레위기 5:6



6 그 범과를 인하여 여호와께 속건제를 드리되 양떼의 암컷 어린 양이나 염소를 끌어다가 속죄제를 드릴 것이요 제사장은 그의 허물을 위하여 속죄할지니라 !

ഈ വാക്യത്തിന്റെ വ്യാഖ്യാനം  

വഴി Henry MacLagan

Verse 6. And he shall worship the Lord either from the internal or from the external good of innocence, doing the work of repentance; and then, because he is inmostly in good, his evil shall be remitted, and he shall have conjunction with the Lord.