

Arcana Coelestia#8093


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8093. 'That God did not lead them by the way of the land of the Philistines' means that the Divine saw to it that they should not pass on to the truth of faith that does not spring from good. This is clear from the meaning of 'God did not lead them by the way' as the Divine saw to it that they should not pass on to, for 'leading', when done by God, means providence, and 'the way' means truth, 627, 2333, in this instance passing on to it; and from the representation of 'the Philistines' as those who have a knowledge of the cognitions of faith but do not lead a life of charity, dealt with in 1197, 1198, 3412, 3413, thus those who possess the truth of faith that does not spring from good. The fact that 'the Philistines' and 'the land of the Philistines' have this meaning may be recognized from places in the Word where they are mentioned, in particular in Jeremiah 47:1-end, where they are described, also in Joel 3:5-6, as well as from the historical accounts in the Word referring to wars between the children of Israel and the Philistines, to the subjection of the children of Israel by the Philistines and then of the Philistines by the children of Israel. By 'the Philistines' in these places those who champion separated faith are represented, that is, people for whom the knowledge of cognitions of faith is all-important but not a life led in accordance with that knowledge, consequently people who teach and believe that a person is saved by faith alone.

[2] This particular belief about faith alone or separated faith is not new or something that belongs solely to the present time. It had come to exist in the ancient Churches, growing ever stronger along with evil in life. It is also described in various places in the Word, but by means of names, by Cain' first, in that he killed his brother Abel, 337, 340, 1179. In the internal representative sense of that story 'Cain' is that kind of faith, while 'Abel' is charity. Such faith is also described by 'Ham', when cursed by his father, 1062, 1063; after that by 'Reuben', in that he went up to his father's bed, 3870, 4601, and by 'Simeon and Levi', in that they killed Hamor and the men of Shechem and were for that reason cursed by their father, 3870, 6352. That faith is also described by 'the Egyptians' and by 'their firstborn', in that the latter were killed, 7766, 7778, and the former drowned in the Sea Suph. It is described too by 'the Philistines', 3412, 3413, and also by 'Tyre and Sidon', in various places in the Prophets; there a knowledge of the cognitions of faith is meant by 'the Philistines', and the cognitions themselves, interior and exterior, by 'Tyre and Sidon'. Lastly such faith is represented by 'Peter' when he denied the Lord three times, 6000, 6073(end). But see what has been shown already regarding this faith, in 36, 379, 389, 916, 1017, 1076, 1077, 1162, 1176, 1798, 1799, 1834, 1844, 2049, 2116, 2228, 2231, 2261, 2343, 2349, 2364, 2383, 2385, 2401, 2435, 2982, 3146, 3242, 3325, 3412, 3413, 3416, 3427, 3773, 4663, 4672, 4673, 4683, 4721, 4730, 4766, 4783, 4925, 5351, 5820, 5826, 6269, 6272, 6273, 6348, 6353, 7039, 7097, 7127, 7317, 7502, 7545, 7623-7627, 7724, 7779, 7790, 7950.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.



Arcana Coelestia#2364


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2364. 'And you may do to them as is good in your eyes' means enjoyment insofar as [they perceived them to come] from good. This too becomes clear from the meaning of the words, and also from the train of thought, when they have reference to the affections meant by 'daughters'. The fact that he acted cautiously was meant by the statement 'Lot went out to them to the door', 2356. This caution is evident from these and the remaining words in this verse - they were to enjoy the blessedness belonging to the affections for good and for truth to the extent that this is derived from good, which is the meaning of the statement that they were to do to them as was good in their eyes. Enjoying to the extent it derived from good means in this instance, to the extent that they knew it was good, beyond which no one is compelled to go. For all are turned by the Lord to the good of life through the good of their faith. Gentiles are so directed in a different way from Christians; the simple in a different way from the learned; and young children in a different way from adults. People whose lives have been stained by evil are turned by means of their refraining from evil and intending good, which they carry out according to whatever understanding they possess. It is the intention or the end in view present with them that is observed, and even though their actions are not in themselves good, their end in view provides them with some measure of good and of the life flowing from it which constitutes their blessedness.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.