

Jezekilj 3



1 I reče mi: Sine čovečji, pojedi šta je pred tobom, pojedi ovu knjigu, pa idi, govori domu Izrailjevom.

2 I otvorih usta, i založi me onom knjigom.

3 I reče mi: Sine čovečji, nahrani trbuh svoj i creva svoja napuni ovom knjigom koju ti dajem. I pojedoh je, i beše mi u ustima slatka kao med.

4 Zatim reče mi: Sine čovečji, idi k domu Izrailjevom, i govori i moje reči.

5 Jer se ne šalješ k narodu nepoznatog jezika i nerazumljivog govora, nego k domu Izrailjevom;

6 Ne k mnogim narodima nepoznatog jezika i nerazumljivog govora kojima reči ne bi razumeo; k njima da te pošaljem, poslušali bi te.

7 Ali dom Izrailjev neće te poslušati, jer neće mene da poslušaju; jer je sav dom Izrailjev tvrdog obraza i upornog srca.

8 Evo dadoh tebi obraz tvrd prema njihovom obrazu i čelo tvrdo prema njihovom čelu.

9 Kao kamen dijamant, tvrđe od stene dadoh ti čelo; ne boj ih se, niti se plaši od njih, zato što su dom odmetnički.

10 Potom reče mi: Sine čovečji, sve reči moje što ću ti govoriti primaj u srce svoje i slušaj ušima svojim.

11 I k roblju, k sinovima naroda svog, i govori im i reci im: Tako veli Gospod Gospod; poslušali ili ne poslušali.

12 Tada podiže me duh, i čuh za sobom glas gde se silno razleže: Blagoslovena slava Gospodnja s mesta Njegovog;

13 I lupu krila onih životinja koja udarahu jedno u drugo i prasku točkova prema njima, glas koji se silno razlegaše.

14 I duh me podiže i odnese i iđah žalostan od srdnje u duhu svom; ali ruka Gospodnja silna beše nada mnom.

15 I dođoh k roblju u Telaviv, koje stanovaše na reci Hevaru, i sedoh gde oni seđahu, i sedeh onde među njima čudeći se.

16 A posle sedam dana dođe mi reč Gospodnja govoreći:

17 Sine čovečji, postavih te stražarem domu Izrailjevom, da slušaš reči iz mojih usta i opominješ ih od mene.

18 Kad kažem bezbožniku: Poginućeš, a ti ga ne opomeneš i ne govoriš mu da bi odvratio bezbožnika od bezbožnog puta njegovog, da bi ga sačuvao u životu, onaj će bezbožnik poginuti sa svog bezakonja; ali ću krv njegovu iskati iz tvojih ruku.

19 A kad ti opomeneš bezbožnika, a on se ne vrati od bezbožnosti svoje i sa zlog puta svog, on će poginuti s bezakonja svog, a ti ćeš sačuvati dušu svoju.

20 Ako li se pravednik odvrati od pravde svoje, i stane činiti bezakonje, i ja mu podmetnem na šta će se spotaći, te pogine, a ti ga ne opomenu, on će poginuti sa svog greha, i neće se pomenuti pravedna dela njegova što je činio, ali ću krv njegovu iskati iz tvoje ruke.

21 Ako li ti opomeneš pravednika da ne greši pravenik, i on prestane grešiti, on će živeti, jer primi opomenu, a ti ćeš sačuvati dušu svoju.

22 I dođe onde nada me ruka Gospodnja, i reče mi: Ustani, iziđi u polje, i onde ću govoriti s tobom.

23 I ustavši otidoh u polje, a gle, slava Gospodnja stajaše onde kao slava koju videh na reci Hevaru, i padoh na lice svoje.

24 I uđe u me duh, i postavi me na noge; i progovori sa mnom i reče mi: Idi, zatvori se u kuću svoju.

25 Jer, sine čovečji, evo, metnuće na te uzice, i svezaće te njima, i nećeš izlaziti među njih.

26 I ja ću učiniti da ti se jezik prilepi za grlo, te ćeš onemeti, i nećeš ih karati, jer su dom odmetnički.

27 Ali kad ti progovorim, otvoriću ti usta, i kazaćeš im: Ovako veli Gospod Gospod; ko će slušati, neka sluša, a ko neće slušati, neka ne sluša: jer su dom odmetnički.




Apocalypse Revealed#245


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245. The four living creatures, each individually having six wings about it. (4:8) This symbolizes the Word in respect to its powers and protections.

We have already shown above that the four living creatures symbolize the Word. We will see below that wings symbolize powers and also protections.

The number six symbolizes completeness in respect to truth and goodness, as six is formed of three and two multiplied together, and three symbolizes completeness in respect to truth (no. 505), while two symbolizes completeness in respect to goodness (no. 762).

Wings symbolize powers because they are means of rising upward. Moreover, in the case of birds they take the place of the arms in the human being, and arms symbolize powers.

Since wings symbolize powers, and each living creature had six wings, it is apparent from what we said above what power is symbolized by each one's wings, namely, that the wings of the lion symbolize the power of combating the evils and falsities arising from hell, this being the power of the Word's Divine truth from the Lord; that the wings of the calf symbolize the power to affect hearts, for the Divine truth of the Word affects people who read it reverently; that the six wings of the human being symbolize the power to perceive the nature of God and what pertains to God, as this is peculiarly the mark of a human being in reading the Word; and that the wings of the eagle symbolize the power to recognize truth and good, and so to acquire for oneself intelligence.

[2] As regards the wings of cherubim, we read in Ezekiel that their wings kissed each other, that they had wings also covering their bodies, and that they had the likeness of hands under their wings (Ezekiel 1:23-24; 3:13; 10:5, 21). Kissing each other symbolizes conjoint and unanimous action. Covering their bodies symbolizes protection against violation of the interior truths which constitute the spiritual sense of the Word. And having the likeness of hands under their wings symbolizes powers.

Regarding seraphim, too, we are told that they had six wings, and that with two of them they covered their face, and with two their feet, and with two they flew (Isaiah 6:2). Seraphim likewise symbolize the Word, or more accurately doctrine drawn from the Word. The wings with which they covered their faces and feet likewise symbolize protections. And the wings with which they flew symbolize powers, as before.

That flying symbolizes to perceive and teach, and in the highest sense to foresee and provide, is clear as well from the following:

(God) rode upon a cherub, He flew, and He traveled on the wings of the wind. (Psalms 18:10, cf. 2 Samuel 22:11)

I saw (an) angel flying through the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel... (Revelation 14:6)

[3] That wings symbolize protections is apparent from the following:

(Jehovah) covers you under His wing. (Psalms 91:4)

(To be hidden) under the shadow of (God's) wings... (Psalms 17:8)

(To trust) in the shadow of (His) wings. (Psalms 36:7; 57:1, cf. 63:7)

I spread My wing over you and covered your nakedness. (Ezekiel 16:8)

To you (shall be) healing in His wings. (Malachi 4:2)

As an eagle stirs up its nest, hovers over its young, spreading out its wings..., carrying them on its wings, so Jehovah... leads him... (Deuteronomy 32:11-12)

(Jesus said,) "O Jerusalem...! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings... (Matthew 23:37, Luke 13:34)

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Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.