

以西結書 16:38



38 我也要審判你,好像官長審判淫婦和流人血的婦女一樣。我因忿怒忌恨,使流血的罪歸到你身上。

სვედენბორგის ნაშრომებიდან


属天的奥秘 # 6804

შეისწავლეთ ეს პასაჟი.

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6804. “神就记念祂与亚伯拉罕, 以撒, 雅各所立的约” 表由于通过主的神性人身而与教会的结合. 这从 “约” 的含义, 以及 “亚伯拉罕, 以撒, 雅各” 的代表清楚可知: “约” 是指结合, 如下文所述; 约是与 “亚伯拉罕, 以撒, 雅各” 立的, 他们是指主的神性人身. “亚伯拉罕” 代表神性本身方面的主, “以撒” 代表神性理性层方面的主, “雅各” 代表神性属世层方面的主 (参看1893, 2011, 2066, 2072, 2083, 2630, 3194, 3210, 3245, 3251, 3305末尾, 3439, 3576, 3599, 3704, 4180, 4286, 4538, 4570, 4615, 6098, 6185, 6276, 6425节). 在圣言中, 凡提到 “亚伯拉罕, 以撒, 雅各” 的地方, 在灵义上都不是指这些人; 这一点可从以下事实看出来: 名字永远不会进入天堂, 只有叫这名的人所表示的东西, 因而只有真实事物或事物本身, 以及它们的品质和状态, 也就是教会, 主的国度和主自己的方方面面才能进入.

此外, 天上的天使从不将自己的思维固定于具体的人, 因为这会限制思维, 使它们远离对真实事物包罗万象的觉知, 而天使的言语就出于这种觉知. 这解释了为何天上的天使所说的话对人来说, 是无法形容的, 远远超越人的思维; 人的思维不会延伸到事物的共性或整体, 而是局限于特定方面. 因此, 当我们读到这段经文时, 即:

从东从西, 将有许多人来, 在天国里与亚伯拉罕, 以撒, 雅各一同坐席. (马太福音 8:11)

天使就会感知到主的同在, 以及人们将从祂的神性人身发出的真理与良善归于自己的方式. 还有, 当我们读到这段经文时, 即:

拉撒路被带去放在亚伯拉罕的怀里. (路加福音 16:22)

天使就会感知到他被提升到主所在的天堂. 这也说明, “与亚伯拉罕, 以撒, 雅各所立的约” 在内义上表示通过主的神性人身所实现的结合.

神性人身就是一个 “约”, 也就是结合本身, 这一点从圣言中的许多经文可以看出来, 如:

我使你作人民的约, 作列族的光. (以赛亚书 42:6)


我使你作人民的约, 复兴这地, 使人承受那荒凉的产业. (以赛亚书 49:8)


你们当就近我来, 侧耳而听, 你的灵魂就必得活. 我必与你们立永约, 就是应许大卫那可靠的恩典. 看哪, 我已立祂作万民的见证, 为列族的首领和立法者. (以赛亚书 55:3, 4)


你们所寻求的主, 必忽然进入祂的殿; 立约的使者, 就是你们所仰慕的, 看哪, 快要来到. (玛拉基书 3:1)


祂却为我立永远的约, 这约既全备又稳妥. (撒母耳记下 23:5)

这些经文明显论述主, 以及人类通过祂的神性人身与主的神性本身的结合.

在教会, 众所周知, 就神性人身而言, 主是中保, 没有人能到在主里面被称为父的神性本身那里, 除非通过子, 也就是神性人身. 因此, 就神性人身而言, 主就是约. 谁能以任何思维来理解神性本身呢? 若不能在思维上理解它, 谁能在爱中与它结合呢? 但是, 谁都能在思维上理解神性人身, 在爱中与它结合.

“约” 是指结合, 这一点从国家之间所立的盟约可以看出来, 这些盟约将它们联结起来; 它们是双方所达成的协议, 必须遵守, 好叫盟约不遭破坏, 保持完整. 这些协议或条约也被称为一个 “约”. 从狭义上讲, 在人这一方, 在圣言中被称为 “约” 的协议或条约就是十条诫, 或十诫. 从广泛意义上讲, 它们就是一切律例, 条例, 律法, 法度, 以及主从西乃山通过摩西所颁布的诫命; 从更广泛的意义上讲, 它们是摩西五经; 摩西五经的内容是以色列人所要遵守的. 在主这一方, “约” 是怜悯和拣选.

十条诫或十诫就是 “约”, 这一点从以下经文明显看出来:

耶和华将所吩咐你们当守的约指示你们, 就是十条诫, 并将这十句话写在两块石版上. (申命记 4:13, 23)

由于写有十诫的两块石版被放在柜子中 (出埃及记 25:16, 21, 22; 31:18; 32:15, 16, 19; 40:20), 所以这个柜子被称为 “约柜” (申命记 31:9, 24-26; 约书亚记 3:3, 6, 14; 4:7; 士师记 20:27; 撒母耳记下 15:24; 列王纪上 8:21). 在最后引用的经文中, 所罗门如此说:

我也在那里为约柜立个一个地方, 约柜内有耶和华的约, 就是祂我们列祖所立的. (列王纪上 8:21)



神天上的殿开了, 在祂殿中现出祂的约柜. (启示录 11:19)

主通过摩西吩咐给以色列百姓的一切典章和律例都被称为 “约”, 摩西五经本身也是; 这一点从以下经文明显看出来:

我是按这些话的口与你和以色列人立约. (出埃及记 34:27)

在此被称为 “约” 的, 是许多关于祭物, 节期和无酵饼的条例.

摩西拿起约书, 在百姓耳边念诵, 他们说, 凡耶和华所吩咐的, 我们都必遵行和听从. (出埃及记 24:7-8)


犹大王约书亚在耶和华殿里当着他们所有人的面, 把耶和华殿里所发现的约书上的话念出来. 他在耶和华面前立约, 要坚立写在这书上的约言; 众民都服从这约. 王吩咐众民, 他们当照这约书上所写的, 向耶和华守逾越节. (列王纪下 23:2-3, 21)


你的众子若守我的约和我所教训他们的法度, 他们的子孙必永远坐在你的宝座上. (诗篇 132:12)

“约” 是指通过爱与信的结合, 这一点从这些经文明显看出来:

耶和华说, 看哪, 日子将到, 我要与以色列家和犹大家立新约; 不像我与他们祖宗所立的约, 因为他们废了我的约; 那些日子以后, 我与以色列家所立的约乃是这样: 我要将我的律法放在他们中间, 写在他们心上; 我要作他们的神, 他们要作我的子民. (耶利米书 31:31-33)

“将律法放在他们中间, 写在他们心上” 是指赋予信与仁; 信与仁是 “我要作他们的神, 他们要作我的子民” 所描述的结合得以实现的手段. 又:

我要与他们立永远的约, 使我不转离他们; 我必厚待他们; 我要将对我的敬畏放在他们心上, 使他们不离开我. (耶利米书 32:40)

“我要将对我的敬畏放在他们心上, 使他们不离开我” 表示通过爱的结合, 也就是 “约”.


我要与他们立平安的约, 这是与他们所立的永约. 我也要给予他们, 使他们增多, 又在他们中间设立我的圣所; 我的居所必在他们中间, 我要作他们的神, 他们要作我的子民. (以西结书 37:26-27)

此处 “在他们中间的圣所”, “在他们中间的居所”, “我要作他们的神, 他们要作我的子民” 这些话描述了通过爱与信的结合, 也就是 “约”. 又:

我从你旁边经过, 看见你的时候, 看哪, 正是你的时候, 正动爱情的时候, 我与你立约, 你就归我. (以西结书 16:8)

这论及耶路撒冷, 耶路撒冷表示古教会; “立约, 你就归我” 明显是指一个婚姻, 或属灵的结合. 由于 “约” 表示结合, 所以妻子也被称为 “盟约的妻” (玛拉基书 2:14); 弟兄当中的结合被称为 “弟兄的盟约” (阿摩司书 1:9). 在诗篇, “约” 也表示结合:

我与我所拣选的人立了约, 向我的仆人大卫起了誓. (诗篇 89:3)

在主那一方, 约中的协议是怜悯和拣选, 这明显可见于以下经文:

凡遵守祂的约和祂法度的人, 耶和华的一切道就是怜悯和真理. (诗篇 25:10)


大山可以挪开, 小山可以迁移; 但我的怜悯必不离开, 我平安的约也不迁移. 这是怜恤你的那一位, 就是耶和华说的. (以赛亚书 54:10)


耶和华你的神, 祂是神, 是信实的神, 向爱祂, 守祂诫命的人守约施怜悯, 直到千代. (申命记 7:9, 12)


你们若遵守我的约, 就要在万民中归我作特别的珍宝. (出埃及记 19:5)


我必垂顾着你们, 使你们生养众多, 也要与你们坚立我的约. (利未记 26:9)

“垂顾着他们” 是指以怜悯看待; “使他们生养众多” 是指赋予他们仁与信; 那些被赋予这些恩赐的人被称为 “选民”; 因此, 这些话与拣选有关; 他们 “要作特别的珍宝” 这句话也是.

在代表性教会, 他们还有立约的记号. 这些记号有助于提醒人们要结合. 割礼就是这样一个记号 (创世记 17:11); 因为 “割礼” 表示从污秽的爱中洁净. 这些爱被除去后, 天堂之爱就会被引入, 结合通过这爱得以实现. 安息日也被称为 “永远的约” (出埃及记 31:16). 经上还说, “陈设饼要为以色列人作永远的约” (利未记 24:8, 9). “血” 尤其是一个记号, 这清楚可见于摩西五经:

摩西拿起约书来, 在百姓的耳边念诵, 他们说, 耶和华所吩咐的, 我们都必遵行和听从. 摩西取了平安祭的血, 洒在百姓身上, 说, 看哪! 这是耶和华按这一切话与你们所立的. (出埃及记 24:7-8)


我因与你立约的血, 将被掳而囚的人, 从无水的坑中释放出来. (撒迦利亚书 9:11)

“血” 之所以是约, 或立约的记号, 是因为它表示通过属灵之爱, 也就是通过对邻之仁所实现的结合; 这就是为何当主设立圣餐时, 祂称自己的血为 “新约的血” (马太福音 26:28). 由此可见在圣言中, “约” 在内义上是什么意思.

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Thanks to our friends at swedenborgwork.com for their permission to use this translation on the New Christian Bible Study site. ( 衷心感谢”史威登堡著作中文网”许可我们使用该中文译文)

სვედენბორგის ნაშრომებიდან


Arcana Coelestia # 4111

შეისწავლეთ ეს პასაჟი.

/ 10837  

4111. 'And Rachel stole the teraphim which belonged to her father' means a change, as regards truth, of the state meant by 'Laban'. This is clear from the meaning of 'stealing' here as taking away that which is cherished and holy, and so changing the state; from the meaning of 'the teraphim' as truths, dealt with below; and from the meaning of 'father', who in this case is Laban, as the good meant by him, dealt with already. 'Father' too means good, 3703. From this it is evident that 'Rachel stole the teraphim which belonged to her father' means a change, as regards truth, of the state meant by 'Laban'.

[2] What is implied in all this may be seen from the state in which spirits dwell when they are being separated. The states of good and truth in which spirits dwell are determined by the communities they are in, for as shown already, all thought flows in through others, doing so most immediately through those in whose community they are at the time. When therefore they are removed from one community and sent into another the states of their thoughts and affections are changed, and so therefore are the states of truth and good in which they dwell. If however they are sent into communities unlike themselves they take no delight in it, and consequently feel coerced; and therefore they are separated from them and taken to communities which are like themselves. This explains why the evil are unable to be present in and to stay among communities of the good, or the good to do so among communities of the evil, and also why all spirits and angels are distinguished into separate communities in accordance with those affections that belong to love. But every affection belonging to love contains many and varying features, 3078, 3189, 4005, though one feature is predominant. Each spirit therefore is capable of being in a number of communities, but he strives to get to the one in which his predominant affection reigns, and to which at length he is brought.

[3] As regards the good meant by 'Laban' and a change in the state of that good, as long as it was present with the good represented by 'Jacob' it was closer to the Divine; for 'Jacob' means that good within the Natural, and being closer to the Divine was also at that time in a more perfect state of truth and good. But when it was separated from it, it entered another state as regards truth and good, for in general changes of state in the next life are nothing else than movements towards the Divine or away from the Divine. This then shows what is understood by a change of state when the good meant by 'Laban' was separated.

[4] The reason why 'Rachel stole the teraphim which belonged to her father' means a change of state as regard truth is that by 'the teraphim' are meant his gods, as is evident from what follows below. For in verse 30 Laban says to Jacob, 'Why did you steal my gods?' and in verse 32 Jacob replies, 'Anyone with whom you find your gods shall not live in the presence of our brothers'. In the internal sense 'gods' means truths, which is also the reason why the name 'God' is used in the Word when truth is the subject, see 2586, 2769, 2807, 2822.

[5] The teraphim were idols which were used when people consulted God or asked Him something. And because the replies which they received were to those people Divine truths, truths were therefore meant by them, as in Hosea,

The children of Israel sat many days with no king and with no prince and with no sacrifice, nor ephod and teraphim. Hosea 3:4.

'Ephod and teraphim' stands for Divine truths which they received through the replies given, for when they asked God something they also put on the ephod, 1 Samuel 23:9-12. In Zechariah,

The teraphim speak iniquity, and the diviners see a lie, and the dreams speak vanity. Zechariah 10:2.

Here too 'the teraphim' stands for replies, but in that state iniquitous ones.

[6] And because 'the teraphim' had this kind of meaning, some also had them in their houses, even though this was forbidden. One such person was Micah, in the Book of Judges,

Micah had a house of God and he made an ephod and teraphim, and he consecrated 1 one of his sons to be his priest. And some of the Danites said to their brethren, Do you know that in these houses there is an ephod and teraphim, and a graven image and a molten image? And when they had entered Micah's house and took the graven image, the ephod and the teraphim, and the molten image... And the priest's heart was glad, 2 and he took the ephod and the teraphim, and the graven image. And Micah pursued the children of Dan, then he said, You have taken my gods which I made, and the priest, and have gone away. What have I more? Judges 17:5; 18:14, 18, 20, 24.

Michal too, David's wife, had them, as described in 1 Samuel,

Michal, David's wife, took the teraphim, and placed them in the bed and covered them over with a garment. Saul's messengers came, but behold, the teraphim were in the bed. 1 Samuel 19:13, 16.

The fact that they were however idols which were forbidden is evident from what is said in reference to them in 1 Samuel 15:23; 2 Kings 23:24; Ezekiel 21:21.


1. literally, filled the hand

2. literally, good

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.