

以西结书 10:11



11 轮行走的时候,向方都能直行,并不掉向何方,他们也随向何方,行走的时候并不掉

സ്വീഡൻബർഗിന്റെ കൃതികളിൽ നിന്ന്


属天的奥秘 #8764

ഈ ഭാഗം പഠിക്കുക

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8764. “并且我怎样将你们背在鹰的翅膀上” 表并且他们因此通过真理被提入天堂之光. 这从 “将某人背在鹰的翅膀上” 的含义清楚可知, “将某人背在鹰的翅膀上” 是指被提到高处, 甚至被提入天堂之光; 因为 “背” 表示被提升, “鹰” 表示真理方面的理性层 (关于 “鹰” 的这种含义, 可参看3901节), 因为鹰在高处飞. 事实上, 古人将可见的天堂或天空理解为天使天堂. 简单人也认为天使在那里有自己的家; 另外, 由于高处的地方离太阳和众星更近, 所以天上的光也在那里闪耀. 正因如此, “被背在鹰的翅膀上” 表示被带到高处的那光中. 被提到那光中之所以通过信之真理实现, 是因为信之真理就是那将人甚至提到天堂, 就是信之真理所在之地的. 真理方面的理性层由 “鹰” 来表示, 是因为人的理性层是他的天堂, 属世层相对来说就像大地. 事实上, 理性层构成内在人, 属世层构成外在人.

“翅膀” 之所以是指属灵真理, 是因为 “鸟” 一般表示理性概念和思维 (40, 745, 776, 3219, 5149, 7441节); 因此, “翅膀” 是指属灵真理, 因为一切真正的理解力皆从这些真理形成. 从虚假所形成的理解力, 无论看上去多么清晰和敏锐, 都不是真正的理解力. 真正的理解力在天堂之光中观看, 天堂之光就是属灵真理, 也就是信之真理. 所以, 哪里没有信之真理, 哪里就没有光, 只有幽暗; 被置于幽暗中的理解力根本不是理解力. “翅膀” 也指属灵真理所拥有的源于其良善的能力; 因为鸟的双翅就像人的双手或双臂, 而 “臂” 和 “手” 表示能力 (878, 3387, 4931-4937, 5327, 5328, 5544, 6292, 6947, 7518, 7673, 8050, 8153, 8281, 8305节). 至于属灵真理所拥有的源于良善的能力, 可参看前文 (3563, 4931, 5623, 6344, 6423节).

“翅膀” 是指拥有源于良善的能力的属灵真理, 或信之真理, 这一点从圣言中的其它经文明显看出来. 因此, 当 “翅膀” 被归于神性时, 它们表示拥有全能的神性真理; 如在它们被归于基路伯的地方, “基路伯” 表示主的圣治或天命, 如以西结书:

每个基路伯都有四个脸面, 每一个都有四个翅膀. 它们的直张, 彼此相对, 每活物有两个翅膀遮体. 我听见翅膀的声音, 像大水的声音, 像沙代的响声; 活物行走的时候, 哄嚷的声音像军营的声音; 活物站住的时候, 便将翅膀垂下. 我又听见那活物翅膀彼此相碰的声音, 与活物旁边轮子的噪声. 基路伯翅膀的声音听到外院, 好像沙代神的响声. 翅膀以下有人手的样式. (以西结书 1:6, 23, 24; 3:13; 10:5, 21)

此处 “翅膀” 是指神之真理. 这一点从包含在这段描述中的细节, 以及以下细节明显可知: 翅膀直张, 彼此相碰, 它们遮体; 翅膀的声音像大水的声音, 像轮子的声音, 像沙代的声音, 以及翅膀以下有人手的样式. 翅膀 “直张, 彼此相碰” 代表所有人在神性中的团契. 它们 “遮体” 表示神性真理对发出它的神性良善来说, 是一个包裹或衣服. 因为神性良善就是一团火焰, 神性真理是这团火焰发出的光. 这光包围, 因而遮盖或包裹这团火焰. 火焰本身不会显现在天堂, 只有包含火焰的光会显现, 这火焰由此被感觉为热, 也就是爱. 声音听上去 “像大水的声音” 表示存在于天堂中的神性真理的性质; 它的声音 “像轮子的噪声, 沙代的响声” 所表相同; 因为 “声音” (sound) 和 “响声” (voice) 被归于神性真理. 这解释了为何经上说 “大水的声音”, 因为 “水” 是指真理 (参看2702, 3058, 3424, 4976, 5668, 8137, 8138, 8568节); 经上还说 “轮子的噪声”, “轮子” 是指教义事物的真理, 因为 “马车或战车” (chariots) 是指支持真理的教义 (5321, 5945, 8146, 8148, 8215节); 经上又说 “沙代神的响声”, 因为 “沙代神” 是指在试探和随后的安慰中进行指责的真理 (1992, 4572, 5628节). “翅膀以下有人手的样式” 表示属于神性真理的全能, 因为 “手” 是指能力, 当被归于主时, 是指至高意义上的全能

由此可见在约柜施恩座上的基路伯的翅膀, 以及翅膀高张, 遮掩施恩座 (出埃及记 25:20) 代表什么; 帐幕帘子和幔子上, 以及所罗门圣殿中的基路伯又代表什么; 以西结书 (41:18-20) 所描述的新殿周围的基路伯代表什么; 还有 “宝座周围的四活物”, 每一个周围都有 “六个翅膀” (启示录 4:6, 8) 表示什么; “站在宝座上的撒拉弗”, 各有 “六个翅膀” (以赛亚书 6:1, 2) 表示什么.

“翅膀” 在内义上是指属灵真理, 或信之真理, 这一点清楚可见于以西结书:

主耶和华如此说: 有一大鹰, 翅膀大, 翎毛长, 羽毛丰满, 彩色俱备, 来到黎巴嫩, 将香柏树梢拧去, 叼到贸易之地; 后来它取了这地的种子, 栽于制种田里; 插在大水旁, 它就抽芽生长, 成为蔓延的葡萄树. 又有一鹰, 翅膀大, 羽毛丰满. 看哪, 这葡萄树从肥田多水的旁边中向这鹰伸出根来; 它被栽种, 好生枝子, 结果子, 成为佳美的葡萄树. (以西结书 17:3-8)

这段预言描述了主对属灵教会的重建. 此处提到的 “鹰” 是指信; “翅膀大, 翎毛长” 是指信之真理; “彩色俱备” 是指记忆知识; 由此而来的成长被描述为 “来自黎巴嫩的香柏树梢”, “大水旁, 制种田里的这地的种子”; 由此产生的教会本身是 “葡萄树”. “葡萄树” 表示属灵教会 (1069, 5113节); 它也表示外在教会 (6375节); 但来自另一鹰的 “佳美的葡萄树” 是指内在教会 (6376节); 因为教会的外在被描述为一只鹰, 它的内在被描述为另一只鹰. 在这一章, 后来先知描述了建在古人中间的这个教会如何在犹太人当中堕落的.

在诗篇, “翅膀” 以同样的方式表示信之真理:

你们若安卧在羊圈, 鸽子的翅膀就会镀白银, 翎毛镀黄金. (诗篇 68:13)

“鸽子的翅膀” 是指信之真理, “鸽子” 表示信 (870节); 经上之所以说它们 “镀白银”, 因为 “银子” 是指源于良善的真理 (1551, 2954, 5658, 6914, 7999节).

“翅膀” 是指神之真理, 这一点也可从以下经文明显看出来:

那等候耶和华的, 必从新得力. 他们必如鹰展翅上腾. (以赛亚书 40:31)


神骑着基路伯飞行; 祂藉着风的翅膀快飞. (诗篇 18:10; 104:3)

这论述的是神性真理及其能力. 又:

耶和华必用自己的翅膀遮蔽你, 你要投靠在祂的翅膀底下. 真理是盾牌圆楯. (诗篇 91:4)

“被耶和华的翅膀遮蔽” 和 “投靠在祂的翅膀底下” 表示属于信的保护和信靠. “在神翅膀的荫下” (诗篇 17:8), “投靠在祂翅膀的荫下” (诗篇 36:7; 57:1; 61:4), “在祂翅膀的荫下歌唱” (诗篇 63:7) 所表相同.

绝大多数事物也有一个反面意义, “翅膀” 也是, 它在反面意义上表示虚假, 如启示录:

有蝗虫从无底坑的烟中出来, 它们翅膀的声音, 好像许多马奔跑上阵的声音. (启示录 9:2, 3, 9)

此处 “翅膀” 是指与真理争战的虚假, 因为 “蝗虫” 是指最外围的虚假 (7643节).

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Thanks to our friends at swedenborgwork.com for their permission to use this translation on the New Christian Bible Study site. ( 衷心感谢”史威登堡著作中文网”许可我们使用该中文译文)

സ്വീഡൻബർഗിന്റെ കൃതികളിൽ നിന്ന്


The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings #51

ഈ ഭാഗം പഠിക്കുക

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51. The worldly knowledge and spiritual knowledge that serve for the opening of our inner spiritual self. "Worldly knowledge" refers to the knowledge we have in our outer or earthly self and its memory, but not to the knowledge we have in our inner or spiritual self: 3019, 3020, 3293, 3309, 4967, 9918, 9922. Since worldly knowledge belongs to the outer or earthly self it is relatively menial. This is because the outer or earthly self is made to serve the inner or spiritual self the way the world serves heaven: 5077, 5125, 5128, 5786, 5947, 10272, 10471. The outer self is like the world because the laws of the divine design that prevail in the world are written into it; and the inner self is like heaven because the laws of the divine design that prevail in heaven are written into it: 4523, 4524, 5368, 6013, 6057, 9278, 9279, 9283, 9709, 10156, 10472; [see also] Heaven and Hell 51-58.

[2] There are bodies of knowledge of an earthly nature that have to do with our civic condition and our civic life; there are bodies of knowledge that have to do with our moral condition and our moral life; and there are bodies of knowledge that have to do with our spiritual condition and our spiritual life: 5774, 5934. For clarity's sake, though, I refer to knowledge about our spiritual condition and our spiritual life as "spiritual knowledge," which mainly consists of theological teachings: 9945.

[3] It is important for us to become steeped in worldly and spiritual knowledge, because it is through this that we learn to think, then to understand what truth and goodness are, and eventually to be wise-that is, to live by what we have learned: 129, 1450, 1451, 1453, 1548, 1802. Worldly and spiritual knowledge are basic things on which our life is built and founded-both our civic and our moral life as well as our spiritual life; but they need to be learned with the goal of living a useful life: 1489, 3310. Spiritual knowledge opens a pathway to the inner self and then joins the inner and the outer self together according to our usefulness: 1563, 1616. Our rationality is born by means of worldly and spiritual knowledge (1895, 1900, 3086), yet it is not born through that knowledge itself, but through and according to our desire to put it to use (1895). The inner self is opened and gradually perfected through worldly and spiritual knowledge if we seek good and useful goals, especially goals related to eternal life: 3086. Then spiritual insights from the heavenly and spiritual self encounter the knowledge of worldly and spiritual things that is in the earthly self and adopt what is suitable: 1495. Then from the knowledge about worldly and spiritual things that is in our earthly self the Lord, by means of our inner self, draws out, refines, and raises up what is useful for heavenly life (1895, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 5871, 5874, 5901), but information that is incompatible or conflicting is pushed aside and excluded (5871, 5886, 5889). The sight of our inner self calls forth from the worldly and spiritual knowledge in our outer self only those things that relate to what we love: 9394. Our worldly and spiritual knowledge is arranged in bundles and bound together according to the type of love that drove us to learn it: 5881. Then to the eye of our inner self the information that relates to what we love is at the center and in bright light, while the information that does not relate is off to the sides and in darkness: 6068, 6085. Worldly and spiritual knowledge is gradually sown in our loves and takes up residence there: 6323. If we were born loving the Lord and loving our neighbor we would be born into all knowledge and understanding, but since we are born loving ourselves and the world we are born into total ignorance: 6323. Knowledge, intelligence, and wisdom are the offspring that are born of love for the Lord and love for our neighbor: 1226, 2049, 2116.

[4] Since knowledge of worldly and spiritual things belongs to the outer or earthly self, it is in this world's light, but truths that have become matters of love and faith and therefore have been applied to life are in heaven's light: 5212. Even so, earthly concepts are needed to help us understand the truths that we are applying to life: 5510. There is a spiritual inflow through the inner self into the knowledge of worldly and spiritual things that is in the outer self: 1940, 8005. Knowledge of worldly and spiritual things is a container and vessel for the truth and goodness that belong to the inner self: 1469, 1496, 3068, 5489, 6004, 6023, 6052, 6071, 6077, 7770, 9922. That is why "vessels" in the Word, spiritually understood, means knowledge of worldly and spiritual things: 3068, 3069, 3079, 9394, 9544, 9723, 9724. Our worldly knowledge is like a mirror in which we can see and perceive in a kind of image things that are true and things that are good in the inner self (5201); all three meet together there on the outermost level (5373, 5874, 5886, 5901, 6004, 6023, 6052, 6071, 6077). Since worldly information is in this world's light, it is tangled and dark compared to things that are in heaven's light, which means that the same holds true for the contents of the outer self in comparison to those of the inner self: 2831. In fact, in the Word "a thicket" (2831) and "clouds" and "darkness" (8443, 10551) mean worldly knowledge.

[5] We need to make our start from the truths of a body of teaching from the Word and acknowledge them first, and then it is allowable to turn to worldly knowledge in order to find support for them and verify them: 6047. So if people have a positive attitude toward the truths that belong to religious faith, it is all right for them to look to worldly knowledge for intellectual support, but it is not all right for people who have a negative attitude to such truths, because a positive attitude as a starting point pulls everything in a positive direction, but a negative attitude as a starting point pulls everything in a negative direction: 2568, 2588, 3913, 4760, 6047. There is an affirmative way of doubting and a negative way of doubting, the former being characteristic of the good and the latter characteristic of the evil: 2568. Engagement with worldly knowledge on the basis of the truths that belong to religious faith accords with proper order; but the reverse, engaging on the basis of worldly knowledge with the truths that belong to religious faith, is contrary to proper order: 10236. Since inflow is spiritual and not physical or earthly it is a flow from the truths that belong to religious faith (because these are spiritual) into worldly knowledge (because this is earthly): 3219, 5119, 5259, 5427, 5428, 5479, 6322, 9109, 9110.

[6] People who doubt in a truly negative way, and say that they will not believe until they are convinced by objective evidence, will never believe: 2094, 2832. People who do this become insane in regard to matters of the church and heaven: 128, 129, 130. They fall prey to false beliefs and evil cravings (232, 233) in the other life when they think about spiritual matters they become like drunks (1072). More about what they are like: 196. Some examples illustrating the fact that spiritual matters cannot be grasped if they are approached from the wrong direction: 233, 2094, 2196, 2203, 2209. Many scholars are more insane in spiritual matters than ordinary people because they are resolutely negative and have an abundant supply of facts to support their denial: 4760. An example of a scholar who was incapable of understanding anything about spiritual life: 8629. People who use worldly knowledge to dispute the truths that belong to religious faith do so with vehemence, since their arguments are based on the deceptive impressions of the five senses. These impressions, being hard to dispel, are arresting and persuasive: 5700. People who understand nothing of what is true and who are also given to evil are able to reason about the truths and the good actions taught by faith, and yet they have no enlightenment: 4214. Simply confirming a dogma is not a sign of intelligence, because a dogma that is false is as easy to confirm as one that is true: 1017, 2477, 2490, 4741, 5033, 6865, 7012, 7680, 7950, 8521, 8780. People who reason about the truths of the church by asking whether something is so or not are completely in the dark about truths and have no spiritual light yet: 1 215, 1385, 3428.

[7] There are types of knowledge that support divine truths and types that do not: 5213. Empty facts have to be eliminated from our minds: 1489, 1492, 1499, 1500. Facts are empty if they intend and support our love for ourselves and the world and lead us away from loving the Lord and our neighbor, because this kind of thing closes the inner self so completely that we can then not accept anything from heaven: 1563, 1600. Worldly knowledge is a means to both wisdom and madness; by it the inner self is either opened or closed and our rational functioning is either developed or destroyed: 4156, 8628, 9922.

[8] Worldly learning means nothing after death except what we have gained through it for our understanding and life: 2480. Nevertheless, all our worldly knowledge remains intact after death, though it is dormant: 2476-2479, 2481-2486.

[9] The same facts that are false for evil people because they are used for evil purposes are true for good people because they are used for good purposes: 6917. The truths that evil people know are not actually true no matter how true they may seem when they say them, because there is something evil within those truths and they are falsified as a result; not even the knowledge they have deserves to be called knowledge, because it has no life within it: 10331.

[10] It is one thing to be wise, another to be intelligent, another to be knowledgeable, and another to act; all the same, for people engaged in a spiritual life, these follow in order and correspond to each other, and they are all present together in the doing and in the deeds: 10331. It is also one thing to know the truth, another to acknowledge it, and still another to believe it: 896.

[11] An example of the kind of craving for information that spirits have: 1973. Angels have an immense desire for knowledge and wisdom because knowledge, intelligence, and wisdom are spiritual food: 3114, 4459, 4792, 4976, 5147, 5293, 5340, 5342, 5410, 5426, 5576, 5582, 5588, 5655, 6277, 8562, 9003.

[12] Among the ancients the most important field of study was knowing correspondences, but nowadays that body of knowledge has been erased: 3021, 3419, 4280, 4844, 4964, 4965, 6004, 7729, 10252. There was a knowledge of correspondences among the people of the Near East and in Egypt: 5702, 6692, 7097, 7779, 9391, 10407. This was the source of their hieroglyphics: 6692, 7097. Through their knowledge of correspondences the ancients gained access to spiritual knowledge of various kinds: 4749, 4844, 4966. The Word was written in pure correspondences, and that is the source of its inner or spiritual meaning. Without a knowledge of correspondences we cannot know that this meaning exists or know what the nature of the Word is: 3131, 3472-3485, 8615, 10687. How superior a knowledge of correspondences is to other forms of knowledge: 4280.


1. For an example of such people, see the dialog in Marriage Love 232 between Swedenborg and some "reasoners. " Asked what must be the religion by which people could be saved, their response is to break this down into component questions, the first being whether religion actually is anything. This, they say, would require so much research that it could not be settled within a day, a year, or according to one, a hundred years. [GFD]

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.