Ze Swedenborgových děl


Apocalypse Explained # 432

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/ 1232  

432. Verse 5. Of the tribe of Judah were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Reuben were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Gad were sealed twelve thousand.

"Of the tribe of Judah were sealed twelve thousand," signifies love to the Lord, and that all who are in that love are in heaven, and come into heaven. "Of the tribe of Reuben were sealed twelve thousand," signifies the light of truth from that good, and that all who are in that light are in heaven, and come into heaven. "Of the tribe of Gad were sealed twelve thousand," signifies the good of life thence.

/ 1232  

Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.



Jeremiah 43:8



8 Then came the word of Yahweh to Jeremiah in Tahpanhes, saying,

Ze Swedenborgových děl


Arcana Coelestia # 7048

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/ 10837  

7048. 'And He ceased from him' means that they were allowed to be representative. This is clear from the meaning of 'ceasing from him', that is to say, from killing him, as their being allowed to be representative. For the statement that Jehovah sought to kill him meant that a representative Church could not be established among that nation, 7043, and therefore when it says here that 'He ceased from him' the meaning is that they were allowed to be representative, that is, a representative of the Church, but no actual Church was allowed to be established among that nation. It is one thing to represent a Church, and another to be an actual Church, as is evident from the fact that even those who are wicked can represent a Church, but only the good can actually be a Church; for representing a Church is something entirely external, see 3670, 4208, 4281.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.