

Deuteronomy 32:42



42 I will make my arrows drunk with blood. My sword shall devour flesh with the blood of the slain and the captives, from the head of the leaders of the enemy."

സ്വീഡൻബർഗിന്റെ കൃതികളിൽ നിന്ന്


Arcana Coelestia #10604

ഈ ഭാഗം പഠിക്കുക

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10604. 'And I will write on the tablets the words that were on the first tablets which you broke' means the Divine celestial and spiritual realities belonging to the interior level of these three entities, which are present also in those external things. This is clear from the meaning of these 'tablets' as the outward or external things of the Word, the Church, and worship, dealt with above in 10603; and from the meaning of 'the words' which Jehovah wrote on them as Divine things on an interior level, thus those composing the inward or internal sense, dealt with in 10453, 10461, which appear before the angels in heaven, in the light there, and are therefore called celestial and spiritual realities. The celestial realities there are those of love, and the spiritual ones are those of faith springing from love. From all this it is evident that 'I will write on the tablets the words that were on the first tablets which you broke' means that the Divine celestial and spiritual realities belonging to the interior level of the Word, the Church, and worship are present also in those external things. For the nature of all this, see what has been shown in the previous paragraph.

[2] Since at the present day the fact that the Word contains an internal sense, and indeed what the internal sense of the Word is, are completely unknown, a further brief statement must be made regarding it. The ideas constituting angels' thought are not natural, as those constituting men's are; instead they are spiritual. But it is difficult for anyone to grasp what their spiritual ideas are like unless he thinks and reflects on a more internal level about his own thoughts as they are in their first beginnings. They then exist without the words of language, as is recognized from their being of such a nature that a person can grasp in an instant more than can be expressed by an utterance made in any space of time. Ideas such as these composing thought belong to the person's spirit. But the ideas that a person grasps and that pass into words are natural ones, which the learned call material, whereas the former, that is, those existing on a more internal level, are called spiritual, and by the learned immaterial. A person enters into these ideas after death, when he becomes a spirit, and uses them to converse with other spirits. A correspondence exists between these ideas and natural ones, and through that correspondence spiritual ideas are converted into natural ones when the person speaks. The person is not conscious of this because he does not stop to reflect on it, nor are any capable of reflecting on it except those who think on a more internal level, that is, on that of their spirit separately from the body. This is something that people whose minds do not rise above the level of the senses cannot do at all.

[3] Now since a correspondence exists between spiritual thought and natural thought, and since angels' thought is spiritual, that which man perceives on a natural level the angels perceive on a spiritual one; and they do so in an instant without any reflection on the difference. This happens in particular when a person reads the Word or has thoughts inspired by the Word; for the Word has been written in such a way that a correspondence exists in every single part, as when for example a person reads these words of the Lord in Matthew,

After the affliction of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn; and they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and glory. Matthew 24:29-30.

[4] The angels understand these words altogether differently from man. By 'the sun' which will be darkened they do not understand the sun but love to the Lord; nor by 'the moon' do they understand the moon but faith in the Lord, nor by 'the stars' the stars but cognitions or knowledge of goodness and truth. By 'the Son of Man' they understand the Lord in respect of Divine Truth, and 'the tribes of the earth' all the truths of the Church; by 'the clouds of heaven' they understand the Word in the literal sense, and 'power and glory' the Word in the internal sense. Angels come, through correspondence, instantaneously into this understanding of these words when a person reads them. Nor do they know that the person's thoughts then are of the sun, moon, stars, clouds of heaven, and all the rest. The reason for this is that angels' ideas are spiritual, and spiritual ideas are such that objects belonging to the natural order are converted into realities seen in heavenly light, which is Divine Truth from the Lord.

[5] A further reason why angels perceive the Word in that kind of way when a person reads it is that angels are present with a person, residing in his affections, while the person as to his spirit lives in association with spirits, and as to his more internal thought, which is spiritual, with the angels of heaven. From this also comes the person's ability to think.

These things have been mentioned in order that people may know what the internal sense of the Word is or what the interior things of the Word, the Church, and worship are, which are called celestial and spiritual realities.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

സ്വീഡൻബർഗിന്റെ കൃതികളിൽ നിന്ന്


Arcana Coelestia #10453

ഈ ഭാഗം പഠിക്കുക

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10453. 'And the tablets were the work of God, and the writing was the writing of God, engraved on the tablets' means the outward sense of the Word and the inward - which come from the Divine - and Divine Truth. This is clear from the meaning of 'the tablets' as the Word in its entirety, dealt with immediately above in 10452, but at this point the outward form of the Word, dealt with below; from the meaning of 'the work of God' as its coming from the Divine; from the meaning of 'the writing' as the inward form of the Word, also dealt with below, so that 'the writing of God' is the inward form of the Word coming from the Divine, and thus is Divine Truth; and from the meaning of 'engraved on the tablets' as the inward impressed on and so contained within the outward.

[2] The reason why the tablets here mean the outward form of the Word is that they are distinguished here from the writing, which is its inward form; but when they are not distinguished from the writing they mean the inward and the outward forms of the Word together, thus the Word in its entirety, as above in 10452. They are distinguished here because these tablets were broken, but nevertheless the same words were afterwards inscribed by Jehovah on the other tablets which were hewn by Moses. The outward form of the Word is its literal sense, the inward form is its internal sense. The former - the literal sense - is meant by 'the tablets', because this sense is like a tablet or level surface on which the internal sense is inscribed.

[3] The breaking by Moses of the tablets which were the work of God, when he saw the calf and the dances, and the hewing by Moses, as commanded by Jehovah, of other tablets, which then had the same words inscribed on them (so that the tablets were no longer the work of God but the work of Moses, though the writing was still the writing of God), hold an arcanum unknown up to now. The arcanum is that the literal sense of the Word would have been different if the Word had been written among another people, or if the character of the Israelite people had not been such as it was. For the literal sense of the Word is all about that people since the Word was written among them, as is evident from both the historical sections and the prophetical parts of the Word. They were a people steeped in evil because they were idolatrous at heart; yet in order that the internal sense and the external sense might be in agreement that people had to be highly acclaimed, and to be called God's people, a holy nation, and a peculiar treasure. Consequently the simple, who would be taught by means of the outward sense of the Word, would believe that that nation was all those things, as that nation itself also believes, and indeed as the majority in the Christian world do at the present day. Most of the things furthermore that present themselves in and constitute the outward sense of the Word were ones that were permitted on account of their hardness of heart, such as those referred to in Matthew 19:8 and also others which need not be mentioned here.

[4] Since therefore the literal sense of the Word came to be what it was because of what those people were like, the tablets which were the work of God were broken and others, as commanded by Jehovah, were hewn by Moses. But since they nevertheless had the same holy and Divine content within them the same words as were on the first tablets were inscribed by Jehovah on them, as is evident from the following verses in Moses,

Jehovah said to Moses, Hew for yourself two tablets of stone like the first ones, and I will write on the tablets the words that were on the first tablets which you broke. And Jehovah wrote on those tablets the words of the covenant, the Ten Words. Exodus 34:1, 4, 28.

And elsewhere,

At that time Jehovah said to me, Hew for yourself two tablets of stone like the first ones, and I will write on the tablets the words that were on the first tablets which you broke. And Jehovah wrote on the tablets according to the first writing, the Ten Words. Afterwards Jehovah gave them to me. Deuteronomy 10:1-4.

[5] The fact that Jehovah did not acknowledge that people as His own people - even though they were called such so that the inward sense would accord with the outward - but as Moses' people is clear from the present chapter,

Your people have corrupted themselves, whom you caused to come up out of the land of Egypt. Go! lead the people to what I have spoken of to you. Exodus 32:7, 34.

And further on,

And Jehovah spoke to Moses, Go up, you and the people whom you have caused to come up out of the land of Egypt, to the land of which I swore to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And I will send an angel before you, for I will not go up in your midst because you 1 are a stiff-necked people. Exodus 33:1-3.

[6] The like is meant by Moses' being put in the hole of the rock, and his not being allowed to see Jehovah's face, but only His back parts, Exodus 33:22-23. The like is also meant, when the skin on Moses' face shone, by his putting a veil onto his face whenever he talked to the children of Israel, Exodus 34:30-35. What the character of that people would be is foretold by Jehovah to Abram, when he wanted his seed to inherit the land of Canaan, where it is stated that after Abram had parted down the middle the three year old heifer, the three year old she-goat, and the three year old ram, which served for entering into a covenant,

A deep sleep came over Abram, and behold, a dread of a great darkness was coming over him. And when the sun went down there was thick darkness, and behold, a smoking furnace, and a flaming torch which passed between these pieces. Genesis 15:8, 9, 12, 17.


1. The Latin means that [people] but the Hebrew means you, which Swedenborg has in other places where he quotes this verse.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.