

以西结书 1


1 三十初五日,以西结(原文是我)在迦巴鲁边被掳的人中,开了,得见的异象。

2 正是约雅斤王被掳去第五年四初五日,

3 迦勒底人、迦巴鲁边,耶和华的特特临到布西的儿子祭司以西结;耶和华的灵(原文是)降在他身上。

4 我观,见狂北方,随着有一朵包括闪烁,周围有光辉;从其中的内发出好像光耀的精金;

5 又从其中显出个活物的形像来。他们的形状是这样:有人的形像,

6 各有个脸面,翅膀

7 他们的腿是直的,掌好像犊之蹄,都灿烂如光明的铜。

8 面的翅膀有人的。这个活物的脸和翅膀乃是这样:

9 翅膀彼此相接,行走并不转身,俱各直往前行。

10 至於脸的形像:前面各有人的脸,右面各有狮子的脸,左面各有牛的脸,後面各有鹰的脸。

11 各展开上边的两个翅膀相接,各以下边的两个翅膀遮体。

12 他们俱各直往前行。灵往哪里去,他们就往那里去,行走并不转身

13 至於四活物的形像,就如烧着炭的形状,又如把的形状。在四活物中间上去下来,这有光辉,从中发出闪电

14 这活物往来奔走,好像电光一闪。

15 我正观活物的时候,见活物的脸旁各有上。

16 的形状和颜色(原文是作法)好像水苍玉。都是个样式,形状和作法好像中套

17 轮行走的时候,向方都能直行,并不掉

18 至於轮辋,而可畏;个轮辋周围满有眼睛

19 活物行走,也在旁边行走;活物从上升,也都上升。

20 灵往哪里去,活物就往那里去;活物上升,也在活物旁边上升,因为活物的灵在中。

21 那些行走,这些也行走;那些站住,这些也站住;那些从上升,也在旁边上升,因为活物的灵在中。

22 活物的以上有穹苍的形像,看着像可畏的水晶,铺张在活物的以上。

23 穹苍以,活物的翅膀直张,彼此相对;每活物有两个翅膀遮体。

24 活物行走的时候,我翅膀的响声,像大水的声音,像全能者的声音,也像军队哄嚷的声音。活物站住的时候,便将翅膀垂下。

25 在他们以上的穹苍之上有声音。他们站住的时候,便将翅膀垂下。

26 在他们以上的穹苍之上有宝座的形像,彷佛蓝宝;在宝座形像以上有彷佛人的形状。

27 我见从他腰以上有彷佛光耀的精金,周围都有的形状,又见从他腰以下有彷佛的形状,周围也有光辉。

28 下雨的日子,中虹的形状怎样,周围光辉的形状也是怎样。这就是耶和华荣耀的形像。我一见就俯伏在地,又见一位说话声音



Spiritual Experiences#255

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255. About the very inward Realm, and about Cherubs

When I was brought into thoughts about how the very inward and innermost angels influence human minds, and was reflecting that they do so in an imperceptible manner, being in the realm of the very beginning points of human thought, consequently in a like realm of mental imagery or depiction, which is imperceptible (such an imperceptibility must be the plane proper to thoughts) - while I was pondering on these matters, then I was given from the mercy of God the Messiah to sense a gentle kind of turning motion overhead, into which I later even seemed to be raised up, or which enfolded my thoughts. At the first sensation, when I was not yet in it, it was like the turning motion of a soft cloud settling down, and it was said that this can be called "the Cherubs," to whom "wheels" are ascribed [Ezekiel 1:9, 10] on account of that turning motion. After this, that field encompassed me, and I experienced a great calmness. The last heaven, in which I had been previously, was below me, and in fact, at my feet and below the feet. There I heard someone speaking, but as if out of the lowest place, complaining that I had been raised up away from them, and that therefore he did not want to live.

When I was later thinking about the very inward realm, which must as yet be called strictly "cherubic" and in which realm I am while writing these things, I am able to understand not only why wheels, but also why four faces, were ascribed to them [Ezekiel 1:10], i.e. "of a lion, of a man, of an eagle" - namely: "that of a lion," because of its strength [extending] into the lower realm, or last heaven, for it holds that in proper order, otherwise it would fall to pieces; "the face of a human," because the very inward person, to which this realm properly relates, is "human" - the kind of thought we have pertains merely to the inward person, which in turn is governed by the very inward realm [see 241:4]); "the face of an eagle," because it rises up high above the realm in which our perception or sense-based understanding lies. "The face of an ox" is omitted, and afterwards by Ezekiel "the face of a cherub" is named in the first place [10:14], because then he understood that it was the cherub to whom three faces were being ascribed. 1747, the 20th day of November (old calendar).

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Thanks to the Academy of the New Church, and Bryn Athyn College, for the permission to use this translation.