1 Királyok 12:24



24 Azt mondja az Úr: Fel ne menjetek, és ne hadakozzatok a ti atyátokfiai ellen, az Izráel ellen; térjetek meg kiki a maga házába, mert én tõlem lett e dolog. És õk engedének az Úr beszédének, és visszatérvén, elmenének az Úr beszéde szerint.

კომენტარი ამ ლექსზე  

By Henry MacLagan

Verse 24. That it is from Divine Truth, that the corrupt celestial race should not ascend, and infest the men of the Spiritual Church; and that each should seek his eternal abode, because it is of the Divine Providence; and that, consequently, the Lord, by his work of Redemption, delivered mankind for ever from the infestations of such evil spirits.