

Jeremias 47:4



4 pro adventu diei in quo vastabuntur omnes Philisthiim, et dissipabitur Tyrus et Sidon, cum omnibus reliquis auxiliis suis : depopulatus est enim Dominus Palæstinos, reliquias insulæ Cappadociæ.

Från Swedenborgs verk


De Sensu Interno Librorum Propheticorum et Psalmorum Davidis #113

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Versus | Res

Jeremias 47:1-7; Quod omnes qui in sola fide sic dicta 1 illabuntur in mera falsa, usque ut illis non cognitiones veri et boni; et quod die judicii perituri sint. {3, 15}


1. illabuntur nisi legeris "illabantur" quod habet manuscriptum."

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This Latin text was written by Swedenborg in 1761. It was first printed 12 years after Swedenborg's death, in 1784. An 1860 printing was edited by Tafel, probably by the Swedenborg Society in London ( We're not sure of the provenance of this text, and are researching it further. We received most of this text from the NewSearch project of the Academy of the New Church (, and the front matter courtesy of the Heavenly Doctrines Publishing Foundation (