

何西阿书 13



1 从前以法莲说话,人都战兢,他在以色列中居处高位;但他在事奉巴力的事上犯罪就死了

2 现今他们罪上加罪,用子为自己铸造偶像,就是照自己的聪明制造,都是匠人的工作。有人论,献祭的人可以向犊亲嘴。

3 因此,他们必如早晨雾,又如速散的甘,像场上的秕被狂风吹去,又像烟气腾於窗外。

4 自从你出埃及以来,我就是耶和华─你的。在我以外,你不可认识别;除我以外并没有救主

5 我曾在旷野乾旱之认识你。

6 这些民照我所赐的食物得了饱足;既得饱足就高傲,忘记了我。

7 因此,我向他们如狮子,又如伏在道旁。

8 我遇见他们必像丢崽子的母,撕裂他们的胸膛(或译:膜)。在那里,我必像母狮吞他们;野兽必撕裂他们。

9 以色列啊,你与我反对,就是反对帮助你的,自取败坏。

10 你曾求我我立和首领。现在你的在哪里呢?治理你的在哪里呢?让他在你所有的城中拯你罢!

11 我在怒气中将王赐你,又在烈怒中将王废去。

12 以法莲孽包裹;他的罪恶收藏。

13 产妇的疼痛必临到他身上;他是无智慧之子,到了产期不当迟延。

14 我必赎他们脱离阴间,赎他们脱离死亡。死亡啊,你的灾害在哪里呢?阴间哪,你的毁灭在哪里呢?在我眼前绝无後悔之事。

15 他在弟兄中虽然茂盛,必有东,就是耶和华的旷野。他的泉源必乾;他的源头必竭;仇敌必掳掠他所积蓄的一切宝器。

16 撒玛利亚必担当自己的罪,因为悖逆他的。他必倒在刀下;婴孩必被摔死;孕妇必被剖开。




Exploring the Meaning of Hosea 14

作者: Helen Kennedy

At the outset of this chapter, Hosea says:

O Israel, return to the Lord your God,

For you have stumbled because of your iniquity;

Take words with you, And return to the Lord. (Hosea 14:1)

Plainly, the Lord exhorts us to return to Him when our wrongdoing has made us turn away.

"Take words with you," is an interesting phrase. It means that we should listen to our conscience - the voice within us that urges us to repent.

The next line,“Take away all iniquity; receive us graciously” shows very clearly what the Lord will do if the people ask Him.

Next, we have this: "For we will offer the sacrifices of our lips". We need to pay attention to detail, not only what we do but also how we speak.

“We will not ride on horses”, in verse (3), shows us to stop thinking we can escape by running away, using intelligent rationales to justify wrong acts.

“Nor will we say anymore to the work of our hands, ‘You are our gods,’” shows us to stop thinking that the things we do in the world and from ourselves are the only path to follow. Instead believe the truth that God is the only source of salvation.

“For in You the fatherless finds mercy” is saying that the Lord leaves no one without protection, and abandons no one.

“I will heal their backsliding,” in verse (4) means that God has the ability to keep people from returning to their old ways. “I will love them freely,” shows that He gives His love freely and without reservation.

“For My anger has turned away,” means the sinners’ perception of the Lord will clear and people will see He was never angry, only loving.

“I will be like the dew to Israel,” in verse (5) signifies that His instruction will be gentle like dew on the grass in the morning.

“Grow like the lily,” means the errant one will change, and will grow in purity like the lily;

“Lengthen his roots. . .” like roots growing in the ground the Lord work is in the dark and unseen.

“Branches shall spread” in verse (6) means good and truth will spread into the open and be seen, like the branches on a tree.

“Beauty shall be like an olive tree,” the beauty of the olive tree is in its bearing fruit.

“Fragrance like Lebanon,” like an aroma rising up, the ones who reform will be grateful;

“Those who dwell under his shadow shall return” in verse (7) means those in the dark of false thinking about salvation will be brought into full sunlight.

“They shall be revived like grain and grow like the vine,” explains that where good can flourish like grain in the sunlit field or be abundant like grapes on the vine.

“Their scent shall be like the wine of Lebanon“ means that this new life emanates a good scent, like the aroma of a good wine. In spiritual terms it means the person can now think through or understand why it is so important to live with good and truth joined together (Apocalypse Explained 730:15).

“What have I to do anymore with idols?” in verse (8) explains that as people are renewed they will no longer depend on their own idols of false thinking and reasoning.

“I have heard and observed Him” because they have heard the Lord speaking in His Word.

“I am like a green cypress tree; Your fruit is found in me” means that like trees that bear fruit, they will have perceptions that lead them to the life the Lord wants for them.

“Who is wise? Let him understand these things,” in verse 9 means those who accept the Lord will have wisdom to see the good paths they are to follow.

“Who is prudent? Let him know them,” explains that those being renewed will use the new thinking the Lord is giving them.

“For the ways of the Lord are right,” means they will understand that only the Lord knows the way to heaven.

“The righteous walk in them,” explains that those who are prudent will follow the Lord’s leading.

“But transgressors stumble in them,” signifies that wrongdoers will find the way to heaven difficult, and will stumble and fall away.