

Matthew 27:50-54 : The veil was torn


50 Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost.

51 And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;

52 And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose,

53 And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.

54 Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God.




作者: New Christian Bible Study Staff (機械翻訳された 日本語)

Photo by Rezha-fahlevi from Pexels




幕屋と後の神殿のベールは重要なものでした。出エジプト記や列王記上に詳しく書かれています。また 天界の秘義2576と書かれています。「理性的な真理は、精神的な真理に対する一種のベールまたは衣服です....ベールは、理性的な善と真理の最も近く、最も内側の外観を表していた....





1)物理的な宇宙の創造。現在の推測では、138億年前)。 創世記1:1-10

2)生命の誕生。地球上では、35億年前から45億年前の間)。 創世記1:11-25

3) 霊的な意識を持つ人間の始まり。10万年前と推測されています。 創世記1:26-31














Son of God


The works of Swedenborg offer different takes on the phrase "the Son of God," sometimes saying that it refers to the "divine human" and sometimes saying it refers to the "divine truth." That seems confusing, but that problem is largely with the way we tend to think about truth or true ideas. Generally, when asked to think of the "truth," people will think of written rules like the 10 commandments, or logical proofs, or mathematical equations that are undeniably accurate. But that is really only a very external idea of truth. Consider: We've all had the experience of struggling to understand something, blundering along as someone tries to explain it. Then, all of a sudden, it clicks. You see the pattern, see the logic, see the whole picture. In an instant, you go from "not getting it" to "getting it." But how easy is it to put that "it" into words? Usually not easy at all. And it's not easy to draw in a picture, or express in an equation. But it's very real -- in a way all the more real, because it expresses something deeper. In a sense, then, the divine truth really is the divine human. When we get "it," we see Him as the infinite human, and everything we could ever know is there. Take that click, that "it" that you suddenly got and multiply it by a factor of infinity, and that's where divine truth is. Imagine if in a click you could "get" God that way -- the whole picture, the purposes, the plans, the love, the patience, the forgiveness, the ebb and flow running constantly and completely with everyone on earth. That click would be a glimpse at divine truth -- a blinding snapshot moment seeing all that God is.