

Sáng thế 41



1 Cách hai năm sau, Pha-ra-ôn nằm chiêm bao thấy mình đứng bên bờ sông.

2 Nầy đâu dưới sông đi lên bảy con mập và tốt, ăn cỏ trong bung.

3 ồi nầy, bảy con khác, xấu dạng, gầy guộc, ở dưới sông đi theo lên sau, đến đứng gần các con trước trên bờ sông.

4 Bảy con xấu dạng, gầy guộc nuốt Bảy con mập tốt. Pha-ra-ôn bèn thức giấc.

5 Vua nằm ngủ lại, chiêm bao lần thứ nhì, thấy bảy gié lúa chắc, tốt tươi, mọc chung trên một cộng rạ.

6 Kế đó, bảy gié lúa khác lép và bị gió đông thổi háp, mọc theo bảy gié lúa kia.

7 Bảy gié lúa lép nuốt Bảy gié lúa chắc. Pha-ra-ôn bèn thức giấc; và nầy, thành ra một điềm chiêm bao.

8 Sáng mai, tâm thần người bất định, truyền đòi các pháp-sư và các tay bác sĩ xứ Ê-díp-tô đến, thuật lại điềm chiêm bao mình cho họ nghe; nhưng chẳng có ai bàn được điềm chiêm bao đó cho vua hết.

9 Quan tửu chánh bèn tâu cùng Pha-ra-ôn rằng: Bây giờ, tôi nhớ đến lỗi của tôi.

10 Ngày trước, bệ hạ nổi giận cùng quần thần, có cầm ngục quan thượng thiện và tôi nơi dinh quan thị vệ.

11 Trong lúc đó, cùng một đêm kia, chúng tôi có thấy điềm chiêm bao, chiêm bao mỗi người đều có ý nghĩa riêng rõ ràng.

12 Tại đó, cùng chung ngục, có một người Hê-bơ-rơ, còn trẻ, kẻ gia-đinh của quan thị vệ; chúng tôi thuật lại cho chàng nghe điềm chiêm bao của mình; chàng bàn rõ ra cho ai mỗi chiêm bao nấy.

13 ồi ra, công việc xảy đến y như lời chàng bàn: bệ hạ phục chức tôi lại, và xử treo quan kia.

14 Pha-ra-ôn bèn sai đi đòi Giô-sép; họ lập tức tha người ra khỏi ngục, cạo mặt mày cho, biểu thay đổi áo xống, rồi vào chầu Pha-ra-ôn.

15 Pha-ra-ôn phán cùng Giô-sép rằng: Trẫm có thấy một điềm chiêm bao mà chẳng ai bàn ra. Vậy, trẫm nghe rằng khi người ta thuật điềm chiêm bao lại cho, thì ngươi bàn được.

16 Giô-sép tâu rằng: Ðó chẳng phải tôi, nhưng ấy là Ðức Chúa Trời đem sự bình an đáp cho bệ hạ vậy.

17 Pha-ra-ôn phán rằng: Nầy, trong điềm chiêm bao trẫm đương đứng bên bờ sông.

18 Nầy đâu bảy con mập và tốt dưới sông đi lên, đến ăn cỏ trong bưng.

19 ồi bảy con khác xấu dạng gầy guộc đi theo lên sau; thật trẫm chẳng thấy trong xứ Ê-díp-tô nầy có xấu dạng như vậy bao giờ.

20 Bảy con xấu dạng gầy guộc đó nuốt Bảy con mập tốt trước kia,

21 nuốt vào bụng, mà dường như không có nuốt, vì các con bò đó vẫn xấu dạng như xưa.

22 Trẫm bèn thức giấc; rồi lại thấy điềm chiêm bao khác, là bảy gié lúa chắc tốt tươi mọc chung trên một cộng rạ.

23 Kế đó, bảy gié lúa khác, khô, lép, bị gió đông thổi háp, mọc theo bảy gié lúa kia;

24 bảy gié lúa lép đó lại nuốt bảy gié lúa chắc. Trẫm đã thuật điềm chiêm bao nầy cho các pháp-sư, nhưng không ai giải nghĩa ra được.

25 Giô-sép tâu cùng Pha-ra-ôn rằng: Hai điềm chiêm bao của bệ hạ thấy đó đồng một nghĩa mà thôi; Ðức Chúa Trời mách cho bệ hạ biết trước những việc Ngài sẽ làm.

26 Bảy con mập tốt đó, tức là Bảy năm; Bảy gié lúa chắc đó cũng là Bảy năm. Ấy chỉ đồng một điềm chiêm bao vậy.

27 Bảy con xấu dạng gầy guộc lên theo sau Bảy con kia, tức là Bảy năm; và Bảy gié lúa lép bị gió đông thổi háp đó, tức là Bảy năm đói kém.

28 Ấy là điều tôi đã tâu cùng bệ hạ rồi: Ðức Chúa Trời có cho bệ hạ thấy những việc Ngài sẽ làm.

29 Nầy, trong khắp xứ Ê-díp-tô sẽ có bảy năm được mùa dư dật.

30 Nhưng bảy năm đó lại liền tiếp bảy năm đói kém; dân bổn xứ đều sẽ quên sự dư dật đó, và ách đói kém sẽ làm cho toàn xứ hao mòn.

31 Và vì sự đói kém liên tiếp nầy lớn quá, nên thiên hạ chẳng còn thấy chi về sự dư dật đó nữa.

32 Nếu điềm chiêm bao đến hai lần cho bệ hạ, ấy bởi Ðức Chúa Trời đã quyết định điều đó rồi, và Ngài mau mau lo làm cho thành vậy.

33 Bây giờ bệ hạ khá chọn một người thông minh trí-huệ, lập người lên làm đầu trong xứ Ê-díp-tô,

34 cùng lập các ủy viên trong xứ, để góp một phần năm của số thâu vào trong bảy năm được mùa dư dật đó.

35 Họ hãy thâu góp hết thảy mùa màng trong bảy năm được mùa dư dật sẽ đến sau nầy, cùng thâu thập lúa mì sẵn dành cho Pha-ra-ôn, dùng làm lương để dành trong các thành, và họ hãy giữ gìn lấy.

36 Các lương thực nầy phải để dành cho bảy năm đói kém sẽ đến trong xứ Ê-díp-tô, hầu cho xứ nầy khỏi bị diệt bởi sự đói kém đó.

37 Các lời nầy đẹp ý Pha-ra-ôn và quần thần.

38 Pha-ra-ôn phán cùng quần thần rằng: Chúng ta há dễ tìm một người như người nầy, có thần minh của Ðức Chúa Trời được sao?

39 Pha-ra-ôn phán cùng Giô-sép rằng: Vì Ðức Chúa Trời xui cho ngươi biết mọi việc nầy, thì chẳng còn ai được thông minh trí-huệ như ngươi nữa.

40 Vậy, ngươi sẽ lên cai trị nhà trẫm; hết thảy dân sự của trẫm đều sẽ vâng lời ngươi. Trẫm lớn hơn ngươi chỉ vì ngự ngôi vua mà thôi.

41 Pha-ra-ôn lại phán cùng Giô-sép rằng: Hãy xem! trẫm lập ngươi cầm quyền trên cả xứ Ê-díp-tô.

42 Vua liền cổi chiếc nhẫn trong tay mình, đeo vào tay Giô-sép, truyền mặc áo vải gai mịn, và đeo vòng vàng vào cổ người;

43 rồi, truyền cho lên ngồi sau xe vua, có người đi trước hô rằng: Hãy quì xuống! Ấy, Giô-sép được lập lên cầm quyền cả xứ Ê-díp-tô là vậy.

44 Pha-ra-ôn phán cùng Giô-sép: Ta là Pha-ra-ôn, nhưng nếu chẳng có ngươi, thì trong cả xứ Ê-díp-tô không có ai giơ tay đưa chơn lên được.

45 Pha-ra-ôn đặt tên Giô-sép là Xa-phơ-nát-Pha-nê-ách, đưa nàng Ách-nát, con gái Phô-ti-phê-ra, thầy cả thành Ôn, cho người làm vợ. Người thường tuần hành trong xứ Ê-díp-tô.

46 Vả, khi Giô-sép ra mắt Pha-ra-ôn, vua Ê-díp-tô, thì người đã ba mươi tuổi. Vậy, người từ tạ Pha-ra-ôn mà đi tuần khắp xứ Ê-díp-tô.

47 Trong bảy năm được mùa dư dật, đất sanh sản ra đầy dẫy.

48 Giô-sép bèn thâu góp hết thảy lương thực của bảy năm đó trong xứ Ê-díp-tô, và chứa lương thực nầy khắp các thành; trong mỗi thành, đều dành chứa hoa lợi của các ruộng ở chung quanh thành đó.

49 Vậy, Giô-sép thâu góp lúa mì rất nhiều, như cát nơi bờ biển, cho đến đỗi người ta đếm không được, vì đầy dẫy vô số.

50 Trước khi đến năm đói kém, thì Ách-nát, con gái Phô-ti-phê-ra, thầy cả thành Ôn, sanh cho Giô-sép hai con trai.

51 Giô-sép đặt tên đứa đầu lòng là Ma-na-se, vì nói rằng: Ðức Chúa Trời đã làm cho ta quên điều cực nhọc, và cả nhà cha ta.

52 Người đặt tên đứa thứ nhì là Ép-ra-im, vì nói rằng: Ðức Chúa Trời làm cho ta được hưng vượng trong xứ mà ta bị khốn khổ.

53 Bảy năm được mùa dư dật trong xứ Ê-díp-tô bèn qua,

54 thì bảy năm đói kém khởi đến, y như lời Giô-sép đã bàn trước. Khắp các xứ khác cũng đều bị đói, nhưng trong cả xứ Ê-díp-tô lại có bánh.

55 Ðoạn, cả xứ Ê-díp-tô đều bị đói, dân chúng đến kêu cầu Pha-ra-ôn xin lương. Pha-ra-ôn phán cùng bổn dân rằng: Hãy đi đến Giô-sép, rồi làm theo lời người sẽ chỉ bảo cho.

56 Khi khắp xứ bị đói kém, thì Giô-sép mở mọi kho lúa mà bán cho dân Ê-díp-tô.

57 Xứ càng đói nhiều nữa; vả, vì khắp thế gian đều bị đói quá, nên đâu đâu cũng đổ đến Ê-díp-tô mùa lúa nơi Giô-sép bán.


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Arcana Coelestia # 4592

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4592. 'And his father called him Benjamin' means the nature of the spiritual of the celestial. This is clear from the representation of 'Benjamin' as the spiritual of the celestial. What this is has been explained above in 4585, namely the intermediate part between the spiritual and the celestial, or between the spiritual man and the celestial man. In the original language Benjamin means Son of the right hand, and by 'son of the right hand' is meant spiritual truth which springs from celestial good, and consequent power; for good receives power through truth, 3563. 'Son' means truth, 489, 491, 533, 1147, 2623, 3373, and 'hand' means power, 878, 3091, 3563, 'right hand' therefore meaning supreme power. From this one may see what is meant by 'sitting at God's right hand', namely a state of power received from truth that springs from good, 3387. When used in reference to the Lord this phrase denotes omnipotence, and also Divine Truth which proceeds from the Lord's Divine Good, as in Psalms 110:1; Matthew 22:44; 26:63-64; Mark 14:61-62; 6:19; Luke 22:69. And since it is Divine power, that is, omnipotence, that is meant, the phrase 'at the right hand of God's power (or virtue 1 )' is used in these places.

[2] From this it is evident what 'Benjamin' means in the genuine sense, namely spiritual truth which springs from celestial good, meant by 'Joseph'. Both together therefore constitute that which lies between the spiritual man and the celestial man, as stated above in 4585. But this good and this truth are distinct and separate from the celestial represented by 'Judah' and from the spiritual represented by 'Israel', the former entity being higher or more interior, the latter one lower or more exterior, for as stated they constitute that which lies between. But no one can have any conception of the good represented by 'Joseph' or of the truth represented by 'Benjamin' except him who has been enlightened by the light of heaven. Angels have a clear conception of them because all the ideas forming their thought are products of the light of heaven which comes from the Lord, a light in which they see and perceive an unending number of things which man cannot possibly understand, let alone speak about.

[3] Take the following as an illustration. All without exception are born natural yet with the capacity to become either celestial or spiritual, whereas the Lord alone was born spiritual-celestial. It was for this reason that He was born in Bethlehem, where the border of the land of Benjamin ran. Indeed 'Bethlehem' means the spiritual of the celestial, and 'Benjamin' represents the same. The reason He alone was born spiritual-celestial is that the Divine dwelt within Him. These are matters which no one can possibly comprehend who does not dwell in the light of heaven; for one who dwells in the light of the world, and relies for his perception on that light, hardly knows what truth is or what good is, still less what it is to rise up by degrees to more interior levels of truth and good, and so hardly knows anything at all about the countless manifestations of truth and good in every degree which are visible to angels in light as clear as that shining at midday. This shows the nature of angels' wisdom in comparison with men's.

[4] There are six names which occur frequently [in the Word] - in the prophetical sections, where the Church is the subject. These are Judah, Joseph, Benjamin, Ephraim, Israel, and Jacob. Anyone who does not know which aspect of good or truth of the Church each of these is used to mean in the internal sense cannot know a single one of the Divine arcana of the Word in those sections. Nor can he know which aspect of the Church is meant unless he knows what the celestial is, meant by 'Judah'; what the celestial of the spiritual is, meant by 'Joseph'; what the spiritual of the celestial is, meant by 'Benjamin'; what the intellectual side of the Church is, meant by 'Ephraim'; what the internal spiritual is, meant by 'Israel'; and what the external spiritual is, meant by 'Jacob'.

[5] As regards 'Benjamin' in particular, he represents the spiritual of the celestial, while 'Joseph represents the celestial of the spiritual; and both together accordingly represent the intermediate part between the celestial man and the spiritual man. This being so they are linked together very closely, and for this reason that close link between them is also described by the following details in the historical narratives about Joseph,

Joseph told his brothers to bring their youngest brother, so as not to die. Genesis 42:20.

When they resumed with Benjamin, and Joseph saw Benjamin his brother, he said, Is this your youngest brother, of whom you told me? And he said, God be kind to you, my son. And Joseph hastened, for his bowels were stirred with emotion for his brother, and he sought to weep, and therefore went into his room and wept there. Genesis 43:29-30.

He multiplied Benjamin's portion five times more than the portion of any of the others. Genesis 43:34.

After disclosing who he was to his brothers he fell on the neck of Benjamin his brother and wept; and Benjamin wept on his neck. Genesis 45:14.

He gave changes of clothing to them all, but to Benjamin three hundred pieces of silver and five changes of clothing. Genesis 45:22.

[6] From these places it is evident that Joseph and Benjamin were linked very closely together, not because they had the same mother but because the spiritual link that exists between the good meant by 'Joseph' and the truth meant by 'Benjamin' is represented by them. And because these two constitute that which lies between the celestial man and the spiritual man Joseph and his brothers could not be brought together, nor he and his father brought together, except by means of Benjamin; for without that intermediary no such bringing together is possible. This was the reason why Joseph did not reveal his true identity before he did.

[7] Elsewhere in the Word, especially the prophetical part, there are other places where Benjamin means the spiritual truth which is the Church's, as in Moses' prophecy regarding the sons of Israel,

To Benjamin he said, Beloved of Jehovah, he will dwell in confidence upon him, covering him all the day, and he will dwell between his shoulders. Deuteronomy 33:12.

'Beloved of Jehovah' means spiritual truth springing from celestial good. The presence of this good with that truth is referred to as 'dwelling in confidence', 'covering it the whole day', and also 'dwelling between his shoulders', for in the internal sense 'the shoulders' means all power, 1085, and all power which good possesses is expressed by means of truth, 3563.

[8] In Jeremiah,

Flee, sons of Benjamin, out of the midst of Jerusalem, and sound the trumpet, and take up a prophecy over the house of the vine; for evil stares from the north, and great destruction. Jeremiah 6:1.

'Sons of Benjamin' stands for spiritual truth springing from what is celestial. 'Jerusalem' stands for the spiritual Church, as does 'the house of the vine' or Beth Hakkerem. 'Evil from the north' stands for man's sensory perception and his knowledge acquired through this. In the same prophet,

It will happen if you keep the sabbath day holy, that people will come in from the cities of Judah and from places surrounding Jerusalem, and from the land of Benjamin, and from the plain, and from the mountain, and from the south, bringing burnt offering and sacrifice, and minchah, and frankincense, and bringing thanksgiving, to the house of Jehovah. Jeremiah 17:24, 26.

[9] And elsewhere in the same prophet,

In the mountain cities, in the cities of the plain, and in the cities of the south, and in the land of Benjamin, and in the places surrounding Jerusalem, and in the cities of Judah, flocks will again pass under the hands of him who counts them. Jeremiah 33:13.

Here 'the land of Benjamin' too stands for spiritual truth which is the Church's, for all things that constitute the Church, from the first to the final degree of these, are meant by 'the cities of Judah', 'the places surrounding Jerusalem', 'the land of Benjamin', 'the plain', 'the mountain', and 'the south'.

[10] In Hosea,

Sound the trumpet (buccina) in Gibeah, the trumpet (tuba) in Ramah. Cry out, Beth Aven; after you, Benjamin. Ephraim will become lonely places on the day of reproach. Hosea 5:8-9.

'Gibeah', 'Ramah', and 'Beth Aven' stand for aspects of the spiritual springing from the celestial meant by 'Benjamin', for Gibeah was part of Benjamin, Judges 19:14, as also was Ramah, Joshua 18:25, as well as Beth Aven, Joshua 18:12. 'Sounding the trumpets (buccina et tuba)' and 'crying out' stand for declaring that the intellectual side of the Church, meant by 'Ephraim', has been destroyed.

[11] In Obadiah,

The house of Jacob will become fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, the house of Esau stubble; and those in the south will inherit the mountain of Esau, and those who are in the plain the Philistines; and they will inherit the field of Ephraim and the field of Samaria, and Benjamin [will inherit] Gilead. Obad. verses 18, 19.

Here, as in other places, it is quite evident that the names used mean spiritual realities, for unless one knows what is meant by 'the house of Jacob', 'the house of Joseph', 'the house of Esau', 'the mountain of Esau', 'the Philistines', 'the field of Ephraim', 'the field of Samaria', 'Benjamin', and 'Gilead', and in addition to these what is meant by 'those in the south', 'the house', 'the plain', 'the mountain', and 'the field', one will never understand anything here. Nor did the details described here as historical events actually take place. But anyone who knows what each individual expression implies will discover heavenly arcana within this particular use of them. Here also 'Benjamin' stands for what is spiritual springing from that which is celestial.

[12] Similarly the following in Zechariah,

Jehovah will be King over all the earth; in that day there will be one Jehovah, and His name one. Round about the whole land will be as the plain from Geba even to Rimmon. And [Jerusalem] will dwell in her own place, from the Gate of Benjamin even to the place of the first gate, to the corner gate, 2 and the tower of Hananel, even to the king's winepresses. Zechariah 14:9-10.

Similarly in David,

Turn Your ear, O Shepherd, You who lead 3 Joseph like a flock, who are seated on the cherubim; before Ephraim and Benjamin and Manasseh, stir up Your power and come to save us. Psalms 80:1-2.

Similarly in the prophecy of Deborah and Barak,

Jehovah will have dominion for me among the strong. Out of Ephraim whose root is in Amalek, following you, Benjamin, among your peoples, out of Machir lawgivers will come down, and out of Zebulun those who carry the sceptre of the scribe. Judges 5:13-14.

[13] In John,

I heard the number of the sealed, a hundred and forty-four thousand sealed out of every tribe of Israel - twelve thousand sealed out of the tribe of Zebulun, twelve thousand sealed out of the tribe of Joseph, twelve thousand sealed out of the tribe of Benjamin. Revelation 7:4, 8.

By 'the tribes of Israel' here are meant those with whom goods and truths exist and who as a consequence are in the Lord's kingdom. For 'the tribes' and 'twelve', or what amounts to the same 'twelve thousand', mean all aspects of love and faith, or all aspects of good and truth, 577, 2089, 2129, 2130, 3272, 3858, 3913, 3926, 3939, 4060. In that chapter of the Book of Revelation the tribes are divided into four groups, the last group being made up of twelve thousand sealed out of Zebulun, twelve thousand out of Joseph, and twelve thousand out of Benjamin, because 'the tribe of Zebulun' means the heavenly marriage, 3960, 3961, in which marriage heaven and so all things consist. 'Joseph' in this case means the celestial of the spiritual, or the good of truth, while 'Benjamin' means the truth of that good, or the spiritual of the celestial. These form the marriage in which heaven consists, and this is why these three tribes are mentioned last.

[14] Because 'Benjamin' was to represent the spiritual of the celestial of the Church, or the truth of good, which is the intermediate part between celestial good and spiritual truth, Jerusalem was therefore allowed to the children of Benjamin as an inheritance; for before Zion was built there Jerusalem meant the Church in general. For the allotment of Jerusalem to Benjamin, see Joshua 18:28 and Judges 1:21.

Poznámky pod čarou:

1. virtue is used here in the now almost obsolete sense of 'The power or operative influence inherent in a supernatural or divine being'. (Shorter Oxford English Dictionary)

2. literally, the sate of the corners

3. The Latin means He who leads, but the Hebrew means You who lead.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

Ze Swedenborgových děl


Arcana Coelestia # 3272

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3272. 'Twelve princes of their peoples' means all the first and foremost features of that spiritual Church. This is clear from the meaning of 'twelve' as all things of faith and so of the Church, dealt with in 577, 2089, 2129 (end), 2130 (end); from the meaning of 'princes' as first and foremost features, dealt with in 1482, 2089; and from the meaning of 'peoples' as those who are governed by truths, dealt with in 1259, 1260, and so those who belong to the spiritual Church, for they are said to be those with whom truths predominate. The fact that all numbers in the Word mean real things becomes quite clear from the number twelve which occurs so many times. Whenever that number is used in the Word it means all things. For example, the twelve tribes in the Old Testament and the twelve apostles in the New mean all things of faith, and so all things of the Church. Here 'twelve princes' accordingly means all the first and foremost features of that Church which are represented by just so many sons of Ishmael.

[2] That the number twelve means those things becomes clear from what has been introduced in the places mentioned above, as well as from the following in the Word: In John,

I heard the number of the sealed out of every tribe of Israel - twelve thousand sealed out of the tribe of Judah, twelve thousand sealed out of the tribe of Reuben, twelve thousand sealed out of the tribe of Gad, and so on. Revelation 7:4-6, and following verses.

Here 'twelve thousand sealed out of every tribe' means nothing else than that everyone who receives faith, that is, who receives the good that accompanies it, is saved. In the same book,

A woman encircled with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. Revelation 12:1.

'A woman' stands for the Church, 252, 253, 'the sun' for celestial love, 'the moon' for spiritual love, 30-38, 1529, 1530, 2441, 2495. 'Twelve stars' stands for all things of faith - 'stars' being cognitions of good and truth, which are matters of faith, 2495, 2849.

[3] In the same book,

The holy city New Jerusalem, having twelve gates, and above the gates twelve angels, and names written which are those of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel. The wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. He measured the city with the measuring rod, twelve thousand stadia. And he measured its wall, a hundred and forty-four cubits (twelve twelves), which is the measure of a man, that is, of an angel. The twelve gates were twelve pearls. Revelation 21:12, 14, 16-17, 21.

Here nothing else is meant by the holy city than the Lord's spiritual kingdom, and by the gates, wall, and foundations the things that constitute charity and faith, all of which things are meant by the frequently mentioned number twelve. The fact that neither the twelve tribes nor the twelve apostles are meant literally may be recognized by anyone. In the same book,

In the middle of its street, and of the river, on this side and on that, was the tree of life bearing twelve fruits, yielding its fruit each month. Revelation 22:2.

'Twelve fruits' means all things of charity.

[4] In Matthew,

Jesus said, Truly I say to you, that you who have followed Me, in the regeneration, when the Son of Man sits on His throne of glory, will sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. Matthew 19:28.

Here 'the apostles' is not used to mean the apostles, nor 'thrones' to mean thrones, nor 'tribes' tribes, but matters of faith in their entirety, see 2129. Furthermore when the twelve tribes are referred to in the Old Testament Word they mean all things of the Church. The same applies to the twelve stones set according to the names of the twelve tribes of Israel, in the Urim and Thummim, Exodus 28:21; to the twelve loaves of the presence that were laid out on the table, Leviticus 24:5-6; and so on with every other reference to twelve. Also the names themselves of the twelve sons of Jacob or Israel contain all things of faith, as will be seen in the Lord's Divine mercy in Chapters 29, 30 below.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.