

Jonah 4



1 Mutta Joona pahastui tästä kovin, ja hän vihastui.

2 Ja hän rukoili Herraa ja sanoi: "Voi Herra! Enkö minä sitä sanonut, kun olin vielä omassa maassani? Siksihän minä ehätin pakenemaan Tarsiiseen. Sillä minä tiesin, että sinä olet armahtavainen ja laupias Jumala, pitkämielinen ja armosta rikas, ja että sinä kadut pahaa.

3 Ja nyt, Herra, ota minun henkeni, sillä kuolema on minulle parempi kuin elämä."

4 Mutta Herra sanoi: "Onko vihastumisesi oikea?"

5 Niin Joona lähti kaupungista ja asettui kaupungin itäpuolelle. Hän teki itsellensä sinne lehtimajan ja kävi istumaan sen alle varjoon, kunnes näkisi, miten kaupungin oli käyvä.

6 Mutta Herra Jumala toimitti risiinikasvin kasvamaan Joonan pään ylitse, varjostamaan hänen päätänsä ja päästämään häntä hänen mielipahastaan. Ja Joona iloitsi suuresti risiinikasvista.

7 Mutta seuraavana päivänä, aamun sarastaessa, Jumala toimitti madon kalvamaan risiinikasvia, niin että se kuivui.

8 Ja auringon noustua Jumala toimitti tulikuuman itätuulen, ja aurinko paahtoi Joonaa päähän, niin että häntä näännytti. Niin hän toivotti itsellensä kuolemaa ja sanoi: "Parempi on minulle kuolema kuin elämä".

9 Mutta Jumala sanoi Joonalle: "Onko vihastumisesi risiinikasvin tähden oikea?" Tämä vastasi: "Oikea on vihastumiseni kuolemaan asti".

10 Niin Herra sanoi: "Sinä armahdat risiinikasvia, josta et ole vaivaa nähnyt ja jota et ole kasvattanut, joka yhden yön lapsena syntyi ja yhden yön lapsena kuoli.

11 Enkö siis minä armahtaisi Niiniveä, sitä suurta kaupunkia, jossa on enemmän kuin sata kaksikymmentä tuhatta ihmistä, jotka eivät vielä tiedä, kumpi käsi on oikea, kumpi vasen, niin myös paljon eläimiä?"




Exploring the Meaning of Jonah 4

വഴി New Christian Bible Study Staff

In this fourth chapter of the Book of Jonah, (Jonah 4), the prophet Jonah has a strange reaction to his success. He's angry, and sulky. He thinks he knows better than God does. What is this story about?

Rev. George McCurdy, in his exegesis of this chapter, offers a summary in his Study Guide for the Book of Jonah, which is available for free as a .pdf, for your use. Below, we've excerpted part of his summary, and edited it for use in this context.

The people of the Jewish church in Jonah's time didn't want to reconsider their belief in their "most-favored-nation status." They challenged the Lord. They couldn't understand why He wanted to save their enemies in Nineveh.

Despite the hard lessons in chapters 1 and 2, and his success as described in chapter 3, Jonah still thought he knew better than the Lord. He thought that God was being too soft and loving -- too forgiving -- and that He needed to come around to Jonah’s tougher view.

Jonah got so angry and vengeful that he preferred to die rather than approve of the Lord’s way to save the Ninevites. His self-love wanted shade -- protection for its concepts. The Lord needed to bring such thinking to an end; the worm brought about death to the gourd from within. The Lord then sent a vehement east wind, that represents a blowing away of the stagnant thinking of the church.

The Lord's heavenly sun shone upon Jonah, but he felt faint. Here, Jonah's insistence on his own troubling view of things made him uncomfortable with the Lord’s view. The Divine guidance offered him a way to learn to enjoy the success of his neighbors as his own, but he wouldn't take it.

For us, then -- what? This story is telling us that we can't just keep the truths of the Word for ourselves; we have to go to Nineveh and share them. And then, if people start to hear them, and use them to turn their lives around, we can't allow ourselves to get resentful that the Lord accepts their repentance and forgives them. It's a very human reaction; think of the disciples vying to be first in the Lord's command structure (Luke 9:46), or the brother of the prodigal son (Luke 15:28-29), or the workers in the vineyard who had worked all day for a denarius (Matthew 20:10-12). But... it's not a good reaction. The Lord doesn't admire it in Jonah, and doesn't admire it when it crops up in our minds, either.

Rev. Martin Pennington recommends several explanatory passages from Swedenborg's theological writings:

"Shade or shadow means the perception of good and truth lies in obscurity." (Arcana Coelestia 2367)

"A vine is spiritual good (the spiritual church)". (Arcana Coelestia 217)

"A worm represents falsity gnawing away and tormenting one." (Arcana Coelestia 8481)

"'And the sun grew hot' in the contrary sense means self-love and love of the world." (Arcana Coelestia 8487)

And... here's a link to an interesting (audio) sermon on this chapter, by Rev. Todd Beiswenger.



Leviticus 11:40



40 He who eats of its carcass shall wash his clothes, and be unclean until the evening. He also who carries its carcass shall wash his clothes, and be unclean until the evening.