ANZAC Day 2017 – Honoring Our Soldiers

Das ist der Originaltext: ANZAC Day 2017 – Honoring Our Soldiers von Todd Beiswenger


It is common for us to honor those who have given their lives while serving their country, but it is also important to honor those who have survived. Many have gone to war, but when they've returned they are no longer the same person. Religions teach that it is morally allowable, even honorable, to fight in defense of our country, but for a person to switch back and forth from "battle mode" to "domestic citizen"... It isn't easy.

Erstellt oder übersetzt von: Todd Beiswenger

Erstelldatum: 2017

Kredit/Anerkennung: Thanks to the Rev. Todd Beiswenger and the Hurstville New Church, NSW, Australia.

Urheberrecht: Copyright by the author

Copyright by the author. All rights reserved.

Lizenz: Used with permission - Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen

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