

Józsué 17:8



8 Manasséé volt Tappuah földe, de Tappuah a Manassé határa felé az Efraim fiaié vala.

സ്വീഡൻബർഗിന്റെ കൃതികളിൽ നിന്ന്


Apocalypse Explained #676

ഈ ഭാഗം പഠിക്കുക

/ 1232  

676. And there were killed in the earthquake names of men seven thousand, signifies that in that change of state all truths of good with them perished, and thus all things of heaven and the church. This is evident from the signification of "to be killed," as being to be killed spiritually, which is to perish by evils and falsities (See above, n. 315, 547, 572, 589); also from the signification of "earthquake," as being a change of state of the interiors with those who are of the church (See above, n. 674); also from the signification of "the names of men," as being the truths of good and the consequent understanding of truth (of which presently); and from the signification of "seven thousand," as being all things of heaven and the church, for "seven" signifies all things, and is predicated of the holy things of heaven and the church (of the signification of this number see above, n. 257; and its signification is retained when it is multiplied by ten, or one hundred, or one thousand, for these numbers signify all things. From this it can be seen that "there were killed in the earthquake names of men seven thousand" signifies that in that change of state all truths of good perished, and thus all things of heaven and the church.

[2] That "the names of men" signify the truths of good and the consequent understanding of truth can be seen from the signification of "name," as being the quality of a thing or state with man; and from the signification of "man," as being intelligence, thus also the understanding of truth. "Name" signifies the quality of a thing or state with man because in the spiritual world there are no names of persons as in the natural world. In the spiritual world all are named according to the quality of their life, thus with a difference within societies and out of them. Within the societies the quality of each one's state of life is constant, for each one there dwells in a quarter and also at a distance from the center according to the quality of his affection and of his intelligence; therefore his name is in accord with this quality. When, therefore, the name of anyone in a society is heard his quality is also recognized. This is why "name" signifies in the spiritual sense the quality of a thing and of a state of life. But outside of societies this naming according to one's state of life is not constant; for before a man-spirit enters into any society he passes through many states in order that he may put off the things that disagree with his ruling love and put on such as agree with it, and yet everyone is named according to the state in which he is, and also according to the idea and perception of what his state is. That names in the spiritual world are uttered spiritually may be seen above n. 102; therefore "name" signifies in the Word what the state of the life is n. 148. So, too, "the name of Jehovah" and "the name of the Lord" signify all things by which He is worshipped, thus all things of love and faith (n. 102, 135); and "man" signifies in the Word the spiritual affection of truth, and thence the understanding of truth (n. 280, 546). From this it is clear what "the names of men" signify.

[3] Why the truths of good and thus the understanding from them were destroyed by the notable change of state which was signified by "a great earthquake" has been told in the preceding article, namely, that at the end of the church, when the Last Judgment is at hand, those who are spiritually good are taken away from those who are only naturally good; and when this is done, then also from the latter all truths of good and consequently all understanding of truth are also taken away; for with the natural, who are destitute of anything spiritual, truths and goods reside in their externals, but falsities and evils in their internals; therefore when the good with whom they had communication as to externals are taken away the externals also are taken away and the internals are disclosed, and these, as has been said, are filled with mere falsities of evil. This is why these words signify that all truths of good and all understanding of truth perished with those who remained.

/ 1232  

Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.

സ്വീഡൻബർഗിന്റെ കൃതികളിൽ നിന്ന്


Arcana Coelestia #1664

ഈ ഭാഗം പഠിക്കുക

/ 10837  

1664. That the wars in this chapter mean in the internal sense nothing other than spiritual conflicts, which are temptations, has been stated already in the preliminary section. 1 Nor do the wars in the rest of the Word, especially in the Prophets, have any other meaning. Wars waged by men can have no place whatever in the internal parts of the Word, for such things as wars are not the spiritual and celestial things which alone constitute the Word. That 'wars' in the Word means conflicts with the devil, or what amounts to the same, with hell, becomes clear from the following places besides many others: In John,

They are spirits of demons, performing signs, to go out to the kings of the land and of the whole earth, to assemble them for the war of that great day of God Almighty. Revelation 16:14.

Here anyone may see that no other kind of war on the great day of God Almighty is meant.

[2] In the same book,

The beast that comes up from the Abyss will make war. Revelation 11:7.

Here 'the Abyss' is hell. In the same book,

The dragon was angry with the woman, and went off to make war with the rest of her seed, who kept the commandments of God and bear testimony to Jesus Christ. Revelation 12:17.

It 2 was allowed to make war on the saints. Revelation 13:7.

All these wars are conflicts such as constitute temptations. Nor are the wars of the kings of the south and of the north, and the other wars of Daniel 8, 11, and also those involving Michael, Daniel 10:13, 21; 12:1; Revelation 12:7, anything different.

[3] That wars have no other meaning is clear from the rest of the Prophets as well, as in Ezekiel,

You have not gone up into the breaches and made a hedge for the house of Israel, to stand in war on the day of Jehovah. Ezekiel 13:5.

This refers to the prophets. In Isaiah,

They will beat their swords into hoes, and their spears into pruning-hooks. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, neither will they learn war any more. Isaiah 2:4.

Clearly no other wars [than spiritual wars] are meant here, and therefore instruments of war, such as swords, spears, shields, and many others, mean nothing else in the Word than things that belong to such wars.

[4] In the same prophet,

To the thirsty bring water; O inhabitants of the land of Tema, meet with his bread the fugitive, 3 for they will flee 4 before the swords, before the drawn sword, and before the bent bow, and from the grievousness of war. Isaiah 21:14-15.

In Jeremiah,

Shepherds and their flocks will come against the daughter of Zion, they will pitch their tents against her round about; they will graze, each off his own space. Declare a sacred war against her; arise and let us go up at noon. Jeremiah 6:3-5.

Here, since it is waged against 'the daughter of Zion', that is, the Church, no other kind of war is meant.

[5] In the same prophet,

How is the city of praise not forsaken, the city of My joy? Therefore her young men will fall in her streets, and all the men of war will be cut down on that day. Jeremiah 49:25-26.

'The city of praise and of joy' stands for the things that belong to the Church, 'the men of war' for those who fight.

[6] In Hosea,

I will make for them a covenant on that day, with the wild animals of the field, and with the birds of the air, 5 and with the creeping things of the ground. And I will abolish 6 the bow, and the sword, and war from the land, and I will make them lie down in safety. Hosea 2:18.

Here similarly 'war' stands for conflicts, and the various instruments of war stand for the things belonging to spiritual conflict which are 'broken' when a person comes into the calmness of peace as evil desires and falsities come to an end.

[7] In David,

Behold the works of Jehovah who makes solitary places in the earth, making wars cease even to the end of the earth. He breaks the bow, and snaps the spear, He burns the chariots with fire. Psalms 46:8-9.

Here too the meaning is similar. In the same author,

In Salem is the dwelling-place of God, and His habitation in Zion. There He broke the bow's fiery arrows, the shield and the sword, and war. Psalms 76:2-3.

Because the priests represented the Lord who alone fights on man's behalf, their duties are called military service, Numbers 4:23, 35, 39, 43, 47.

[8] It is a constant truth that Jehovah alone, that is, the Lord, fights and overcomes the devil present with a person when he is involved in the conflicts brought by temptations, even though to that person this does not appear to be so. For evil spirits have no power at all to exert the slightest influence on man unless they are permitted to do so, and angels cannot act to avert anything at all unless enabled to do so by the Lord. Thus it is the Lord alone who endures every conflict and overcomes, something that was also represented at various times by the wars that the children of Israel waged against the nations. That He alone does so is also stated in Moses,

Jehovah your God is going 7 before you, He Himself will fight for you. Deuteronomy 1:30.

In the same book,

Jehovah your God is going 7 with you to fight for you with your enemies, to save you. Deuteronomy 20:4.

[9] So too in Joshua, such as 23:3, 5. For all the wars that were being waged at that time against the idolatrous inhabitants of the land of Canaan represented the Lord's conflicts with hell, and consequently the conflicts of His Church, and of members of the Church. This also accords with the following statements in Isaiah,

As the lion roars, and the young lion, over its prey (when a multitude of shepherds run towards him he is not dismayed by their voice nor daunted by the tumult they make) so Jehovah Zebaoth will come down to fight on Mount Zion and on its hill. Isaiah 31:4.

[10] For the same reasons also Jehovah, or the Lord, is called 'a Man of War', as in Moses,

Jehovah is a Man of War, Jehovah is His name. Exodus 15:3.

In Isaiah,

Jehovah will go forth as a Mighty Man, as a Man of Wars. He will stir up zeal; He will cry out, yes, He will shout aloud, He will prevail over His enemies. Isaiah 42:13.

This also is why many things that war entails are attributed to the Lord, such as 'crying out', and 'shouting aloud' here.

[11] Spirits and angels also appear as men of war, when a representation is being made, as in Joshua,

Joshua lifted up his eyes and saw, and behold, a man was standing before him, with his sword drawn in his hand. He said to Joshua, I am the Prince of the army of Jehovah; and Joshua fell on his face 8 to the earth. Joshua 5:13-14.

These things were seen taking the form they did because they were representative, and this also is why descendants of Jacob called their wars the Wars of ]Jehovah.

It was similar in the Ancient Churches among whom there were books which also were called The Wars of Jehovah, as is clear in Moses.

It is said in the Book of the Wars of Jehovah. Numbers 21:14-15.

These were written about in a way not unlike the wars described in this chapter; but wars involving the Church were meant. Such a manner of writing was common in those times, for they were interior men and their thoughts were of more exalted things.


1. i.e. in 1659

2. i.e. the beast

3. literally, the wanderer

4. literally, they will wander

5. literally,. bird of the heavens (or the skies)

6. literally, break

7. literally, walking

8. literally, faces

/ 10837  

Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.