

撒母耳記上 1


1 以法蓮地的拉瑪瑣非有一個以法蓮,名叫以利加拿,是蘇弗的玄孫,託戶的曾孫,以利戶的孫子,耶羅罕的兒子

2 他有兩個妻:名哈拿,名毗尼拿。毗尼拿有兒女,哈拿沒有兒女。

3 每年從本城上到示羅,敬拜祭祀萬軍之耶和華;在那裡有以利的兩個兒子何弗尼、非尼哈當耶和華的祭司

4 以利加拿每逢獻祭的日子,將祭肉分他的妻毗尼拿和毗尼拿所生的兒女;

5 哈拿的卻是雙分,因為他哈拿。無奈耶和華不使哈拿生育。

6 毗尼拿見耶和華不使哈拿生育,就作他的對頭,大大激動他,要使他生氣。

7 每年上到耶和華殿的時候,以利加拿都以雙分給哈拿;毗尼拿仍是激動他,以致他哭泣不飯。

8 丈夫以利加拿對他:哈拿啊,你為何哭泣,不飯,心裡愁悶呢?有我不比兒子還好麼?

9 他們在示羅完了,哈拿就站起來。祭司以利在耶和華殿的門框旁邊,在自己的位上。

10 哈拿心裡愁苦,就痛痛哭泣,祈禱耶和華

11 許願:萬軍之耶和華啊,你若垂顧婢女的苦情,眷念不忘婢女,賜我一個兒子,我必使他終身歸與耶和華,不用剃刀剃他的

12 哈拿在耶和華面前不住地祈禱,以利定睛看他的嘴。

13 (原來哈拿中默禱,只動嘴唇,不出聲音,因此以利以為他喝醉了。)

14 以利對他:你要醉到幾時呢?你不應該喝酒。

15 哈拿回答啊,不是這樣。我是心裡愁苦的婦人,清酒濃酒都沒有,但在耶和華面前傾心吐意。

16 不要將婢女看作不正經的女子。我因被人激動,愁苦太多,所以祈求到如今。

17 以利:你可以平平安安地回去。願以色列的允准你向他所求的!

18 哈拿:願婢女在你眼前蒙恩。於是婦人走去飯,面上再不帶愁容了。

19 次日清,他們起來,在耶和華面前敬拜,就回拉瑪。到了家裡,以利加拿和妻哈拿同房,耶和華顧念哈拿,

20 哈拿就懷孕。日期滿足,生了一個兒子,給他起名撒母耳,:這是我從耶和華那裡求來的。

21 以利加拿和他全家都上示羅去,要向耶和華獻年祭,並還所許的願。

22 哈拿卻沒有上去,對丈夫:等孩子斷了奶,我便他上去朝見耶和華,使他永遠在那裡。

23 丈夫以利加拿:就隨你的意行罷!可以等兒子斷了奶。但願耶和華應驗他的。於是婦人在兒子,直到斷了奶;

24 既斷了奶,就把孩子上示羅,到了耶和華的殿;又隻公牛,伊法細麵,皮袋酒。(那時,孩子還小。)

25 宰了一隻公牛,就領孩子到以利面前。

26 婦人啊,我敢在你面前起誓,從前在你這裡站著祈求耶和華的那婦人,就是我。

27 我祈求為要得這孩子;耶和華已將我所求的賜我了。

28 所以,我將這孩子歸與耶和華,使他終身歸與耶和華。於是在那裡敬拜耶和華



Love correspondence

tiny hand my love, by Jenny Stein

To some degree, there really is no spiritual meaning to the word “love” in the Bible. Why? Because if you truly love another, that is already a spiritual state. To put it simply, the Lord is Love Itself, a perfect and infinite love that is the source of all actual life and substance in the universe. Thus everything we are and everything we experience is a product of the Lord's love; there is no way for us to have any love from ourselves that is not ultimately the Lord's love, because the Lord's love is everything. When we feel love, what we're really doing is opening ourselves to be a conduit for the Lord's love -- truly a spiritual state. This also means that the more we can align our love with the Lord's love, the stronger our experience of love will be. The Lord's love is a constant desire to be conjoined with us, to be able to love us fully while protecting our right to choose. So the more we try to love that way, the more in harmony with Him we will be and the more powerful our feelings of love will be. In a general sense, then, most uses of “love” in the Bible represent a desire for union, connection, powered, and enriched by the Lord.

In Matthew 6:24, this signifies celestial of love. (Arcana Coelestia 3875[3])

In Malachi 2:11, this signifies to conjoin oneself with falsity. (Arcana Coelestia 4434[3])