

예레미야서 42:16



16 너희의 두려워하는 칼이 애굽 땅으로 따라가서 너희에게 미칠 것이요 너희의 두려워하는 기근이 애굽으로 급히 따라가서 너희에게 임하리니 너희가 거기서 죽을 것이라





The nature of the soul is a deep and complicated topic, but it can be summarized as our spiritual life — that is, who we are in terms of our thoughts and affections. And that, generally, is the internal sense when the Bible talks of a soul. You could be missing limbs, disfigured in the body due to illness or accident, paralyzed, but you would still be a complete human being. That's because the soul is the real you, and the soul has to do with internal things, not the state of your body.