

Бытие 27



1 Когда Исаакъ состарјлся, и притупилось зрјніе очей его, тогда онъ призвалъ старшаго сына своего Исава, и сказалъ ему: сынъ мой! сей отвјтствовалъ: вотъ я!

2 Онъ продолжалъ: вотъ я состарјлся. не знаю дня смерти моей.

3 Итакъ возьми теперь орудія твои, колчанъ твой, и лукъ твой, поди въ поле и налови мнј дичи,

4 и приготовь мнј похлебку, какъ я люблю, и принеси мнј јсть, дабы благословила тебя душа моя, прежде нежели я умру.

5 Ревекка слышала, какъ Исаакъ говорилъ сіе сыну своему Исаву. И когда Исавъ пошель въ поле достать и принесть дичи,

6 тогда Ревекка сказала сыну своему Іакову: вотъ я слышала, какъ отецъ твой говорилъ брату твоему Исаву:

7 принеси мнј дичи, и приготовь мнј похлебку; я појмъ, и благословлю тебя предъ лицемъ Іеговы, предъ смертію моею.

8 Теперь, сынъ мой, послушайся словъ моихъ въ томъ, что я прикажу тебј.

9 Поди въ стадо мелкаго скота, возми мнј оттуда два козленка хорошихъ; и я приготовлю изъ нихъ отцу твоему похлебку, какъ онъ любитъ.

10 А ты понеси отцу твоему, чтобы онъ јлъ, чтобы благословилъ тебя предъ смертію своею.

11 Но Іаковъ сказалъ Ревеккј, матери своей: Исавъ, братъ мой, весь въ волосахъ, а у меня тјло гладко;

12 можетъ статься, ощупаетъ меня отецъ мой, тогда я буду въ глазахъ его обманщикомъ, и наведу на себя проклятіе, а ее благословеніе.

13 На сіе мать отвјчала ему: на мнј пусть будетъ проклятіе твое, сынъ мой, только послушайся словъ моихъ, и поди, принеси мнј.

14 Тогда онъ пошелъ и взялъ, и принесъ матери своей; и мать его сдјлала похлебку, какъ любилъ отецъ его.

15 И взяла Ревекка богатую одежду старшаго сына своего Исава, бывшую у ней въ домј, и одјла въ нее младшаго сына своего Іакова;

16 а руки его и гладкую шею его обложила кожею козлятъ.

17 И дала приготовленную ею похлебку и хлјбъ въ руки Іакову, сыну своему.

18 Онъ вошелъ къ отцу своему, и сказалъ: батюшка! Отецъ же сказалъ: я; кто ты, сынъ мой?

19 Тогда Іаковъ сказалъ отцу своему: я Исавъ, первенецъ твой; я сдјлалъ, какъ ты сказалъ мнј; встань, сядь, и јшь, что я изловилъ, дабы благословила меня душа твоя.

20 Исаакъ спросилъ сына своего: что такъ скоро нашелъ ты, сынъ мой? Онъ отвјчалъ: потому что Іегова Богъ твой послалъ мнј на встрјчу.

21 Потомъ Исаакъ сказалъ Іакову: подойди, я ощупаю тебя, сынъ мой, ты ли сынъ мой Исавъ, или нјтъ?

22 Іаковъ подошелъ къ Исааку, отцу своему; а сей ощупалъ его, и сказалъ: голосъ, голосъ Іакова, а руки, руки Исавовы.

23 И не узналъ его, потому что руки его были, какъ руки Исава, брата его, въ волосахъ, и благословилъ его.

24 Спросилъ вновь: ты ли сынъ мой Исавъ? Онъ отвјчалъ: я.

25 Потомъ Исаакъ сказалъ: подай мнј, я појмъ, что изловилъ ты, сынъ мой, дабы благословила тебя душа моя. Іаковъ подалъ ему, и онъ јлъ; принесъ ему и вина, и онъ пилъ.

26 Наконецъ Исаакъ, отецъ его, сказалъ ему: подойди, поцјлуй меня. сынъ мой.

27 Онъ подошелъ, и поцјловалъ его. И ощутилъ Исаакъ запахъ отъ одежды его, и благословилъ его, говоря: Вотъ, запахъ отъ сына моего, какъ запахъ отъ поля, Которое благословилъ Іегова.

28 Итакъ, да дастъ тебј Богъ росу съ небесъ, и тука земли, И множество хлјба и вина.

29 Да покорствуютъ тебј народы, И да поклонятся тебј племена; Будь господинъ надъ братьями твоими, И да поклонятся тебј сыны матери твоей; Проклинающіе тебя - прокляты; Благословляющіе тебя - благословенны!

30 Какъ скоро совершилъ Исаакъ благословеніе надъ Іаковомъ; и какъ только вышелъ Іаковъ отъ лица Исаака, отца своего, тотчасъ Исавъ, братъ его, пришелъ съ ловли своей.

31 Приготовилъ и онъ похлебку, и принесъ отцу своему, и сказалъ отцу своему: встань, батюшка; појшь, что изловилъ сынъ твой, дабы благословила меня душа твоя.

32 Но Исаакъ, отецъ его, сказалъ ему: кто ты? Онъ отвјчалъ: я сынъ твой, первенецъ твой, Исавъ.

33 Тогда Исаакъ вострепеталъ весьма великимъ трепетомъ, и сказалъ: ктожъ это, который досталъ дичи и принесъ мнј, и я јлъ все, прежде нежели ты пришелъ, и я благословилъ его? Онъ и будетъ благословенъ!

34 Исавъ, выслушавъ слова отца своего, поднялъ громкій и весьма жалостный вопль, и сказалъ отцу своему: родитель мой! благослови и меня!

35 Но онъ сказалъ: братъ твой пришелъ съ хитростію и взялъ благословеніе твое.

36 Тогда Исавъ сказалъ: не даромъ дали ему имя: Іаковъ; онъ запнулъ меня уже два раза; онъ взялъ первородство мое, и вотъ, теперь взялъ благословеніе мое. И говорилъ: неужели ты не оставилъ мнј благословенія?

37 Исаакъ сказалъ въ отвјтъ Исаву: вотъ я поставилъ его господииомъ надъ тобою, и всјхъ братьевъ его отдалъ ему въ рабы; и снабдилъ его хлјбомъ и виномъ: что же я сдјлаю тебј, сынъ мой?

38 Но Исавъ сказалъ отцу своему: неужели, батюшка. одно это у тебя благословеніе? благослови и мена, батюшка! И поднялъ Исавъ вопль, и сталъ плакать.

39 Тогда отвјтствовалъ ему Исаакъ, отецъ его, и сказалъ ему: Вотъ, будетъ въ мјстахъ обитанія твоего тукъ земли, И роса небесная свыше;

40 Но ты будешь жить мечемъ твоимъ, И будешь рабомъ брату твоему; Но будетъ время, что ты, воспротивясь, Свергнешь иго его съ выи твоей.

41 И возненавидјлъ Исавъ Іакова за благословеніе, которымъ благословилъ его отецъ его; и сказалъ Исавъ въ сердцј своемъ: скоро придутъ дни плача по отцј моемъ, тогда я убъю Іакова, брата моего.

42 Когда Ревеккј пересказаиы были слова Исава, старшаго сына ея; то она послала, и призвала младшаго сына своего Іакова, и сказала ему: вотъ, Исавъ, братъ твой, грозитъ убить тебя.

43 Итакъ, сынъ мой, послушайся словъ моихъ; встань, бјги къ Лавану, брату моему, въ Харранъ;

44 и поживи у него нјсколько времени, пока утолится ярость брата твоего,

45 пока пройдетъ гнјвъ брата твоего на тебя, и онъ позабудеть, что ты сдјлалъ ему. Тогда я пошлю, и возьму тебя оттуда. Ибо для чего мнј въ одинъ день лишиться обоихъ васъ?

46 Потомъ Ревекка сказала Исааку: мнј жизнь скучна отъ дочерей Хеттейскихъ; если Іаковъ возьметъ жену изъ дочерей Хеттейскихъ, каковы эти, изъ дочерей этой земли; то что мнј и въ жизни?


სვედენბორგის ნაშრომებიდან


Apocalypse Explained # 1159

შეისწავლეთ ეს პასაჟი.

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1159. And all fat and splendid things are departed from thee, signifies that all things good and true and satisfying and grand, which they were persuaded they would secure through that religious persuasion, are turned into opposites. This is evident from the signification of "fat things," as being what is good and thus satisfying (of which presently); also from the signification of "splendid things," as being what is true and thus grand. This is the signification of "splendid things," because splendor is from light, and the light of heaven is the Divine truth or the Divine wisdom, from which all things in the heavens shine with a splendor such as does not exist in the world; it may be compared with the splendor of a diamond turned to the sun, although the splendor seen in heaven exceeds this beyond measure, as the light of heaven exceeds the light of the world, with a difference so great that while it may be illustrated by comparisons it cannot be described. From that light all things magnificent in the heavens exist, which consist principally of forms corresponding to wisdom, which are such as can in no way be pictured in the world, and consequently cannot be described, for in them art itself is in its art, and knowledge in its wisdom, consequently they are of ineffable beauty. From all this it is clear why "splendid things" signify what is true and thus grand.

[2] "Fat things" signify what is good and thus satisfying, because the fat is the best part of flesh and because it resembles oil, which signifies the good of love. That "fatness" signifies good and things pertaining to good, thus satisfactions and joys, can be seen from the following passages in the Word. In Isaiah:

In hearkening hearken unto Me, and eat ye that which is good, that your soul may be delighted in fatness (Isaiah 55:2).

"To eat that which is good" signifies to appropriate good to oneself; therefore "to be delighted in fatness" signifies to be in a state of satisfaction and blessedness. In Jeremiah:

I will fill the soul of the priests with fatness, and My people shall be satisfied with good (Jeremiah 31:14).

Here, too, "fatness" signifies satisfaction and blessedness from the good of love. In David:

With fat and fatness my soul shall be satisfied, and my mouth will praise Thee with lips of songs (Psalms 63:5).

"To have the soul satisfied with fat and fatness" signifies to be filled with the good of love and consequent joy; "to praise with lips of songs" signifies to worship by truths that gladden the mind. In the same:

They shall be filled with the fatness of Thy house, and Thou shalt make them drink of the river of Thy pleasures (Psalms 36:8).

The "fatness" with which the house shall be filled signifies the good of love and consequent satisfaction, "house" being the things of the mind; "the river of pleasures" that he will make them to drink of signifies intelligence and consequent happiness.

[3] In Isaiah:

In this mountain shall Jehovah of Hosts make to all peoples a feast of fat things, a feast of lees, of fat things of marrows, and of lees well refined (Isaiah 25:6).

This is said of the state of those who will acknowledge and worship the Lord. That "mountain" signifies a new church from these, "a feast of fat things, of fat things of marrows," signifies both natural and spiritual good with joy of heart, and "lees, and lees well refined" signify truths from that good with happiness from them. In the same:

Jehovah shall give the rain of thy seed with which thou shalt sow the land, and bread of the produce of the land, and it shall be fat and plenteous (Isaiah 30:23).

"Rain of seed" signifies the multiplication of truth, and "bread of produce" signifies fructification of good; "fat and plenteous" signifies good and truth with all satisfaction and happiness. In David:

They shall still have increase in old age, they shall be fat and green, to proclaim that Jehovah is upright (Psalms 92:14-15).

"To be fat and green" signifies to be in the goods and truths of doctrine. In the same:

Jehovah shall remember all thy offerings and shall make fat thy burnt-offering (Psalms 20:3).

"Offerings and burnt-offering" signify worship, and to "make fat" signifies worship from the good of love. "Fatness" has the same signification in Ezekiel 34:3; Genesis 27:39 elsewhere. As "fat and fatness" signified the good of love, and all worship which is truly worship must be from the good of love, therefore:

It was appointed that all the fat and fatness in the sacrifices should be burnt on the altar (Exodus 29:13, 22; Leviticus 1:8; 3:3-16; 4:8-35; 7:3-4, 30-31; 17:6; Numbers 18:17-18).

For "sacrifices and burnt-offerings" signified worship.

[4] As the Jewish and Israelitish nation was only in external worship, and not also in internal worship, and in consequence was in no good of love and in no good of charity and faith:

It was forbidden them to eat the fat and blood, and it was declared that they would be cut off if they should eat them (Leviticus 3:17; 7:23, 25).

But to those who are in internal worship and from that in external worship, such as those must be who will be of the Lord's New Church, it is said:

That they shall eat fat till they be full, and drink blood till they be drunken (Ezekiel 39:19);

"fat" here signifying all the good of heaven and of the church, and "blood" all their truth. In the contrary sense those who are "fat" signify those who are nauseated at good, or who at least despise and reject it (Deuteronomy 32:15; Jeremiah 5:28; 50:11; Psalms 17:10; 20:4; 68:31; 119:70 elsewhere).


[5] But such is not the lot of those who are permanently evil. All who are permanently evil are in hell according to the loves of their life; and there they think and speak from thought, although they speak falsities, and they will and from will do, although they do evils. Moreover, to one another they appear like men, although in the light of heaven they have monstrous forms. From this it can be seen why it is according to a law of order relating to reformation, which is called a law of Divine providence, that man is not let into the truths of faith and the goods of love except so far as he can be withheld from evils and held in goods even to the end of life, and that it is better for a man to be permanently evil than that he be good and afterwards evil, for thus he becomes profane. It is for this reason that the Lord, who provides all things and foresees all things, hides the operations of His providence, even to the extent that man scarcely knows whether there be any providence whatever, and man is permitted to attribute what he does to prudence, and what happens to him to fortune, and even to ascribe many things to nature, rather than that he should, through conspicuous and clear indications of the Divine providence and presence, plunge unseasonably into sanctities in which he will not continue. The Lord also permits like things by other laws of His providence, namely, by these, that man should have freedom, and that he should do whatever he does according to reason, thus wholly as if of himself, for it is better for a man to ascribe the workings of the Divine providence to prudence and fortune than to acknowledge them and still live as a devil. From this it is clear that the laws of permission, which are many, proceed from the laws of providence.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.



Isaiah 55:2



2 Why do you spend money for that which is not bread? and your labor for that which doesn't satisfy? listen diligently to me, and eat you that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness.