

Ezékiel 45



1 És mikor a földet sorsvetéssel elosztjátok örökségül, adjatok áldozatot az Úrnak, szent részt a földbõl; hosszúsága legyen huszonötezer és szélessége tízezer [sing,] szent legyen az egész határában köröskörül.

2 Ebbõl legyen a szenthelyé ötszáz [sing,] ötszáz [singgel] mérve egy négyszög minden oldalát, és mellette ötven sing tágasság legyen minden oldalon.

3 És ebbõl a megmért helybõl mérj ki huszonötezer [sing] hosszúságot és tízezer [sing] szélességet, és ebben lesz a szenthely, [mint] igen szent hely.

4 Szent rész ez a földbõl; legyen a papoké, a szenthely szolgáié, a kik [ide] járulnak szolgálni az Urat; és legyen ez nékik házaik helye, és Szent hely a szenthely számára.

5 És huszonötezer [sing] hosszában és tízezer [sing] széltében legyen a Lévitáké, a ház szolgáié tulajdonukul, húszkamarául,

6 És a város tulajdonául adjatok ötezer [sing] szélességet és huszonötezer [sing] hosszúságot a szent áldozat mentén; az egész Izráel házáért legyen ez.

7 És a fejedelem [tulajdona] lészen a szent áldozatnak és a város tulajdonának mind a két oldalán a szent áldozat elõtt és a város tulajdona elõtt a napnyugoti oldalon nyugotra és a napkeleti oldalon keletre, és hosszúsága olyan lesz, mint a részek közül egyé, a napnyugoti határtól a napkeleti határig.

8 Földje legyen az néki, tulajdona Izráelben; és többé ne sanyargassák fejedelmeim az én népemet, hanem adják át a [többi] földet Izráel házának az õ nemzetségei szerint.

9 Ezt mondja az Úr Isten: Legyen elég már néktek, Izráel fejedelmei! A törvénytelenséget és erõszaktételt távoztassátok el, és cselekedjetek törvény szerint és igazságot. Vegyétek le népemrõl sarczolástokat, ezt mondja az Úr Isten.

10 Igaz mérõserpenyõitek legyenek és igaz éfátok és igaz báthotok:

11 Az éfa és a báth egy mértékûek legyenek, úgy hogy a hómernek tizedét fogadja be a báth, és a hómernek tizede legyen az éfa, a hómerhez kell mértéköket igazítani.

12 És a sekelnek húsz gérája legyen; húsz sekel, huszonöt sekel, tizenöt sekel legyen a mina nálatok.

13 Ez az áldozat, melyet fel kell vinnetek: egy hómer búzából egy hatodrész éfa, és egy hómer árpából is az éfa hatodrészét adjátok.

14 És az olajból rendelt rész egy báth olajból: a báth tizede a kórból, tíz báthból, egy hómerbõl, mert tíz báth egy hómer.

15 És egy darab a nyájból, kétszáz darab után Izráel bõvizû földjérõl ételáldozatra és égõáldozatra és hálaadó áldozatokra, az õ megszentelésökre, ezt mondja az Úr Isten.

16 A földnek egész népe köteles legyen erre az áldozatra a fejedelem részére Izráelben.

17 A fejedelem tiszte pedig lészen, hogy vigyen egészen égõáldozatokat és ételáldozatot és italáldozatot az ünnepeken és az újholdak napján és a szombatokon, Izráel házának minden ünnepein: õ teljesítse a bûnért való áldozatot és az ételáldozatot és az egészen égõáldozatot és a hálaadó áldozatokat, hogy megszentelje Izráel házát.

18 Ezt mondja az Úr Isten: Az elsõ [hónap]ban, a hónap elsején végy egy fiatal, hibátlan bikát és tisztítsd meg a szenthelyet.

19 És vegyen a pap a bûnért való áldozat vérébõl, és hintse a ház ajtófélfáira és az oltár bekerítésének négy szegletére és a belsõ pitvar kapufélfáira.

20 És így cselekedjél a hónap hetedik napján a tudatlanságból vétkezõért és a vigyázatlanságért, és így tisztítsátok meg a házat.

21 Az elsõ [hónap]ban, a hónap tizennegyedik napján legyen a ti páskátok; a hét napos ünnepen kovásztalan kenyeret egyetek.

22 És a fejedelem azon a napon áldozzék õ magáért és a föld egész népéért egy bikával, bûnért való áldozatul.

23 És az ünnep hét napján tegyen egészen égõáldozatot az Úrnak hét bikával és hét kossal, épekkel, naponként hét napon át, és bûnért való áldozatot egy kecskebakkal naponként;

24 És ételáldozatul tegyen egy éfát a bika mellé és egy éfát a kos mellé, és az olajból egy hínt az éfához.

25 A hetedik [hónap]ban, a hónap tizenötödik napján, az ünnepen hasonlóképen cselekedjék hét napon át: a bûnért való áldozattal, az egészen égõáldozattal, az ételáldozattal és az olajjal.


სვედენბორგის ნაშრომებიდან


Arcana Coelestia # 10253

შეისწავლეთ ეს პასაჟი.

/ 10837  

10253. 'Five hundred [shekels]' means what is complete. This is clear from the meaning of the number 'five hundred' as what is complete. The reason why 'five hundred' has this meaning is that this number is the product of five multiplied by ten tens, or fives times a hundred; and 'five' means much, as do 'ten' and 'a hundred', and therefore 'five hundred' means what is complete.

'Five' means much, see 5708, 5956, 9102, as likewise does 'ten', 3107, 4638, and also 'a hundred', 4400, 6582, 6594.

All numbers in the Word mean spiritual realities, see in the places referred to in 9488.

Compound numbers have a similar meaning to the simple ones that give rise to them through multiplication, 5291, 5335, 5708, 7973.

[2] The fact that numbers mean spiritual realities is perfectly clear in Ezekiel, where the house of God, together with everything there inside and outside, and also the new earth or land, are measured and are described by numbers pertaining to measure, in Chapters 40-48. By the new land there the Church should be understood, and by the house of God its holiness. The same is so in John, in the Book of Revelation, where also a new Jerusalem is described by the numbers where measurements are given, by which too a new Church should be understood. Unless the numbers had meant spiritual realities all those measurements would have been pointless.

[3] 'Five hundred' means the whole from one end to the other, thus what is complete. This is clear from those chapters in Ezekiel,

He measured outside the house (or the temple), to the east quarter five hundred rods round about, to the north quarter five hundred rods round about, to the south quarter five hundred rods, and to the west quarter 1 five hundred rods. Its wall round about, the length was five hundred rods, and the breadth five hundred rods, to distinguish between the holy and the profane. Ezekiel 42:15-20.

From these words it is evident that 'five hundred' means the whole in its entirety, or everything holy from one end to the other, thus what is complete; for it says that the wall, which - according to this account of its length and breadth - formed a square, served to distinguish the holy from the profane.

[4] 'Five hundred' also means much, while a tenth of that number or fifty means some. This is clear from the Lord's words addressed to Simon, in Luke,

Jesus said, There were two debtors who had a certain creditor. One owed five hundred denarii, but the other fifty. When they did not have [anything with which] to repay, he forgave them both. Which of the two loves him more? Simon answered, The one to whom he forgave more. Jesus said, So have the many sins of the woman been forgiven, because she loved much. But to whom little is forgiven, [that person] loves little. Luke 7:41-end.

The reason why the Lord used those numbers was that they meant much and some; for He spoke from a Divine [perspective], thus used words carrying a spiritual meaning, in accord with correspondences. The same is so everywhere else, as when He spoke about the virgins, of whom - He said - there were ten, and that five were wise and five were foolish. He spoke of ten because that number means all, that is to say, all who belong to the Church, and of five because this number means some, see 4637, 4638.


1. literally, the quarter of the sea

/ 10837  

Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

სვედენბორგის ნაშრომებიდან


Arcana Coelestia # 4638

შეისწავლეთ ეს პასაჟი.

/ 10837  

4638. Then the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins means the final period of the old Church and the first of the new. The Church is the Lord's kingdom on earth; 'the ten virgins' are all who belong to the Church, that is to say, both those who are governed by good and truth, and those who are under the influence of evil and falsity. 'Ten' in the internal sense means remnants, also that which is full and complete, and so means all, while 'virgins' means those who belong to the Church, as in other places in the Word.

[2] Who took their lamps means spiritual things which have what is celestial within them, or truths that have good within them, or what amounts to the same, faith that has charity towards the neighbour within it, and charity that has love to the Lord within it. For 'oil' means the good of love, dealt with below; but 'lamps that have no oil in them' means those same things when there is no good within them.

[3] They went out to meet the Bridegroom means their reception.

Five of them however were wise, but five were foolish means that one group of them possessed truths which had good within them, and another group possessed truths which did not have good within them. The former are 'the wise', but the latter 'the foolish'. In the internal sense 'five' means some, in this case therefore a group from within the whole.

Taking their lamps the foolish did not take oil with them means that they did not have within their truths the good of charity, 'oil' in the internal sense being the good of charity and love.

Whereas the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps means that they did have within their truths the good of charity and love - 'vessels' being matters of doctrine concerning faith.

[4] While the Bridegroom was tarrying they were all drowsy and went to sleep means delay, and therefore doubt. In the internal sense, 'being drowsy' means becoming, because of the delay, inattentive to things of the Church, while 'going to sleep' means nurturing doubt, in the case of 'the wise' doubt that goes with an affirmative attitude of mind, but in the case of 'the foolish' doubt that goes with a negative one.

At midnight there was a shout means the period of time which is the final one of the old Church and the first of the new. In the Word when the subject is the state of the Church this period is called 'night'. 'A shout' means a change taking place.

Behold, the Bridegroom is coming; go out to meet Him means judgement, that is to say, a time of being accepted or rejected.

[5] Then all those virgins were roused and they trimmed their lamps means the preparation of all, for those whose truths do not have good within them believe themselves to be no less accepted than those whose truths do have good within them. Indeed they imagine that faith alone saves and are unaware of the fact that no faith can exist where no charity does so.

But the foolish said to the wise, Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out means their desire for that good to be communicated from others to their own empty truths, that is, to their own hollow faith. For those who are in the next life communicate to one another every spiritual or celestial thing they possess, though only through good.

[6] But the wise replied, saying, Perhaps there will not be enough for us and for you means that no communication of it is possible because the small amount of good they have would be taken away from them. For in the next life, when good is communicated to those whose truths are devoid of good, they take away good so to speak from those who do have it and then keep it to themselves. They do not communicate it to others but defile it, which is why no good is communicated to them. My own experience of these people will be seen at the end of Chapter 37 below.

[7] Go rather to those who sell and buy for yourselves means meritorious good. Those who boast of having this kind of good are meant by 'those who sell'. Also, more than all others in the next life, people whose truth has no good within it think that they have earned merit through every deed they have performed which to all outward appearance looked like good, though inwardly it was evil, as the Lord says of them in Matthew, Many will say to Me on that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy by Your name, and by Your name cast out demons, and do many mighty works in Your name? But then I will confess to them, I do not know you; depart from Me, you workers of iniquity! Matthew 7:22-23.

And in Luke,

Once the Householder has risen up and shut the door, then you will begin to stand outside and to knock at the door, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But He replying will say to you, I do not know where you come from. Then you will begin to say, We ate in your presence and we drank; and You taught in our Streets. But He will say, I tell you, I do not know where you come from; depart from Me, all you workers of iniquity! Luke 13:25-27.

This describes what those meant here by the foolish virgins are like, and that is why the following words referring to them occur in this parable - they 'came also, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But he replying said, Truly, I say to you, I do not know you'.

[8] While they were going to buy however, the Bridegroom came means their perverse approach.

And those who were ready went in with Him to the wedding feast means that those who were governed by good, and from this by truth, were accepted into heaven. Heaven is likened to a wedding feast by virtue of the heavenly marriage, which is a marriage of good and truth, and the Lord to the Bridegroom because these people are joined to Him, while the Church is therefore called the Bride.

And the door was shut means that no others can enter.

[9] Afterwards the remaining virgins came also, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us means that they wish to enter on the basis of faith alone without charity, and of works in which the life of the Lord is not present, only selfish life.

But He replying said, Truly, I say to you, I do not know you means rejection. In the internal sense 'not knowing them' means that they lack any charity towards the neighbour, and are not joined through such charity to the Lord. Those who are not so joined to Him are said 'not to be known' by Him.

[10] Watch therefore, for you do not know the day, nor the hour, in which the Son of Man will be coming means an eagerness to live according to the commandments constituting a person's faith, meant by 'watching'. The actual time of acceptance, which is unknown to a person, and his state then, are meant by 'you do not know the day, nor the hour, in which the Son of Man will be coming'. One who is governed by good, that is, whose deeds conform to the commandments, is called 'wise', but one who has a knowledge of the truth, yet does not act in accordance with this, is called 'foolish', as they are elsewhere by the Lord in Matthew,

Everyone who hears My words and does them I will liken to a wise man. But everyone hearing My words and not doing them will be likened to a foolish man. Matthew 7:24, 26.

/ 10837  

Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.