #2135

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2135. Första Moseboken, Kapitel 18

Del 3 (2135–2893), Första Moseboken 18–22

Swedenborgs inledande företal – fortsättning.

Kapitlen 16–21 publicerades separat, och därför hör detta förord endast till kapitel 18. Red.

Vid slutet av föregående kapitel handlade det om Yttersta Domen, och det visades där vad som menas med denna – inte världens undergång, utan Kyrkans sista tid. När den förestår, säger Herren att Han skall komma i himlens skyar med makt och härlighet, Matteus 24:30; Markus 13:26; Lukas 21:27.

Ingen har hittills vetat vad som förstås med ’himlens skyar’, men för mig har det uppenbarats att med detta inte förstås annat än bokstavsmeningen i Ordet. Ty den invärtes meningen av Ordet inrymmer härligheten, eftersom allt i den handlar om Herren och Hans rike, se del 1, i nr 17691772. Något liknande betecknas med ’skyn’ eller ’molnet’, som omgav Petrus, Jakob och Johannes, när Herren uppenbarade Sig för dem i härlighet, varom det heter hos Lukas:

En röst hördes ur molnet: Detta är Min älskade Son. Lyssna till Honom! Men när rösten förtonat, stod Jesus där ensam.

Lukas 9:35-36.

Mose och Elia, som talade med Herren, förebildade där det Gamla Testamentets Ord, som också kallas Mose och Profeterna – med Mose hans böcker, ävensom de historiska, med ’profeten Elia’ alla profeterna. Med Petrus, Jakob och Johannes förebildades emellertid – såsom överallt annorstädes där de omnämns i evangelierna – tron och människokärleken samt det goda som är ett utflöde av människokärleken. Och med att endast de var närvarande vid detta tillfälle betecknades att inga andra kan se den Herrens härlighet, som finns i Hans Ord, än de hos vilka finns tro, trons människokärlek, och dess goda. Alla de andra kan väl också se, men de ser ändå inte, därför att de inte tror. Sådan är den invärtes meningen av dessa två ställen. Överallt hos profeterna förstås med ’sky’ eller ’moln’ Ordet i dess bokstav, och med ’härlighet’ Ordet i dess liv. Vad och hurdant Ordets invärtes mening är har berörts på många ställen och förklarats i anslutning till de enskilda orden. De skriftlärde var de som på Herrens tid allra minst trodde att det i Ordet fanns något skrivet om Herren. Våra dagars skriftlärde vet väl att så är fallet, men torde kanske minst av alla tro att någon annan härlighet finns i Ordet än den som kommer till synes i bokstaven – fastän bokstaven i själva verket är skyn, som härligheten innebor i.


Av detta kapitel framför allt kan man få klart för sig, hur den invärtes meningen i Ordet är beskaffad, och hur änglarna uppfattar Ordet när det läses av människan. Av den historiska bokstavsbetydelsen förstår man inte annat än att Jehovah visade sig för Abraham i gestalten av tre män och att Sarah, Abraham och hans tjänare lagade till mat för dem, nämligen kakor av finsiktat vetemjöl, en kalv och också smör och mjölk. Fast det är en historiskt sann skildring av vad som verkligen ägde rum, så uppfattas det inte på detta historiska sätt av änglarna. I stället förnimmer änglarna abstrakt, helt bortsett från bokstaven, det som förebildas och betecknas i andlig mening med sådana beskrivningar. Detta vill med andra ord säga att de förnimmer det så som det framställs nedan i Innehållet. I stället för olika historiska omständigheter som återges i detta kapitel förnimmer de tillståndet av Herrens förnimmelse i sitt Mänskliga, och också förbindelsen vid denna tid med det Gudomliga, innan den fullkomliga föreningen existerade av Hans Gudomliga Väsen med det Mänskliga och av Hans Mänskliga Väsen med Hans Gudomliga Väsen. Det är detta tillstånd som Herren avser när Han säger:

Ingen har någonsin sett Gud. Den Enfödde Sonen som är i Faderns sköte, Han har gjort Honom känd. Johan 1:18.

[2] Inte heller uppfattar änglarna de olika sorternas föda som omnämns i detta kapitel annat än som himmelsk och andlig godhet, som det ges en detaljerad förklaring över i detta kapitel. Och av vad som vidare sägs i kapitlet om en son som Sarah skulle föda på bestämd tid följande år förstår änglarna inte något annat än att Herrens mänskliga förnuftiga skulle bli Gudomligt. Om vad som anförs vid slutet av kapitlet om att Abraham talade med Jehovah om förstörelsen av Sodom och Gomorra förstår de inte något annat än Herrens medling för människosläktet. Med talen femtio, fyrtiofem, fyrtio, trettio, tjugo och tio förstår de Hans medling för dem hos vilka sanningar skulle vara förbundna med olika slag av godhet och för dem vilka hade olika slag av godhet genom frestelser och strider, eller genom andra tillstånd. Och deras uppfattning är densamma vad gäller allt annat i Ordet, vilket torde framgå än tydligare av förklaringen av de enskilda orden, där det visas att dylikt inbegrips i vartenda uttryck i Ordet, såväl i den historiska delen som i den profetiska delen.

[3] Att en sådan invärtes mening finns överallt i Ordet, vilken handlar blott om Herren, om Hans rike i himlen, om Hans Kyrka på jorden och särskilt om varje individ, och alltså handlar om de olika slag av godhet som hör till kärleken och de olika slag av sanning som hör till tron, torde också för var och en stå klart av det som citeras från Gamla Testamentets text i evangelierna, såsom hos Matteus:

Herren sade till Min Herre: Sätt Dig vid Min högra hand, till dess Jag lägger Dina fiender Dig till fotapall. Matteus 22:44; Psaltaren 110:1.

Att dessa ord syftar på Herren kan man inte utläsa av bokstavsmeningen på det anförda stället hos David. Men att likväl inte någon annan avses än Herren lär Han Själv på här citerade ställe hos Matteus.

[4] I samma evangelium:

Du Betlehem i Juda land är ingalunda ringast bland hövdingar i Juda, ty från dig skall komma en hövding, en herde för Mitt folk Israel. Matteus 2:6; Mika 5:2.

De som klänger sig fast vid bokstavsmeningen, såsom judarna gör, vet väl av denna att Herren skulle födas där. Men eftersom de väntar på en anförare och konung, som skall föra dem tillbaka till landet Kanaan, så förklarar de därför dessa ord efter bokstaven. Det vill säga att de med ’Juda land’ förstår landet Kanaan och med ’Mitt folk Israel’ Israels stammar, trots att de inte vet var de senare nu finns. Och med ’anföraren’ avser de ännu sin Messias. Men egentligen förstås med ’Juda’ och ’Israel’ annat än Juda och Israel – med ’Juda’ de som är himmelska och med ’Israel’ de som är andliga, i himlen och på jorden. Och med ’anföraren’ förstås Herren.

[5] I samma evangelium:

I Rama hördes en röst, gråt och högljudd klagan och mycken jämmer. Rakel begråter sina barn, hon låter inte trösta sig, ty de finns inte till. Matteus 2:18; Jeremia 31:15.

De som begränsar sig till bokstavsmeningen kan omöjligen fatta den mening som är den invärtes i dessa ord. Förekomsten av en dylik mening framstår emellertid tydligt i evangeliet självt. I samma evangelium:

Ut ur Egypten kallade Jag Min Son. Matteus 2:15; Hosea 11:1.

Hos Hosea heter det:

När Israel var pojke, älskade Jag honom, och ut ur Egypten kallade Jag Min Son. Ju mer de kallade på dem, desto mer drog de sig undan från deras åsyn. Och Jag lärde Efraim att gå. Hosea 11:13.

De som inte känner till att det finns en invärtes mening kan inte veta annat än att Jakob avses här när han drog in i Egypten, och hans efterkommande när de drog ut därifrån, och att med ’Efraim’ förstås Efraims stam, således detsamma som förekommer i de historiska delarna av Ordet. Av evangelistens Ord är det emellertid fullt klart att de betecknar Herren, men vad varje detalj står för skulle man omöjligen kunna veta, om det inte avslöjades med hjälp av den invärtes meningen.

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Lukas 9:35-36



35 Och ur skyn kom en röst som sade: »Denne är min Son, den utvalde; hören honom.»

36 Och i detsamma som rösten kom, funno de Jesus vara där allena. -- Och de förtego detta och omtalade icke för någon på den tiden något av vad de hade sett.


Från Swedenborgs verk


Doctrine of the Lord #35

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35. The Lord gradually put off the humanity taken on from the mother and put on a humanity from the Divine in Him, a humanity which is a Divine humanity and the Son of God. People know that the Lord had a Divine component and a human one — a Divine one from His Father Jehovah, and a human one from the virgin Mary. Consequently He was God and man, and so had a Divine essence and a human nature — a Divine essence from the Father, and a human nature from the mother. And because of that He was equal to the Father in respect to His Divinity, but less than the Father in respect to His humanity. People also know that He did not convert the human nature from the mother into Divine essence; neither did He commingle it with that essence, as the doctrine of faith named after Athanasius teaches. For human nature cannot be converted into Divine essence or be commingled with it.

[2] And yet, according to that same doctrine, the Divine took on a humanity, which is to say that He united Himself to it, like a soul to its body, even to the point that they were not two, but one person. It follows from this that He put off the humanity from the mother, which in itself was like the humanity of any other person, and thus material, and put on a humanity from the Father, which in itself is the same as the Divine itself, and thus essential, as a result of which the humanity, too, became Divine.

That is why the Prophets in the Word call the Lord Jehovah and God even in respect to His humanity, and that the Gospels in the Word call Him Lord, God, the Messiah or Christ, and the Son of God, in whom we are to believe, and by whom we can be saved.

[3] Now because the Lord initially had a humanity from the mother, which He gradually put off, therefore, when He was in the world, He had two states, one called His state of submission or kenosis, and one called His state of glorification or of union with the Divine called the Father. His state was one of submission whenever and as long as He was in a human state from the mother, and His state was one of glorification whenever and as long as He was in a human state from the Father.

In His state of submission He prayed to the Father as though praying to another than Himself, while in His state of glorification He spoke with the Father as though speaking with Himself. In the latter state He said that the Father was in Him and He in the Father, and that He and the Father were one. On the other hand, in His state of submission He underwent temptations or trials, suffered the cross, and prayed to the Father not to forsake Him. For the Divine cannot be tempted or tested, and still less suffer the cross.

It is now apparent from this that temptations or trials and continual victories in them — including the suffering of the cross, which was the last of the trials — were the means by which He completely overcame the hells and completely glorified His humanity, as we showed earlier.

[4] That the Lord put off His humanity from the mother and put on a humanity from the Divine in Him called the Father is apparent as well from the fact that whenever the Lord spoke with His own mouth to His mother, He did not call her mother, but woman. We find in the Gospels only three times that He spoke with His own mouth to His mother or about her, and we read then that twice He called her woman, and once that He did not acknowledge her as His mother.

Twice we read in John that He called her woman:

...the mother of Jesus said to Him, “They have no wine.” Jesus said to her, “What is that to you and Me, woman? My hour has not yet come.” (John 2:3-4)

Again in John:

Jesus, therefore, seeing (from the cross) His mother, and the disciple whom He loved standing by, said to His mother, “Woman, behold your son!” Then He said to the disciple, “Behold your mother!” (John 19:26-27)

And once we read in Luke that He did not acknowledge her:

It was reported to Him by some, who said, “Your mother and Your brothers are standing outside and wish to see You.” (Jesus) answering said to them, “My mother and My brothers are these who hear the word of God and do it.” (Luke 8:20-21, cf. Matthew 12:46-49, Mark 3:31-35)

In other places Mary is called His mother, but not by His mouth.

[5] This, too, is confirmed by the fact that He did not acknowledge Himself to be the son of David. For we read in the Gospels:

...Jesus asked (the Pharisees), saying, “What do you think regarding the Christ? Whose son is He?” They said to Him, “The son of David.” He said to them, “How then does David in the spirit call Him Lord, saying: ‘The Lord said to my Lord, “Sit at My right, till I make Your enemies Your footstool?” ’ If David calls Him Lord, then how is He his Son?” And no one was able to answer Him a word.... (Matthew 22:41-46, cf. Psalms 110:1, Mark 12:35-37, Luke 20:41-44)

It is apparent from this that in respect to His glorified humanity the Lord was neither the son of Mary nor the son of David.

[6] What His glorified humanity was like He showed to Peter, James and John when He was transfigured before them:

His face shone like the sun, and His garments were [as white] as the light.... And then a voice from out of the cloud said, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Hear Him!” (Matthew 17:1-8, cf. Mark 9:2-8, Luke 9:28-36)

The Lord also appeared to John “as the sun shining in its power” (Revelation 1:16).

[7] That the Lord’s humanity was glorified is clear from what we are told in the Gospels about His glorification. For example, in the following:

In John:

The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.... (He said,) “Father, glorify Your name.” A voice...came from heaven, “I have both glorified it and will glorify it again.” (John 12:23, 28)

Because the Lord was glorified gradually, therefore the text says, “I have both glorified it and will glorify it again.”

Again in John:

...after (Judas) had gone out, Jesus said, “Now the Son of Man is glorified, and God is glorified in Him.... ...God will also glorify Him in Himself, and glorify Him immediately.” (John 13:31-32)


Jesus...said: “Father, the hour has come. Glorify Your Son, that Your Son also may glorify You....” (John 17:1, 5)

And in Luke:

Ought not the Christ to have suffered this and to enter into His glory? (Luke 24:26)

This He said in regard to His humanity.

[8] The Lord said, “God is glorified in Him, ” “God will also glorify Him in Himself, ” and “Glorify Your Son, that Your Son may also glorify You.” The Lord said these things because the union was a reciprocal one of the Divine with the human and of the human with the Divine. That is why He also said, “I am in the Father and the Father in Me” (John 14:10-11), and “all mine are yours, and (all) yours are mine” (John 17:10). The result was a complete union.

The case is the same with every union. It is not complete unless it is a reciprocal one. Such is the nature also of the union of the Lord with a person and of a person with the Lord, as He teaches in John:

In that day you will know are in Me, and I in you. (John 14:20)

And elsewhere:

Abide in Me, and I in you.... He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit. (John 15:4-5)

[9] Since the Lord glorified His humanity, that is, made it Divine, therefore after death He rose on the third day with His whole body. This does not happen in the case of any other person; for a person rises only in respect to his spirit, and not in respect to his body.

That people might know and no one doubt that the Lord rose with His whole body, He not only said so through the angels who were at the sepulchre, but He also showed Himself in His human body to His disciples, saying to them, when they believed they were seeing a spirit,

See My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself. Touch Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have. And when He had said this, He showed them His hands and His feet. (Luke 24:39-40, cf. John 20:20).

And furthermore:

(Jesus) said to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and see My hands; and reach out your hand here and put it into My side. Do not be unbelieving, but believing.” Then Thomas...said..., “My Lord and my God!” (John 20:27-28)

[10] To confirm yet again that He was not a spirit but a man, the Lord said to His disciples,

“Have you any food here?” So they gave Him part of a broiled fish and some honeycomb. And He took it and ate in their presence. (Luke 24:41-43)

Since His body was now no longer a material one but an essential, Divine one, therefore He came to His disciples through closed doors (John 20:19, 26). And after they saw Him, He vanished out of their sight (Luke 24:31).

It was in such a state that the Lord was then taken up and sat at the right of God. For we are told in Luke:

It came to pass, as (Jesus) was blessing (His disciples), that He departed from them and was taken up into heaven. (Luke 24:51)

And in Mark:

...after (He) had spoken to them, He was taken up into heaven, and sat at the right of God. (Mark 16:19)

Sitting at the right of God symbolizes Divine omnipotence.

[11] Since the Lord rose into heaven and sat at the right of God, symbolizing Divine omnipotence, with His Divinity and humanity united into one, it follows that His human substance or essence was like His Divine substance or essence.

If a person were to think otherwise, it would be as though he thought that the Lord’s Divinity was taken up into heaven and sat at the right of God, but not at the same time His humanity, which is contrary to Scripture. It is also contrary to Christian doctrine, which teaches that in Christ God and man are like soul and body, and to separate them would be contrary to sound reason.

This union of Father and Son, or of the Divine with the human, is what is meant also in the following:

I came forth from the Father and have come into the world. Again, I leave the world and go to the Father. (John 16:28)

... I go away... and... go to Him who sent Me. (John 16:5, 7:33, cf. 16:16, 17:11, 13, 20:17)

If then you see the Son of Man ascend where He was before? (John 6:62)

No one has ascended into heaven but He who came down from heaven.... (John 3:13)

Everyone who is saved ascends into heaven, though not by his own power, but the Lord’s. The Lord alone ascended into heaven on His own.

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Published by the General Church of the New Jerusalem, 1100 Cathedral Road, Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania 19009, U.S.A. A translation of Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Domino, by Emanuel Swedenborg, 1688-1772. Translated from the Original Latin by N. Bruce Rogers. ISBN 9780945003687, Library of Congress Control Number: 2013954074.