

Daniel 2



1 Trong năm thứ hai đời vua Nê-bu-cát-nết-sa, vua thấy chiêm bao, thì trong lòng bối rối và mất giấc ngủ.

2 Vậy vua truyền đòi các đồng bóng, thuật sĩ, thầy bói, và người Canh-đê để cắt nghĩa chiêm bao cho vua. Họ bèn đến chầu trước mặt vua.

3 Vua nói cùng họ rằng: Ta đã thấy một chiêm bao; và lòng ta bối rối, muốn biết chiêm bao đó.

4 Những người Canh-đê nói cùng vua bằng tiếng A-ram rằng: Tâu vua, chúc vua sống đời đời! Xin thuật chiêm bao cho những kẻ tôi tớ vua, và chúng tôi sẽ giải nghĩa.

5 Vua trả lời cho những người Canh-đê rằng: Sự ấy đã ra khỏi ta. Nếu các ngươi không nói cho ta biết chiêm bao đó thể nào và lời giải nó làm sao, thì các ngươi sẽ bị phân thây, nhà các ngươi sẽ trở nên đống phân.

6 Nhưng nếu các ngươi tỏ chiêm bao và lời giải nó cho ta, thì các ngươi sẽ được lễ vật, phần thưởng, và vinh hiển lớn từ nơi ta. Các ngươi hãy tỏ cho ta chiêm bao đó và lời giải nó thế nào.

7 Họ tâu lại lần thứ hai rằng: Xin vua kể chiêm bao cho những kẻ tôi tớ vua, và chúng tôi sẽ cắt nghĩa.

8 Vua rằng: Ta biết chắc các ngươi tìm cách để huỡn thì giờ, vì các ngươi thấy sự ấy đã ra khỏi ta.

9 Nhưng, nếu các ngươi không tỏ cho ta biết chiêm bao, thì cũng chỉ có một luật cho các ngươi; vì các ngươi đã điều đình với nhau đem những lời giả dối bậy bạ nói cùng ta, cho đến ngày giờ sẽ thay đổi. Vậy, hãy nói chiêm bao cho ta, và ta sẽ biết rằng các ngươi có thể giải nghĩa được.

10 Những người Canh-đê tâu lại cùng vua rằng: Chẳng có người nào trên đất nầy có thể tỏ ra việc của vua; vì chẳng có vua nào, chúa nào, người cai trị nào đem việc như thế hỏi đồng bóng, thuật sĩ, hay người Canh-đê nào.

11 Vì sự vua đòi là hiếm có, và không ai có thể tỏ cho vua được, chỉ có các vì thần không ở với loài xác thịt.

12 Vậy nên vua phát tức mình và giận dữ lắm, bèn truyền mạng lịnh giết chết hết những bác sĩ của Ba-by-lôn.

13 Vậy mạng lịnh đó đã truyền ra; người ta hầu đem giết hết thảy những bác sĩ, lại tìm Ða-ni-ên cùng đồng bạn người để giết.

14 Bấy giờ Ða-ni-ên lấy sự khôn ngoan trí thức mà nói với A-ri-ốc, quan thị vệ của vua, đã đi ra đặng giết những bác sĩ của Ba-by-lôn.

15 Người cất tiếng nói cùng A-ri-ốc, quan thị vệ của vua, rằng: Sao lại có mạng lịnh nghiêm cấp dường ấy ra từ vua? A-ri-ốc bèn kể chuyện cho Ða-ni-ên rõ.

16 Tức thì Ða-ni-ên vào, xin vua cho mình một hạn nữa, hầu có thể giải nghĩa điềm chiêm bao đó cho vua.

17 Ðoạn, Ða-ni-ên trở về nhà, và tỏ sự ấy cho các bạn mình là Ha-na-nia, Mi-sa-ên và A-xa-ria.

18 Người xin họ cầu Ðức Chúa Trời ở trên trời dủ lòng thương xót họ về sự kín nhiệm nầy, hầu cho Ða-ni-ên và đồng bạn mình khỏi phải chết với những bác sĩ khác của Ba-by-lôn.

19 Vậy sự kín nhiệm được tỏ ra cho Ða-ni-ên trong sự hiện thấy ban đêm; Ða-ni-ên bèn ngợi khen Chúa trên trời.

20 Ðoạn Ða-ni-ên cất tiếng nói rằng: Ngợi khen danh Ðức Chúa Trời đời đời vô cùng! vì sự khôn ngoan và quyền năng đều thuộc về Ngài.

21 Chính Ngài thay đổi thì giờ và mùa, bỏ và lập các vua; ban sự khôn ngoan cho kẻ khôn ngoan, và sự thông biết cho kẻ tỏ sáng.

22 Chính Ngài tỏ ra những sự sâu xa kín nhiệm; Ngài biết những sự ở trong tối tăm và sự sáng ở với Ngài.

23 Hỡi Ðức Chúa Trời của tổ phụ tôi! Tôi cảm ơn và ngợi khen Ngài, vì Ngài đã ban cho tôi sự khôn ngoan và quyền phép, và bây giờ Ngài đã khiến tôi biết điều chúng tôi cầu hỏi Ngài, mà tỏ cho chúng tôi biết việc của vua.

24 Vậy nên Ða-ni-ên đến nhà A-ri-ốc, là người vua đã truyền cho diệt những bác sĩ của Ba-by-lôn; và nói cùng người như vầy: Ðừng diệt những bác sĩ của Ba-by-lôn; nhưng hãy đưa tôi vào trước mặt vua, thì tôi sẽ giải nghĩa điềm chiêm bao cho vua.

25 Bấy giờ A-ri-ốc vội vàng dẫn Ða-ni-ên đến trước mặt vua, và tâu cùng vua như vầy: Tôi đã tìm thấy một người trong những con cái Giu-đa bị bắt làm phu tù, người ấy sẽ cho vua biết sự giải nghĩa đó.

26 Vua cất tiếng nói cùng Ða-ni-ên, mà người ta vậy gọi là Bên-sơ-xát-sa, rằng: Quả thật rằng ngươi có thể tỏ cho ta biết điềm chiêm bao ta đã thấy, và lời giải nó chăng?

27 Ða-ni-ên ở trước mặt vua trả lời rằng: Sự kín nhiệm mà vua đã đòi, thì những bác sĩ, thuật sĩ, đồng bóng, thầy bói đều không có thể tỏ cho vua được.

28 Nhưng có một Ðức Chúa Trời ở trên trời tỏ ra những đều kín nhiệm; và đã cho vua Nê-bu-cát-nết-sa biết điều sẽ tới trong những ngày sau rốt. Vậy, chiêm bao của vua và các sự hiện thấy của đầu vua đã thấy trên giường mình là như vầy:

29 Hỡi vua, khi vua nằm trên giường, có những tư tưởng về sự xảy đến sau nầy, thì Ðấng hay tỏ sự kín nhiệm đã cho vua biết sự sẽ xảy đến.

30 Về phần tôi, sự kín nhiệm đó đã tỏ ra cho tôi, không phải vì tôi có sự khôn ngoan gì hơn người nào sống; nhưng để được giải nghĩa cho vua hiểu, và cho vua biết những ý tưởng trong lòng mình.

31 Hỡi vua, vua nhìn xem, và nầy, có một pho tượng lớn. Pho tượng đó to lớn và rực rỡ lạ thường; đứng trước mặt vua, và hình dạng dữ tợn.

32 Ðầy pho tượng nầy bằng vàng ròng; ngực và cách tay bằng bạc; bụng và vế bằng đồng;

33 ống chơn bằng sắt; và bàn chơn thì một phần bằng sắt một phần bằng đất sét.

34 Vua nhìn pho tượng cho đến khi có một hòn đó chẳng phải bởi tay đục ra, đến đập vào bàn chơn bằng sắt và đất sét của tượng, và làm cho tan nát.

35 Bấy giờ sắt, đất sét, đồng, bạc, và vàng đều cùng nhau tan nát cả; trở nên như rơm rác bay trên sân đạp lúa mùa họ, phải gió đùa đi, chẳng tìm nơi nào cho chúng nó; nhưng hòn đã đập vào pho tượng thì hóa ra một hòn núi lớn và đầy khắp đất.

36 Ðó là điềm chiêm bao. Bây giờ chúng tôi sẽ giải nghĩa ra trước mặt vua.

37 Hỡi vua, vua là vua các vua, vì Chúa trên trời đã ban nước, quyền, sức mạnh, và sự vinh hiển cho vua.

38 Ngài đã trao trong tay vua những con cái loài người, những thú đồng và chim trời, dầu chúng nó ở nơi nào, Ngài cũng đã làm cho vua được cai trị hết thảy; vậy vua là cái đầu bằng vàng.

39 Nhưng sau vua, sẽ dấy lên một nước khác, kém nước của vua; rồi một nước thứ ba, tức là đồng, sẽ cai quản khắp đất.

40 Lại có một nước thứ tư mạnh như sắt; vì sắt hay đập vỡ và bắt phục mọi vật, thì nước ấy cũng sẽ đập vỡ và nghiền nát như là sắt vậy.

41 Còn như vua đã thấy bàn chơn và ngón chơn nửa bằng đất sét nửa bằng sắt, ấy là một nước sẽ phải phân chia ra; nhưng trong nước đó sẽ có sức mạnh của sắt, theo như vua đã thấy sắt lộn với đất sét.

42 Những ngón chơn nửa sắt nửa đất sét, nước đó cũng nửa mạnh nửa giòn.

43 Vua đã thấy sắt lộn với đất sét, ấy là chúng nó lộn nhau bởi giống loài người; song không dính cùng nhau, cũng như sắt không ăn với đất sét.

44 Trong đời các vua nầy, Chúa trên trời sẽ dựng nên một nước không bao giờ bị hủy diệt, quyền nước ấy không bao giờ để co một dân tộc khác; song nó sẽ đánh tan và hủy diệt hết các nước trước kia, mà mình thì đứng đời đời;

45 Theo như vua đã xem thấy hòn đá đục ra từ núi, chẳng phải bởi tay, đã đập vỡ sắt, đồng, đất sét, bạc và vàng. Ðức Chúa Trời lớn đã cho vua biết sự sau nầy sẽ đến. Ðiềm chiêm bao nầy là thật, và lời giải nó là chắc chắn.

46 Bấy giờ vua Nê-bu-cát-nết-sa sấp mặt xuống, lạy Ða-ni-ên, và truyền dâng lễ vật cùng đồ thơm cho người.

47 Ðoạn, vua cất tiếng nói cùng Ða-ni-ên rằng: Quả thật, Ðức Chúa Trời các ngươi là Ðức Chúa Trời của các thần, và là Chúa của các vua; chính Ngài là Ðấng tỏ ra những sự kín nhiệm nầy.

48 Vua bèn tôn Ða-ni-ên lên sang trọng và ban cho người nhiều lễ vật trọng. Vua lập người cai trị cả tỉnh Ba-by-lôn, và làm đầu các quan cai những bác sĩ của Ba-by-lôn.

49 Ða-ni-ên cầu xin vua, thì vua lập Sa-đơ-rắc, Mê-sác và A-bết-Nê-gô cùng cai trị tỉnh Ba-by-lôn, còn Ða-ni-ên thì chầu nơi cửa vua.


Från Swedenborgs verk


Apocalypse Revealed #717

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1. Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and spoke with me, saying to me, "Come, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters,

2. with whom the kings of the earth committed whoredom, and the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk with the wine of her licentiousness."

3. So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness. And I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast which was full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.

4. The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her licentiousness.

5. And on her forehead a name was written: Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of the Whoredoms and Abominations of the Earth.

6. And I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the witnesses of Jesus. And when I saw her, I wondered with great wonder.

7. But the angel said to me, "Why do you wonder? I will tell you the mystery of the woman and of the beast that carries her, which has the seven heads and the ten horns.

8. The beast that you saw was, and is not, and will ascend out of the abyss and go to destruction. And those who dwell on the earth will marvel, those whose names have not been written in the Lamb's Book of Life from the foundation of the world, when they see the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.

9. This is the mind which has wisdom: The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits.

10. They are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet come. And when he comes, he must remain a short time.

11. And the beast that was, and is not, is itself the eighth, and is of the seven, and is going to destruction.

12. The ten horns which you saw are ten kings that have not yet received a kingdom, but receive authority as kings for one hour with the beast.

13. These are of one mind, and they will give their power and authority to the beast.

14. These will do battle with the Lamb, but the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings; and those who are with Him are called, chosen, and faithful."

15. Then he said to me, "The waters that you saw, where the harlot sits, are peoples and multitudes, nations and tongues.

16. And the ten horns which you saw on the beast, these will hate the harlot, make her desolate and naked, eat her flesh and burn her with fire.

17. For God has put it into their hearts to carry out His purpose, and to be of one mind and give their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled.

18. And the woman whom you saw is the great city which holds sway over the kings of the earth."


The Contents of the Whole Chapter

The subject is the Roman Catholic religion. Described is the way in which it falsified the Word and so perverted all the church's truths (verses 1-7). How it falsified these and perverted them among peoples subject to its dominion (verses 8-11), but less among peoples who had not so subjected themselves to its dominion (verses 12-15).

Regarding the Protestant Reformed, that they had withdrawn themselves from the yoke of its domination (verse 16, 17). Its continuing domination anyway (verse 18).

The Contents of the Individual Verses:

Verse ContentsSpiritual Meaning
1. Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and spoke with me,Influx now and a revelation from the Lord from the inmost of heaven about the Roman Catholic religion,
saying to me, "Come, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters,a revelation about that religion as regards its profanations and adulterations of the Word's truths,
2. with whom the kings of the earth committed whoredom,that it adulterated the church's goods and truths that it had from the Word.
and the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk with the wine of her licentiousness."Its insanity in spiritual matters owing to the adulteration of the Word among those immersed in that religion.
3. So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness.John's being carried away in a spiritual state to people in whom everything of the church had been destroyed.
And I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast which was full of names of blasphemy,That religion resting on the Word that they profaned.
having seven heads and ten horns.Their intelligence gained from the Word, at first reverent, later abandoned, and at last irrational, and their continued great power drawn from the Word.
4. The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet,The celestial Divine good and truth contained in the Word among them.
and adorned with gold and precious stonesThe spiritual Divine good and truth contained in the Word among them.
and pearls,The concepts of goodness and truth contained in the Word among them.
having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her licentiousness.That religion derived from the sacred contents of the Word profaned, and from its goods and truths defiled by dreadful falsities.
5. And on her forehead a name was written: Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of the Whoredoms and Abominations of the Earth.The Roman Catholic religion such as it is interiorly, which is concealed, that from its origin, springing from a love of exercising dominion from a love of self over the sanctities of the church and over heaven, thus over everything connected with the Lord and His Word, it defiled and profaned things having to do with the Word and so with the church.
6. And I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the witnesses of Jesus.That religion irrational because of its adulterating and profaning the Divine truths and goods of the Lord, of the Word, and so of the church.
And when I saw her, I wondered with great wonder.Astonishment that that religion is of such a character interiorly, when indeed it appears otherwise outwardly.
7. But the angel said to me, "Why do you wonder? I will tell you the mystery of the woman and of the beast that carries her, which has the seven heads and the ten horns.A disclosure of the symbolic meaning of the preceding events and scenes.
8. The beast that you saw was, and is not,The Word among them acknowledged as holy, and yet really not acknowledged.
and will ascend out of the abyss and go to destruction.The laity's and common people's being given the Word and reading it deliberated several times in the papal Consistory, but rejected.
And those who dwell on the earth will marvel, those whose names have not been written in the Lamb's Book of Life from the foundation of the world, when they see the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.The astonishment of those who belong to that religion, of all those who from its commencement strove for dominion over heaven and earth, that even though the Word had been thus rejected, still it endures.
9. This is the mind which has wisdom:This is the interpretation in the natural sense, but intended for people who have the spiritual meaning from the Lord.
The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits. 10. They are also seven kings.The Divine goods and truths in the Word on which that religion was founded, in time destroyed and finally profaned.
Five have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet come. And when he comes, he must remain a short time.The Word's Divine truths have all been destroyed but this one, that the Lord was given all authority in heaven and on earth, and a second one, which has not yet been called into question, and when it is, will not survive, namely, that the Lord's humanity is Divine.
11. And the beast that was, and is not, is itself the eighth, and is of the seven, and is going to destruction.The Word, as mentioned previously, is Divine good itself and Divine truth, and it has been taken from the laity and common people to keep the Roman Catholic hierarchy's profanations and adulterations of it from appearing, and the people's turning away on that account.
12. The ten horns which you saw are ten kings that have not yet received a kingdom,The Word as to the power it has from Divine truths among Roman Catholics who live in France and are not so much under the yoke of papal dominion, who nevertheless have not yet formed among them therefore a church separate from the Roman Catholic religion.
but receive authority as kings for one hour with the beast.The Word has force with them, and through the Word they prevail, as though they possessed its Divine truths.
13. These are of one mind, and they will give their power and authority to the beast.They unanimously acknowledge that the only means of government and dominion over the church is through the Word.
14. These will do battle with the Lamb, but the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings;The Lord's battle with them over an acknowledgment of His Divine humanity, because the Lord in that humanity is God of heaven and earth and also the Word.
and those who are with Him are called, chosen, and faithful."People who turn to the Lord and worship Him alone are those who go to heaven, both those concerned with the external elements of the church and those concerned with its internal and inmost elements.
15. Then he said to me, "The waters that you saw, where the harlot sits, are peoples and multitudes, nations and tongues.Under papal dominion, but caught up in various ways in that religion's adulterated and profaned truths of the Word, are peoples of a varying doctrine and discipline, and of a varying religion and confession of it.
16. And the ten horns which you saw on the beast, these will hate the harlot,The Word as to the power it has from Divine truths among Protestants, who have thrown off entirely the yoke of papal dominion.
make her desolate and naked,They will rid themselves of its falsities and evils.
eat her flesh and burn her with fire.They will with hatred condemn and destroy in themselves the evils and falsities inherent in that religion, and will renounce the religion itself and expunge it in themselves.
17. For God has put it into their hearts to carry out His purpose, and to be of one mind and give their kingdom to the beast,A judgment among them from the Lord that they should utterly repudiate and renounce the Roman Catholic religion and expunge and eradicate it in themselves, and a unanimous judgment that they should acknowledge the Word and found the church on it.
until the words of God are fulfilled.Until all the things foretold about them have been fulfilled.
18. And the woman whom you saw is the great city which holds sway over the kings of the earth."The Roman Catholic religion will reign as to doctrine in the Christian world, and to some extent still also among the Protestant Reformed, even though the latter are not under papal dominion.


The Protestant Reformed were the subject before this in chapters 7-16. The subject now in this chapter and the next is Roman Catholics, and those among them who claim for themselves the power of opening and closing heaven are meant by Babylon. We must first say here, therefore, what Babylon means specifically.

Babylon or Babel means a love of ruling over the sanctities of the church stemming from a love of self, and because this love increases to the degree it is given free rein, and the sanctities of the church are also the sanctities of heaven, therefore Babylon or Babel symbolizes dominion over heaven as well.

Moreover, because this love thus plays the part of the devil, who aspires to similar ends, it cannot help but profane sacred things by adulterating the Word's goods and truths. Consequently Babylon or Babel also symbolizes the profanation of what is sacred and the adulteration of the Word's goodness and truth.

These are the symbolic meanings of Babylon here in the book of Revelation, and of Babel in the following places in the prophetic and historical Word:

(Regarding) Babel... Behold, the day of Jehovah is coming, cruel...., ...the stars of heaven and their constellations do not give their light; the sun has been darkened in its rising, and the moon does not cause its light to shine....

"I will halt the arrogance of the proud, and will lay low the haughtiness of the violent...."

Babel, the glory of kingdoms..., will be as God's overthrowing of Sodom and Gomorrah... Ziyyim 1 will lie down there, their houses will be full of 'ochim, 2 and the offspring of owls will dwell there, and satyrs will caper there. 'Iyyim 3 will reply in her palaces, and dragons in her pleasant palaces. (Isaiah 13:1, 9-11, 19, 21-22)

[2] Not to mention many other declarations throughout that chapter. will take up this parable regarding the king of Babel...:

"Your magnificence has been brought down into hell....

." are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer... have said in your heart, "I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God...; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High." Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol....

...I will rise up against them... and cut off from Babel the name and remnant...." (Isaiah 14:4, 11-15, 22)

[3] Not to mention many other declarations throughout that chapter.

...Jehovah spoke against Babel...: "Your mother was deeply ashamed; she who bore you was ashamed. Behold, the last of the nations shall be a wilderness, a dry land and a solitude....

"Put yourselves in array against Babel all around..., shoot at her, spare no arrows....

"How Babel has become a desolation among the nations!

."..she has behaved insolently against Jehovah, against the Holy One of Israel....

"A drought is against her waters, so that they are dried up. For it is the land of carved images, and glories in shocking things.

"Therefore ziyyim shall dwell there with 'iyyim, and the offspring of owls shall dwell in it..., as in God's overthrowing Sodom and Gomorrah...." (Jeremiah 50:1, 12, 14, 23, 29, 31, 38-40)

[4] Not to mention may other declarations regarding Babel in that chapter.

"Babel was a golden cup in Jehovah's hand, that made all the earth drunk. The nations drank of her wine; therefore (they) are demented....

"Forsake her..., for her judgment reaches to heaven and rises up to the clouds....

"Behold, I am against you, O destroying mountain, that destroys all the earth... I will... roll you down from the rocks, and make you a burnt mountain....

"I will visit judgment on Bel in Babel, I will take the chewed food out of his mouth, so that the nations do not stream to him anymore. The wall of Babel also shall fall....

."..behold, the days are coming when I will visit judgment on the carved images of Babel, so that her whole land is ashamed....

"If Babel were to mount up to heaven, and if she were to fortify the height of her strength, yet from Me would come destroyers....

"Indeed, I will make drunk her princes and wise men, her leaders and her prefects..., so that they sleep the sleep of an age and do not awake...." (Jeremiah 51:7, 9, 25, 44, 47, 53, 57)

[5] Not to mention many other declarations throughout that chapter regarding Babel.

"Come down and sit in the dust, O virgin daughter of Babylon; sit on the ground, without a throne... Take a millstone and grind meal... Uncover the thigh, pass through the rivers. Your nakedness shall be uncovered..., your shame will be seen....

"You said, 'I shall be a lady forever,' did not remember the end....

"You trusted in your wickedness; you said, 'No one sees me.' Your wisdom and your knowledge led you astray, when you said in your heart, 'I am, and there is no one else besides me'....

"Ruin shall come upon you suddenly, without your knowing.

"Persist... in your enchantments, in the multitude of your sorceries, in which you have labored from your youth. Perhaps they will possibly be of some use, perhaps you will become fearsome." (Isaiah 47:1-3, 7, 10-12)

Not to mentioned many other declarations regarding Babel in that chapter.

[6] Similar qualities are symbolically meant by the city in Genesis 11:1-9 and by the tower whose top was in heaven, which the people coming from the east into the valley of Shinar began to build, people whose languages Jehovah, descending from heaven, confused, because of which the place was named Babel (confusion).

[7] Similar qualities are symbolically meant by the following things in Daniel:

By the statue that Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babel, saw, whose feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, which the stone cut without hands struck and broke in pieces, and all the pieces of the statue became like chaff on the threshing floors, and the stone became a great rock (Daniel 2:31-47).

By the great statue that Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babel, made, and commanded that people fall down before it and worship it, and that whoever did not do so would be cast into the fiery furnace (Daniel 3:1-7ff.).

By the tree growing until its height reached heaven and it was visible to the end of the earth, which a watcher and holy one, coming down from heaven, ordered to be chopped down, stripped, cut up, and scattered; and because it represented the king of Babel, it came to pass that he was driven from mankind, dwelled with beasts, and ate grass like an ox (Daniel 4).

By Belshazzar, king of Babel, in company with his lords, wives and concubines, and his drinking wine from the gold and silver vessels of the temple in Jerusalem and praising the gods of gold, silver, bronze, iron and stone, on which account the writing appeared on the wall and on that very day the king himself was slain (Daniel 5).

By the edict of Darius the Mede, king of Babel, that for thirty days no one petition anything from God or man, but from the king alone, or else be cast into a den of lions (Daniel 6:7-28).

And by the four beasts that Daniel saw come up from the sea, the fourth of which was dreadful and strong, and having huge iron teeth, it devoured and broke in pieces, and trampled the residue with its feet; and judgment was set then, and the books were opened, and the beast was slain and its body given to the burning flame; and then one like the Son of Man was seen, coming with the clouds of heaven, to whom was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, and all people, nations and tongues will worship Him, His dominion being an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and His kingdom one which shall not be destroyed (Daniel 7:1-14).


1. A Hebrew word (צִיִּים), appearing six times in the Old Testament (Psalms 72:9; 74:14). It seems to refer to desert dwellers, and in contexts suggesting animals, to desert creatures, but the actual identity is unknown. It may not be a precise term.

2. Another Hebrew word (אֹחִים), appearing only once in the Old Testament. Isaiah 13:21 identifies them as birds of the night.

3. Another Hebrew word (אִיִּים), appearing only three times in the Old Testament (Isaiah 13:22; 34:14)

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Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.



Psalms 72:9



9 Those who dwell in the wilderness shall bow before him. His enemies shall lick the dust.