

Deuteronomio 28



1 Y será que, si oyeres diligente la voz del SEÑOR tu Dios, para guardar, para poner por obra todos sus mandamientos que yo te mando hoy, también el SEÑOR tu Dios te pondrá alto sobre todos los gentiles de la tierra;

2 y vendrán sobre ti todas estas bendiciones, y te alcanzarán, cuando oyeres la voz del SEÑOR tu Dios.

3 Bendito serás tú en la ciudad, y Bendito tú en el campo.

4 Bendito el fruto de tu vientre, y el fruto de tu tierra, y el fruto de tu bestia; la cría de tus vacas, y los rebaños de tus ovejas.

5 Bendito tu canastillo y tus sobras.

6 Bendito serás en tu entrar, y Bendito en tu salir.

7 Entregará el SEÑOR tus enemigos, que se levantaren contra ti, heridos delante ti; por un camino saldrán a ti, y por siete caminos huirán delante de ti.

8 Enviará el SEÑOR contigo la bendición en tus graneros, y en todo aquello en que pusieres tu mano; y te bendecirá en la tierra que el SEÑOR tu Dios te da.

9 Te confirmará el SEÑOR por pueblo suyo santo, como te ha jurado, cuando guardares los mandamientos del SEÑOR tu Dios, y anduvieres en sus caminos.

10 Y verán todos los pueblos de la tierra que el nombre del SEÑOR es llamado sobre ti, y te temerán.

11 Y te hará el SEÑOR que te sobre el bien, en el fruto de tu vientre, y en el fruto de tu bestia, y en el fruto de tu tierra, sobre la tierra que juró el SEÑOR a tus padres que te había de dar.

12 Te abrirá el SEÑOR su buen depósito, el cielo, para dar lluvia a tu tierra en su tiempo, y para bendecir toda obra de tus manos. Y prestarás a muchos gentiles, y tú no tomarás prestado.

13 Y te pondrá el SEÑOR por cabeza, y no por cola; y estarás encima solamente, y no estarás debajo; cuando escuchares a los mandamientos del SEÑOR tu Dios, que yo te mando hoy, para que los guardes y cumplas.

14 Y no te apartes de todas las palabras que yo os mando hoy, ni a diestra ni a siniestra, para ir tras dioses ajenos para servirles.

15 Y será, si no oyeres la voz del SEÑOR tu Dios, para guardar, para poner por obra todos sus mandamientos y sus estatutos, que yo te mando hoy, que vendrán sobre ti todas estas maldiciones, y te alcanzarán.

16 Maldito serás tú en la ciudad, y maldito en el campo.

17 Maldito tu canastillo, y tus sobras.

18 Maldito el fruto de tu vientre, y el fruto de tu tierra, y la cría de tus vacas, y los rebaños de tus ovejas.

19 Maldito serás en tu entrar, y maldito en tu salir.

20 El SEÑOR enviará contra ti la maldición, quebranto y asombro en todo cuanto pusieres mano e hicieres, hasta que seas destruido, y perezcas presto a causa de la maldad de tus obras, por las cuales me habrás dejado.

21 El SEÑOR hará que se te pegue mortandad, hasta que te consuma de la tierra a la cual entras para heredarla.

22 El SEÑOR te herirá de tisis, y de fiebre, y de ardor, y de calor, y de cuchillo, y de calamidad repentina, y con añublo; y te perseguirán hasta que perezcas.

23 Y tus cielos que están sobre tu cabeza, serán de bronce; y la tierra que está debajo de ti, de hierro.

24 Dará el SEÑOR por lluvia a tu tierra polvo y ceniza; de los cielos descenderán sobre ti hasta que perezcas.

25 El SEÑOR te entregará herido delante de tus enemigos; por un camino saldrás a ellos, y por siete caminos huirás delante de ellos; y serás por estremecimiento a todos los reinos de la tierra.

26 Y será tu cuerpo muerto por comida a toda ave del cielo, y bestia de la tierra, y no habrá quien las espante.

27 El SEÑOR te herirá de la plaga de Egipto, y con almorranas, y con sarna, y con comezón, de que no puedas ser curado.

28 El SEÑOR te herirá con locura, y con ceguedad, y con pasmo de corazón.

29 Y palparás al mediodía, como palpa el ciego en la oscuridad, y no serás prosperado en tus caminos; y serás solamente oprimido y robado todos los días, y no habrá quien te salve.

30 Te desposarás con mujer, y otro varón dormirá con ella; edificarás casa, y no habitarás en ella; plantarás viña, y no la disfrutarás.

31 Tu buey será matado delante de tus ojos, y tú no comerás de él; tu asno será arrebatado de delante de ti, y no volverá a ti; tus ovejas serán dadas a tus enemigos, y no tendrás quien te las rescate.

32 Tus hijos y tus hijas serán entregados a otro pueblo, y tus ojos lo verán, y desfallecerán por ellos todo el día; y no habrá fuerza en tu mano.

33 El fruto de tu tierra y todo tu trabajo comerá pueblo que no conociste; y solamente serás oprimido y quebrantado todos los días.

34 Y enloquecerás a causa de lo que verás con tus ojos.

35 Te herirá el SEÑOR con maligna pústula en las rodillas y en las piernas, sin que puedas ser curado, aun desde la planta de tu pie hasta tu mollera.

36 El SEÑOR llevará a ti, y a tu rey que hubieres puesto sobre ti, a gente que no conociste tú ni tus padres; y allá servirás a dioses ajenos, al palo y a la piedra.

37 Y serás por pasmo, por ejemplo y por fábula, a todos los pueblos a los cuales te llevará el SEÑOR.

38 Sacarás mucha simiente a la tierra, y cogerás poco; porque la langosta lo consumirá.

39 Plantarás viñas y labrarás, mas no beberás vino, ni cogerás uvas ; porque el gusano las comerá.

40 Tendrás olivas en todo tu término, mas no te ungirás con el aceite; porque tu aceituna se caerá.

41 Hijos e hijas engendrarás, y no serán para ti; porque irán en cautiverio.

42 Toda tu arboleda y el fruto de tu tierra consumirá la langosta.

43 El extranjero que estará en medio de ti subirá sobre ti muy alto, y tú descenderás muy abajo.

44 El te prestará a ti, y tú no le prestarás a él; él será por cabeza, y tú serás por cola.

45 Y vendrán sobre ti todas estas maldiciones, y te perseguirán, y te alcanzarán hasta que perezcas; por cuanto no habrás atendido a la voz del SEÑOR tu Dios, para guardar sus mandamientos y sus estatutos, que él te mandó;

46 y serán en ti por señal y por maravilla, y en tu simiente para siempre.

47 Por cuanto no serviste al SEÑOR tu Dios con alegría y con gozo de corazón, por la abundancia de todas las cosas;

48 servirás, por tanto, a tus enemigos que enviare el SEÑOR contra ti, con hambre y con sed y con desnudez, y con falta de todas las cosas; y él pondrá yugo de hierro sobre tu cuello, hasta destruirte.

49 El SEÑOR traerá sobre ti gente de lejos, del cabo de la tierra, que vuele como águila, gente cuya lengua no entiendas;

50 gente fiera de rostro, que no tendrá respeto al anciano, ni perdonará al niño;

51 y comerá el fruto de tu bestia y el fruto de tu tierra, hasta que perezcas; y no te dejará grano, ni mosto, ni aceite, ni la cría de tus vacas, ni los rebaños de tus ovejas, hasta destruirte.

52 Y te pondrá cerco en todas tus ciudades, hasta que caigan tus muros altos y encastillados en que tú confías, en toda tu tierra; te cercará, pues , en todas tus ciudades y en toda tu tierra, que el SEÑOR tu Dios te habrá dado.

53 Y comerás el fruto de tu vientre, la carne de tus hijos y de tus hijas que el SEÑOR tu Dios te dio, en el cerco y en al apuro con que te angustiará tu enemigo.

54 El hombre tierno en ti, y el muy delicado, su ojo será maligno para con su hermano, y para con la mujer de su seno, y para con el resto de sus hijos que le quedaren;

55 para no dar a alguno de ellos de la carne de sus hijos, que él comerá, porque nada le habrá quedado, en el cerco y en el apuro con que tu enemigo te apretará en todas tus ciudades.

56 La tierna y la delicada entre vosotros, que nunca la planta de su pie probó a sentar sobre la tierra, de ternura y delicadeza, su ojo será maligno para con el marido de su seno, y para con su hijo, y para con su hija,

57 y para con su chiquita que sale de entre sus pies, y para con sus hijos que diere a luz; pues los comerá escondidamente, a falta de todo, en el cerco y en el apuro con que tu enemigo te apretará en tus ciudades;

58 si no cuidares de poner por obra todas las palabras de esta ley que están escritas en este libro, temiendo este Nombre glorioso y terrible, El SEÑOR tu Dios.

59 El SEÑOR aumentará maravillosamente tus plagas y las plagas de tu simiente, plagas grandes y duraderas, y enfermedades malignas y duraderas;

60 y hará volver sobre ti todos los dolores de Egipto, delante de los cuales temiste, y se te pegarán.

61 Asimismo toda enfermedad y toda plaga que no está escrita en el libro de esta ley, el SEÑOR la enviará sobre ti, hasta que tú seas destruido.

62 Y quedaréis en pocos varones, en lugar de haber sido como las estrellas del cielo en multitud; por cuanto no escuchaste la voz del SEÑOR tu Dios.

63 Y será que de la manera que el SEÑOR se gozó sobre vosotros para haceros bien, y para multiplicaros, así se gozará el SEÑOR sobre vosotros para echaros a perder, y para destruiros; y seréis arrancados de sobre la tierra, a la cual entráis para poseerla.

64 Y el SEÑOR te esparcirá por todos los pueblos, desde un extremo de la tierra hasta el otro extremo de ella; y allí servirás a dioses ajenos que no conociste tú ni tus padres, al leño y a la piedra.

65 Y ni aun entre los mismos gentiles reposarás, ni la planta de tu pie tendrá reposo; que allí te dará el SEÑOR corazón temeroso, y caimiento de ojos, y tristeza de alma;

66 y tendrás tu vida como colgada en duda, y estarás temeroso de noche y de día, y no confiarás de tu vida.

67 Por la mañana dirás: ¡Quién diera que fuese la tarde! y a la tarde dirás: ¡Quién diera que fuese la mañana! por el miedo de tu corazón con que estarás amedrentado, y por lo que verán tus ojos.

68 Y el SEÑOR te hará volver a Egipto en navíos por el camino del cual te ha dicho: Nunca más volverás a verlo; y allí os venderán a vuestros enemigos por esclavos y por esclavas, y no habrá quien os compre.






Polvo, en Ezequiel 26:12, significa las cosas más bajas que pertenecen al principio sensual del hombre. Pueden ser buenas o malas, según el contexto.

En Isaías 40:12, el polvo significa verdades y bienes exteriores o naturales del cielo y de la iglesia.

En Génesis 2:7, el polvo es bueno, y vemos algunos matices interesantes:

Primero, está esto: 'Formar al hombre, polvo de la tierra' es formar su hombre externo, que antes no había sido hombre... (Arcana Coelestia 94)

Aquí, esta formación de nuestro cuerpo y mente externos es un precursor, que prepara el escenario para que Dios "sople en nuestras fosas nasales".

En Arcana Coelestia 1610, encontramos este pasaje, donde de nuevo, el polvo tiene un buen significado:

El "polvo de la tierra" se refiere a las cosas celestiales, pues, como ya se ha dicho, "la tierra" significa el aspecto celestial del amor; el "polvo del mar" se refiere a las cosas espirituales, pues "el mar", como también se ha dicho, significa el aspecto espiritual del amor; mientras que "como las estrellas del cielo" significa ambas cosas, pero en un grado superior. Y como estas cosas no se pueden numerar, se convirtieron en expresiones comunes para describir el crecimiento y la multiplicación sin medida.

Entonces, en Arcana Coelestia 3707, estas ideas se juntan:

La razón por la que el polvo de la tierra simboliza la bondad es que la tierra, [o tierra,] simboliza el reino del Señor y por lo tanto la bondad, como se muestra justo encima en §3705. El polvo de esa tierra, entonces, significa bondad, pero bondad terrenal, ya que la tierra simboliza lo más bajo en el reino del Señor....

Pero también hay malas connotaciones. En Miqueas 7:14-17, lamer el polvo simboliza ser sólo sensual: corporal y externo, mundano y egoísta. Ocurre lo mismo en Salmos 72:9, donde "Los bárbaros se postrarán ante Dios, y sus enemigos lamerán el polvo...". Véase Arcana Coelestia 249, 3413 para obtener explicaciones interesantes al respecto.

(რეკომენდაციები: Apocalipsis Explicado 1145)

სვედენბორგის ნაშრომებიდან


Apocalypse Explained # 1145

შეისწავლეთ ეს პასაჟი.

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1145. And all thyine wood, signifies all good conjoined to truth in the natural man. This is evident from the signification of "wood," as being the good of the natural man (of which presently); but "thyine wood" signifies good conjoined to truth in the natural man, for the word thyine in the Greek is derived from the word that means two; and "two" signifies such conjunction. That "thyine wood" signifies good conjoined to truth is evident also from what precedes and from what follows; from what precedes the things that signify celestial goods and truths and the things that signify spiritual goods and truths are enumerated, which are "fine linen, purple, silk, and scarlet;" and from what follows, the things that signify natural goods and truths are enumerated, which are "vessel of ivory, and vessel of precious wood, of brass, iron, and marble." This makes clear that "thyine wood" signifies good conjoined to truth in the natural man, arising from those goods and truths that are mentioned above. For there are three degrees of life in man, which viewed in their order are called celestial, spiritual, and natural; in this verse such things as signify goods and truths according to their degrees are mentioned in this order. But as the things mentioned above signify truths and goods profaned, which in themselves are falsities and evils, so good conjoined to truth, which is "thyine wood," means such good profaned, which is evil conjoined to falsity. And because such good is of the natural man, it is especially profaned by venerations of bones and sepulchers, by sanctifications of many things used in worship, by many things relating to processions, and in general by all things idolatrous that are delightful to the natural man, and are consequently felt to be good and are called true.

[2] "Wood" signifies good, because it is from a tree from which are fruits; also because wood can be burned and be useful in keeping the body warm, and in building houses and making various articles of convenience and use; also because an oil, which signifies the good of love, may be expressed from wood; it also contains in it that which gives heat. "Stone" on the other hand signifies here the truth of the natural man, because it is cold and cannot be burned. Because "wood" signifies good, with the most ancient people who were in the good of love the temples were of wood, which were not called temples but houses of God; and with many their tabernacles were used for this purpose, in which they not only dwelt but also had Divine worship. For the same reason the angels of the third heaven dwell in houses of wood, and this because they are in the good of love to the Lord, to which "wood" corresponds. Moreover, their different kinds of wood have a correspondence according to the trees from which they are; for a tree signifies man, and its fruit the good of man. This is why woods from various kinds of trees are mentioned in the Word, as the olive, the vine, the cedar, the poplar, the oak; and the wood of the olive signifies celestial good, of the vine spiritual good, of the cedar rational good, of the poplar natural good, and of the oak sensual good.

[3] Now as all things in the world are correspondences, and wood corresponds to good, and in the contrary sense to evil, so "wood" here signifies good, and in the contrary sense evil, as can be seen from the following passages. In Lamentations:

We drink our waters for silver, and our wood comes at a price (Lamentations 5:4).

The lack of the knowledges of truth and good is thus described; the lack of the knowledges of truth by "drinking waters for silver," and the lack of the knowledges of good by "wood coming at a price." In Ezekiel:

They shall pillage thy riches, and make a prey of thy merchandise; they shall break down thy walls, and overthrow the houses of thy desire; thy stones, thy woods, and thy dust shall they place in the midst of the sea (Ezekiel 26:12).

This describes the devastation of all things of truth and good of the church by evils and falsities. The "riches" which they pillage are the knowledges of truth; the "merchandise" of which they shall make a prey are the knowledges of good; the "walls" which they shall break down are doctrinals; "the houses of desire" which they shall overthrow are the things of the mind, thus of the understanding and will, for there man dwells; the "stones, woods, and dust, which they shall place in the midst of the sea," are the truths and goods of the natural man, "stones" its truths, "woods" its goods, and "dust" the lowest things, which are of the sensual man.

[4] In the same:

Son of man, take thee one stick and write upon it, For Judah and the sons of Israel his companions; then take one stick and write upon it, For Joseph, the stick of Ephraim, and of the tribes 1 of Israel his companions; then join them to thee one with the other into one stick, that the two may be one in My hand, and I will make them into one stick (Ezekiel 37:16-17, 19-20).

This represents the conjunction of the celestial and spiritual kingdoms of the Lord by the good of love. "Judah and the sons of Israel his companions" signify the Lord's celestial kingdom; "Judah" that kingdom as to good, and "the sons of Israel his companions" as to truth; but "Joseph and the tribes of Israel his companions" signify the Lord's spiritual kingdom, "Joseph" that kingdom as to good, and the "tribes of Israel his companions" as to truth. "Ephraim" signifies the understanding of truth; and as those who are in the understanding of truth from spiritual good are in the Lord's spiritual kingdom, the stick is called Ephraim's. That the Lord conjoins these two kingdoms into one by the good of love to Him and by the good of charity towards the neighbor is meant by the Lord's "joining them one with the other into one stick, that the two may be one in the hand of Jehovah, and be made one stick." That things derived from falsities are corrected by means of good was represented and signified by:

The bitter waters in Marah were made sweet by the wood cast into them (Exodus 15:25).

"Bitter waters" mean the things that are apparently true but are derived from falsities; "wood" means the good of the natural man. Because "wood" from correspondence signifies the good of love, the tables of stone on which the law was inscribed were placed in an ark made of shittim wood; and for the same reason other things of the tabernacle were made of the same wood, and the temple of Jerusalem was covered with wood.

[5] Now as most things in the Word have also a contrary sense, so does wood, and in that sense it signifies evil, because evil is opposite to good. This is signified by:

Serving wood and stone (Deuteronomy 4:23-28; Isaiah 37:19; Jeremiah 3:9; Ezekiel 20:32).

In Isaiah:

He chooseth wood that will not rot, he seeketh for himself a wise artificer to prepare a graven image that shall not be moved (Isaiah 40:20).

"Wood" here signifies evil which is adored as good, for a "graven image" means the evil of worship; "to choose wood that will not rot" signifies some good from the Word that is becoming adulterated and thus evil; this is chosen because that which is from the Word persuades, and thus does not perish in the mind, which is the case with evil and falsity confirmed by the Word. "He seeks a wise artificer" signifies to seek one who from self intelligence has a gift for confirming and falsifying.

[6] In Jeremiah:

The statutes of the nations are vanity; since one cutteth wood from the forest, the labor of the hands of the workman with the axe. They are stupid and foolish, the wood is a doctrine of vanities (Jeremiah 10:3, 8).

"The statutes of the nations, which are vanity," signify all things of worship of those who are in evil; "the wood cut from the forest and the labor of the hands of the workman with the axe" signify evil from which is worship that has been fashioned by falsities from self-intelligence, "wood" being the evil of the worship that is meant by a graven image, "the labor of the hands of the workman" being what is from self-intelligence, and the "axe" the falsity that destroys good and confirms evil.

[7] In the same:

The voice shall go like that of a serpent, and they came with axes like hewers of wood (Jeremiah 46:22).

"The voice of a serpent" means craft and deceit; "with axes" signifies with falsities destroying good; "like hewers of wood" signifies as if willing to extirpate evil, and yet they extirpate good. In Moses:

If one should kill his companion by error, as in coming with a companion into a forest, and the axe slip from the wood upon his companion, he shall flee to a city of refuge (Deuteronomy 19:5).

That one who sins by error is permitted to flee to a city of refuge is here illustrated by an example that rarely happens, but it is cited to show what is meant by slaying by error; this example is cited because wood and axe and forest are significative, "wood" being good, "axe" falsity, and "forest" the natural man; therefore these words signify that if one who is in natural good should bring destruction upon another's soul by falsity which he does not know to be falsity, it would be done by error, because it is not done from evil.

[8] In Habakkuk:

The stone crieth out of the wall, and the beam from the wood answereth (Habakkuk 2:11).

This means that evil confirms and incites falsity; the "wall out of which the stone crieth" signifies man devoid of truths, and thus wishing to be taught falsity; "the beam that answereth from the wood" signifies man destitute of good, "wood" signifying the evil that confirms falsity and agrees with it. In Jeremiah:

Saying to the wood, Thou art my father, and to the stone, Thou hast begotten me; for they have turned the neck to Me and not the face (Jeremiah 2:27).

"Saying to the wood, Thou art my father," signifies to be conceived from evil; and "saying to the stone, Thou hast begotten me," signifies to be born from falsity of evil; "to turn the neck and not the face" signifies to turn away from all good and truth. "Fire and wood" are mentioned in Zechariah (Zechariah 12:6), and in Isaiah (Isaiah 30:33), because "fire" signifies evil love, and "wood" evils therefrom.

[9] As "swords" signify falsities destroying truths, and "woods" signify evils destroying good, so by command of the chief priests:

A multitude went out with Judas Iscariot against Jesus, with swords and staves (Matthew 26:47; Mark 14:43, 48; Luke 22:52).

This was done because all things relating to the Lord's passion were representative of the destruction by the Jews of all things of good and truth. With the sons of Israel there were two general punishments, stoning and hanging upon wood, stoning for injuring or destroying truth, and hanging upon wood for injuring or destroying good. For this reason:

Hanging upon wood was a curse (Deuteronomy 21:22-23).

All this makes clear that "wood" signifies good, specifically the good of the natural man, and in the contrary sense its evil.

(Continuation respecting the Athanasian Faith)

[10] In the world there are angel-men and devil-men; heaven is constituted of angel-men, and hell of devil-men. With an angel-man all the degrees of his life are open to the Lord; but with a devil-man only the lowest degree is open, and the higher degrees are closed. An angel-man is led by the Lord both from within and from without; but a devil-man is led by himself from within, and by the Lord from without. An angel-man is led by the Lord according to order, from within from order, and from without to order; but a devil-man is led by the Lord to order from without, but by himself against order from within. An angel-man is continually led away from evil by the Lord, and led to good; a devil-man also is continually led away from evil by the Lord, but from a more to a less grievous evil, for he cannot be led to good. An angel-man is continually led away from hell by the Lord, and is led into heaven more and more interiorly; a devil-man is also continually led away from hell, but from a more grievous to a milder hell, for he cannot be led into heaven.

[11] Because an angel-man is led by the Lord he is led by civil law, by moral law, and by spiritual law, for the sake of the Divine in them; a devil-man is led by the same laws, but for the sake of himself [suum] in them. An angel-man from the Lord loves the goods of the church, which are the goods of heaven, because they are goods, also its truths because they are truths; but he loves from self the goods of the body and of the world because they are for use and because they are for pleasure, likewise the truths that belong to the sciences; but although he loves all these in appearance from self, in reality he loves them from the Lord. A devil-man also loves from self the goods of the body and of the world, because they are for use and because they are for pleasure, likewise the truths that belong to the sciences; but although he loves all these in appearance from self, in reality he loves them from hell. An angel-man is in freedom and in the delight of his heart when he is doing good from good, and when he is not doing evil; but a devil-man is in freedom and in the delight of his heart when he is doing good from evil, and when he is doing evil. An angel-man and a devil-man in externals appear alike, but in internals they are wholly unlike; therefore when external things are laid aside by death they are manifestly unlike. The one is taken up into heaven, and the other is taken down into hell.


1. The photolithograph has "tribes;" the Hebrew has "house," but in verse 19 below it has "tribes."

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.