Jesus reproves Martha

Ова е оригиналниот текст на: Jesus reproves Martha, од John Clowes


It's a busy day at the house of Mary and Martha and Lazarus. Martha's working hard, feeding guests, and Mary is sitting and listening to Jesus. Martha asks Jesus to tell Mary to help. He doesn't; instead reproving her gently. It doesn't seem fair, on the face of it. But here's what's going on in the internal sense of the story...

Создадено или преведено од: John Clowes

Датум на создавање: 2018

Кредит: New Christian Bible Study Staff and Rev. John Clowes.

Авторски права: New Christian Bible Study Corp.

Copyright by the New Christian Bible Study Corp. All rights reserved. All rights reserved.

Лиценца: Used with permission - види термини

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Jesus reproves Martha. Retrieved from:
