Deuteronomium 11:4



4 En wat Hij gedaan heeft aan het heir der Egyptenaren, aan deszelfs paarden en aan deszelfs wagenen; dat Hij de wateren van de Schelfzee boven hun aangezicht deed overzwemmen, als zij ulieden van achteren vervolgden; en de HEERE verdeed hen, tot op dezen dag.

Kommentar till denna vers  

Av Alexander Payne

Verse 4. And how He broke the power of the natural unregenerate principle, which loves the life of the world more than the life of heaven in the soul, with the false reasonings and doctrines thence derived; how He permitted the waters of temptation and affliction to surround the soul, by which the emptiness of these things was made apparent, and by which they were overwhelmed as they attempted to prevent the deliverance of spiritual faculties of the soul; and how the Divine goodness has destroyed them out of the soul, as in the present state;