

Acts of the Apostles 1


1 NKIWSHITON ne'tum msInukIn, O Tiapinus, caye'k Cisus kaoshkawe'pwshItot, ipi e'ki kuknomake't.

2 Nash i e'kishkIwuk kaotapnukasot, shpumuk kakishminat okukie'kwe'wunIn shi PanakwsIt Cipam, ni nwakanacIn kaowe'napmacIn;

3 Nie'ni ke'iapI kawaptacIn wia’w e'pmatsIt kakish kwtukitot shi mce'sh we'we'nI te'pwe'tatwunIn e'kiwapmukot nie'waptuk tsokwun ipi e'kiactuk cake'ko Kshe'mIne'to otokumauwunuk:

4 Me'kwacI e'ie' maosomat okiwitmowan e'wipwa shi ocI macinIt Cinose'ne'muk e'wi pwitowat Osma kowawituk, win kakitot nin kaocI notake'ie'k.

5 Can we'we'nI ki kcItapie'nwe', mpik nIshcI kinwa kukcItapie'nkom, shi panakwsIt Cipam e'pwamshI mce'shkonkuk.

6 IcI kamaoce'tiwat okinatawawan otI kikItwuk Te'pe'nke'n ConI otI e'picak minI kuminasi Isne'iIn o kumauwun.

7 IcI otI okinan cosu wi kinwa e'wi ke'ntume'k pic nikan wapiamkuk win osma katot shi owishkIswunuk.

8 KuotItnanawa wishkIswun ipi panakwsIt Cipam kikishotIskoie'k, ipi nin kaocI witmake'm caye'k shi Cinose'ne'muk ipi caye'k Cwtie'uk, ipi shi Se'me'ne'ok ipi shi mamwI pnocak shotI kik.

9 Pic cI kakish iactuk notI ke'ko me'kwa e'ie' wapmawat kiwcI otapnIkaso shpumuk; ipi shi ankoton okipon wapmawan.

10 Me'kwacI e'ie' kanapwat ipI shpumuk; kanmIshianIt, pInI nish nInwun okiwicka pwutakwan kiwapshkianI kapiskumwacIn.

11 OtI cI ke'iapI okikowan, Ke'nIni tshI nInituk tacI we'cnipwoie'k shpumuk e'napie'k? OtI nasap Cisus, kaocI otapnImakoie'k shpumuk; iw nasap ke'shI piat kashu wapme'k shpumuk kashu shiat.

12 IcI Cinose'ne'muk kishu kiwe'k kiwcIpie'k e'pkotnianuk AnIpIt kishInkate' e'nume'kishkuk e'picak shi Cinose'ne'muk.

13 Pic cI kapitke'we't shpumuk kishie'k wikwamuk kaci iuwat Pitu, ipi Ce'ms, ipi can ipi E'ntnu, Pinip, ipi Tame's, Pe'toniu, ipi Me'to ‘Ce'ms kaokwIsmukot E'npiusIn, ipi Sayi mun Sinotus, ipi Cwte's, wikane'iIn Ce'ms.

14 KotI caye'k pIne' kimsone'ntumwuk akimimawat, ipi kimumatmok shi kiInkwe'n, ipi Me'ni kaokie'imat o Cisus ipi niw wikane'iIn

15 IwcI notI e'kishkiwuk Pitu KinipwI na‘iukwan ni ke'knomake'cuk (e'tshuwat cukI tInoswunwa kansoiwat nkotwaktshik, ipi nishwaptuk) otI cI kikIto;

16 NInituk, ipi nikane'ituk, otI kikItowIn taocI nomkuk e'wite'pwe'mkuk Te'pIt kaocI kItot ni PanakwsIncIn CipamIn e'kiiacimat nikan ni Cwte'sIn, win kapmInikansIt e'kiwtapnawat CisusIn.

17 Win kiwictkokcIkaso ipi o kiwtItnan anIt otI pmitake'wun

18 OtI nInI okikishpIne'ton ktukan iwtpu‘ ukoswun miashuwe'psiwun, ipi nikan kishI pmokocIn kitokce'shInce' na‘iukwan icI caye'k picnI kisaktakwte'nI.

19 Ipi otI okikuke'ntanawa, caye'k ki katacuk shi Cinose'ne'muk kikuke'ncIkate' i ktukan, e'shInkate'kw winwa kwiuk e'shumwat E'sIntime' e'tmuk i ktukan mskwI.

20 Osam onIpie'kate' shi msInukIn Nkumwunuk, Win e'tat kupe'pshukwsInI ipi cowIiI shi Ite'si, ipi i otukwapke'wun pe'kansInIt okinapshkamakon.

21 OtI cI ie'i kotI nInwuk kapmuwice'okonuk, pIne' Tope'nmukwiIkon Cisus e'ki pitike't, ipi e'kisakuk, shi e'cIiIikon.

22 E'we'pkcItapie'nwe't Can nash i e'kishkiwuk kaotapnmakoikon nkot okInapshkawan e'wi wicwitma ke'ikon e'ki iapsishnInIt.

23 Okiwe'napmawan cI Nish Cosip kishInkaso Pe'se'pe's ipi ke'iapI kashInkasot Custus, ipi Me'taye's.

24 IcI e'kinumawat, ipi otI kikItwuk; Kin Te'pe'nke'n, kin ke'ke'ntumwutwa, caye'k nInwuk ote'‘iwan, knomoshInak we'kwe'nshutuk kote' nkote'iI kaowe'napmItwa.

25 Win e'wi anIt pmitake't ipi NokantawIn win o Cwte's kaocI pmukocIk iw omaia tuwe'psiwun, win e'wishiat tpInowe' e'cIiIt.

26 IcI e'kitatiwat wincI Me'taye's kiw tapnuk aso ipi kitkokcIkaso ni mtatso shItnkot nwakanmIcIn.



Scriptural Confirmations#26

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1. After Jesus gave commandment unto the disciples through the Holy Spirit (Acts of the Apostles 1:2).

Jesus said to the disciples that they should wait for the promise of the Father, which ye have heard of Me (Acts of the Apostles 1:4). Then he said, Ye shall receive the power of the Holy Spirit upon you (Acts of the Apostles 1:8).

A sound was heard as of a wind and there were seen cloven tongues like as of fire upon every apostle, and they were filled with the Holy Spirit, and they began to speak with other tongues as the Holy Spirit gave them utterance. Each one heard them speak with him in his own dialect; they spoke of the wonderful works of God, and Peter quoted to them from Joel 2:1 to end (Acts of the Apostles 2:1-18).

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.