

Obadiah 1:11



11 Because you were there watching when men from other lands took away his goods, and strange men came into his doors, and put the fate of Jerusalem to the decision of chance; you were like one of them.




Abel and Cain offer their sacrifice to God. Byzantine mosaic in the Cathedral of Monreale.

There are two ways "brother" is used in the Bible, ways that are still reflected in modern language. One denotes an actual blood relationship; the other is a more sweeping term of commonality, in such as in the phrase the "brotherhood of man." In general 'brother' in terms of the blood relationship refers to the unity that can exist between the desire to do good and the understanding of how to do good. This is true of Cain and Abel and several pairs of twins: Jacob and Esau, Judah's sons Zarah and Pharez, and Joseph's sons Ephraim and Manasseh; in each case one represents the desire for good and the other the understanding of truth.