სვედენბორგის ნაშრომებიდან


Apocalypse Explained # 196

შეისწავლეთ ეს პასაჟი.

/ 1232  

196. And they shall walk with Me in white, for they are worthy, signifies their spiritual life, which they have by means of the knowledges of truth and good from the Word. This is evident from the signification of "to walk," as being to live (See above, n. 97 [1-2]); from the signification of "in white," as being in truths, for "whiteness" and "brightness" in the Word are predicated of truths (of which presently); therefore by these words, "they shall walk with me in white," is signified spiritual life, since spiritual life is the life of truth, that is, a life according to truths, or according to the precepts of the Lord in the Word. This is evident also from the signification of "for they are worthy," as being because they have spiritual life from the Lord. So far as anyone receives from the Lord he is worthy; but so far as he receives from self, that is, from what is his, or from what is his own [proprium] he is not worthy. Nothing else constitutes spiritual life with man but the knowledges of truth and good from the Word applied to life; and they are applied to life when man holds them as the laws of his life, for he then looks to the Lord in everything, and with such the Lord is present, and gives intelligence and wisdom and an affection for them and delight in them. For the Lord is in His truths with man, since every truth proceeds from the Lord, and what proceeds from the Lord that is His, even so that it is He; therefore the Lord says:

I am the truth and the life (John 14:6).

He that doeth the truth cometh to the light, [that his works may be made manifest] that they have been wrought in God (John 3:21).

The Word was with God, and God was the Word. In Him was life; and the life was the light of men. That was the true light, that lighteth every man. And the Word was made flesh (John 1:1, 4, 9, 14).

The Lord is called "the Word" because the Word signifies Divine truth; He is also called "the Light" because Divine truth is the light in the heavens; He is also called "the Life," because everything that lives, lives from that life; from that also angels have intelligence and wisdom, in which their life consists. He who would derive life from any other source than from the Divine that proceeds from the Lord, which in heaven is called Divine truth and is there seen as light, is greatly mistaken. From this it can be seen how it is to be understood that "God was the Word," and that "in Him was life, and that the life was the light of men. "

[2] "White" in the Word is predicated of truths, because Divine truth is the light of heaven, as was just said, and whiteness and brightness are from the light of heaven. From this it was:

That when the Lord was transfigured before Peter, James, and John, His face appeared as the sun, and His garments as the light (Matthew 17:2);

And as white, dazzling (Luke 9:29);

And glistering as snow, so as no fuller on earth could whiten (Mark 9:3);

That the angels at the Lord's sepulcher had raiment white as snow (Matthew 28:3);

(Luke 24:4)

And shining (Luke 24:4);

That there appeared to John seven angels from the temple clothed in linen clean and shining (Revelation 15:6);

That those who stood before the throne of the Lamb were clothed in white robes (Revelation 6:11; 7:9, 13-14; 19:8);

That the armies of the One sitting upon the white horse followed Him on white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean (Revelation 14:14).

From this also it was:

That Aaron had garments of linen, and that he put them on when he went within the veil before the mercy-seat (Leviticus 16:1-5, 32).

"Linen" also signifies truth, because of its whiteness (Arcana Coelestia 7601, 9959). As "white" signifies truth, and truths are what disclose falsities and evil with man and thus purify him, it is said in David:

Behold, Thou desirest truth in the reins, and in the hidden part Thou makest me to know wisdom. Thou shalt purge me with hyssop that I may be made clean; Thou shalt wash me and I shall be whiter than snow (Psalms 51:6-7).

[3] Because the Nazirites represented the Lord in respect to Divine truth in ultimates, which on earth is the Word in the sense of the letter, and this with the Jews was falsified and perverted, it is said of them in Lamentations:

The Nazirites were whiter than snow, they were brighter than milk, their bones were more ruddy than pearls, their polishing was sapphire; but their form is darkened, that they are not known in the streets (Lamentations 4:7-8

(That "Nazirites" represented the Lord in respect to Divine truth, see Arcana Coelestia 6437; that "the crown of the head of the Nazirites" means Divine truths in ultimates, or the Word in the letter, n. 6437, 9407. That the "hair" which was of the Naziriteship, and was called "the crown of the head of the Nazirite," is Divine truth in ultimates, n. 3301, 5247, 10044. That Divine truth in ultimates has strength and power, n. 9836; that therefore the strength of Samson was in his hair, n. 3301.)

[4] From this it is clear what is signified by "the Nazirites were whiter than snow and brighter than milk," and "sapphire was the polishing of their bones; but their form was darkened, that they were not known in the streets;" for "whiteness" and "brightness" signify Divine truth in its light (as was said above); and "bones," as they are man's ultimates, being the supports of his whole body, correspond to ultimates in heaven. (For all things of man correspond, see in the work on Heaven and Hell 87-102; consequently "bones" signify the ultimates in the spiritual world, which are also the ultimates of Divine truth or the Word, Arcana Coelestia 5560-5564, 8005; that "sapphire" signifies what is translucent from truths, n. 9407; and "not to be known in the streets" signifies that Divine truth is no more seen, since "streets" signify where there are truths of doctrine, n. 2336.)

/ 1232  

Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.



Ezekiel 7:24



24 Therefore I will bring the worst of the nations, and they shall possess their houses: I will also make the pride of the strong to cease; and their holy places shall be profaned.

სვედენბორგის ნაშრომებიდან


Arcana Coelestia # 2336

შეისწავლეთ ეს პასაჟი.

/ 10837  

2336. That 'the street' means truth becomes clear from many places in the Word, as in John where the New Jerusalem is referred to,

The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate was one pearl; and the street of the city was pure gold, like transparent glass. Revelation 21:21.

[2] 'The New Jerusalem' is the Lord's kingdom which because it is being described as regards good and truth is described by walls, gates, and streets. By the last of these -'the streets' - are meant all avenues of truth which lead to good, that is, all those of faith which lead to love and charity. And because truths in this way become part of good, and so are made transparent from good, it is said that 'the street was pure gold, like transparent glass'. In the same book,

Out of the middle of the street of it, and of the river, on this side and on that, was the tree of life bearing twelve fruits. Revelation 22:2.

This also refers to the New Jerusalem or the Lord's kingdom. 'The middle of the street' is the truth of faith, by means of which good comes and which after that stems from good. 'The twelve fruits' are those called the fruits of faith, for 'twelve' means all things of faith, as shown in 577, 2089, 2129, 2130.

[3] In Daniel,

Know and perceive that from the going forth of the Word to restore and to build Jerusalem until the Messiah, the Leader, there will be seven weeks - and sixty-two weeks; and it will be restored and built with street and moat. Daniel 9:25.

This refers to the Coming of the Lord, 'it will be restored with street and moat' meaning that there will be truth and good at that time. The fact that Jerusalem was not restored and built at that time is well known; and that it is not to be restored and built anew anyone may also know provided he does not fix his ideas on a worldly kingdom but on a heavenly kingdom meant in the internal sense by Jerusalem.

[4] In Luke,

The householder said to his servant, Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city and bring in here the poor, the maimed, the lame, and the blind. Luke 14:21.

People who confine themselves to the sense of the letter gain nothing more from this verse than the idea that the servant was to go everywhere, and that this is what is meant by 'streets and lanes', and that he was to fetch in everybody, and that this is what is meant by 'the poor, the maimed, the lame, and the blind'. But each and all of these words, being the Lord's, embody arcana within them. The command that he should go out into the streets and lanes means that he was to search everywhere for some genuine truth, that is, for truth which shines out of good, or through which good shines. The command that he should bring in the poor, the maimed, the lame, and the blind, means that such people were to be brought in as had in the Ancient Church been called the poor, maimed, lame, or blind - that is, he was to bring in those who were such as regards faith but who had led good lives, and who for this reason ought to be taught about the Lord's kingdom - thus to bring in gentiles who were as yet uninformed.

[5] Because 'streets' meant truths it was a representative custom among the Jews to teach in the streets, as is evident from Matthew 6:2, 5, and Luke 13:26-27. Wherever 'streets' are mentioned in the Prophets they mean in the internal sense either truths or things contrary to truths, as in Isaiah,

Judgement is cast away backwards, and justice stands afar off, for truth has stumbled in the street, and uprightness cannot come in. Isaiah 59:14.

In the same prophet,

Your sons fainted and lay at the head of every street. Isaiah 51:20.

In Jeremiah,

Death has come up into our windows, it has entered our palaces, cutting off the small child from the street and the young men from the lanes. Jeremiah 9:21.

[6] In Ezekiel,

By means of the hoofs of his horses Nebuchadnezzar will trample all your streets. Ezekiel 26:11.

This refers to Tyre, which means cognitions of truth, 1201. 'The hoofs of the horses' are facts which pervert the truth. In Nahum,

In the streets the chariots rage; they rush about in the lanes. Nahum 2:4.

'Chariots' stands for the doctrine of truth, which is said 'to rage in the streets' when falsity has replaced truth. In Zechariah,

Old men and old women will again dwell in the streets of Jerusalem. And the streets of the city will be full of boys and girls playing in the streets. Zechariah 8:4-5.

This refers to affections for truth, and consequent forms of joy and gladness. There are other places besides these, such as Isaiah 24:11; Jeremiah 5:1; 7:34; 49:26; Lamentations 2:11, 19; 4:8, 14; Zephaniah 3:6.

/ 10837  

Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.