

Mark 14:37



37 He came and found them sleeping, and said to Peter, "Simon, are you sleeping? Couldn't you watch one hour?

Från Swedenborgs verk


True Christianity #109

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109. A Supplement

All the churches that existed before the Lord's coming were symbolic churches. They could see divine truths only in shadow. After the Lord's coming into the world a church was instituted by him that saw divine truths - or rather was able to see divine truths - in full light. The difference between these churches is like the difference between evening and morning. In fact, in the Word the state of the church before the Lord's coming is called "evening" and the state of the church after his coming is called "morning. "

Before his coming into the world the Lord was of course present with people in the church, but only indirectly through angels who represented him. Since his coming he is now directly present with people in the church. In the world he added on a divine physical form that enables him to be present with people in the church.

The Lord's process of glorification was a transformation of the human nature that he took on in the world. The transformed human nature of the Lord is the divine physical form. A proof of this is that the Lord rose from the tomb with the whole body he had had in the world. Nothing was left in the tomb. Therefore he took with him from the tomb every aspect of his earthly human form. This is why after the resurrection he said to disciples who thought they were seeing a spirit, "See my hands and my feet, that it is I myself. Feel me and see; for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have" (Luke 24:37, 39). From these words it is clear that through the process of glorification his physical body became divine. Therefore Paul says, "All the fullness of divinity dwells physically in Christ" (Colossians 2:9); and John says that the Son of God, Jesus Christ, is the true God (1 John 5:20). From these teachings angels know that in all the spiritual world, only the Lord is a complete human being.

[2] The church recognizes that all the worship among the ancient Israelite and Jewish people was purely external and that it foreshadowed the inner worship the Lord initiated later on. It is recognized, then, that before the Lord's coming, worship was based on emblems and allegories that represented true worship in its proper form.

Now, the Lord was indeed seen among the ancients, for he says to the Jews, "Your father Abraham rejoiced that he would see my day, and he did see it and was glad. I tell you, I existed before Abraham did" (John 8:56, 58). But that was only a representation of the Lord, which involved angels, and therefore everything having to do with the church among the ancients became symbolic. After the Lord came into the world those symbolic representations disappeared. The inner reason for this is that through the divine physical form the Lord added on in the world, he enlightens not only our inner spiritual self but also our outer physical self. If both of these are not enlightened at the same time, we are in shadow, but when they are both enlightened at once we are in daylight.

If just our inner self is enlightened but not our outer self, or if just our outer self is enlightened but not our inner self, we are like people who are asleep and dreaming; soon after they wake up they remember their dream and make various false inferences based on it. We are also like sleepwalkers who think the things they see are in broad daylight.

[3] The difference between the state of the church before the Lord's coming and after it is like one person reading in moonlight and starlight and another person reading in sunlight. Obviously, the eye makes mistakes in that first type of light, a mere white light, but it does not make mistakes in the other type of light, which includes the colors of flame.

For this reason it is said of the Lord, "The God of Israel spoke, the Rock of Israel said to me, He was like a morning light when the sun arises, a morning without clouds" (2 Samuel 23:3-4). "The God of Israel" and "the Rock of Israel" are the Lord. Elsewhere it says, "The light of the moon will be like the light of the sun, and the light of the sun will be seven times as strong, like the light of seven days, on the day when Jehovah will bind up the brokenness of his people" (Isaiah 30:26). These words refer to the state of the church after the Lord's coming.

In brief, the state of the church before the Lord's coming was like an old woman with makeup on her face, who looks beautiful to herself because of the warm color of the makeup. The state of the church after the Lord's coming is like a young woman who is beautiful because of the blush of her own natural complexion.

The state of the church before the Lord's coming is like the skin from a piece of fruit - like an orange, an apple, a pear, or a grape - and like the taste of that skin. The state of the church after his coming is like the flesh of those types of fruit and like the taste of that flesh. And so on.

This is because ever since the Lord added on a divine physical form, he enlightens our inner spiritual self and our outer earthly self at the same time. When just our inner self is enlightened but not our outer self, a shadow is cast. The same is true when our outer self is enlightened but not our inner self.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.