

Phục truyền luật lệ ký 32



1 Hỡi trời, hãy lắng tai, tôi sẽ nói; Và đất, hãy nghe những lời của miệng tôi.

2 Ðạo của tôi rải ra như mưa; Lời tôi sa xuống khác nào sương móc, Tợ mưa tro trên cây cỏ, Tỉ như mưa tầm tã trên đồng xanh.

3 Vì tôi sẽ tung hô danh Giê-hô-va. Hãy tôn sự oai nghiêm cho Ðức Chúa Trời chúng tôi!

4 Công việc của Hòn Ðá là trọn vẹn; Vì các đường lối Ngài là công bình. Ấy là Ðức Chúa Trời thành tín và vô tội; Ngài là công bình và chánh trực.

5 Chúng đáng mang xấu hổ, vì đã phản Ngài, Chẳng phải con trai của Ngài nữa: quả là một dòng dõi gian tà và điên-đảo!

6 Hỡi dân khờ dại không trí, Các ngươi báo đáp Ðức Giê-hô-va như vậy sao? Ngài há chẳng phải là Cha ngươi, Ðấng đã chuộc ngươi chăng? Há chẳng phải Ngài đã dựng nên ngươi, và lập ngươi sao?

7 Hãy nhớ lại những ngày xưa; Suy xét những năm của các đời trước; Hãy hạch hỏi cha ngươi, người sẽ dạy cho. Cùng các trưởng lão, họ sẽ nói cho.

8 Khi Ðấng Chí Cao phân phát sản nghiệp cho muôn dân, Phân rẽ những con cái A-đam, Thì Ngài định bờ cõi của các dân, Cứ theo số dân Y-sơ-ra-ên.

9 Vì phần của Ðức Giê-hô-va là dân Ngài, Gia-cốp là cơ nghiệp Ngài.

10 Ngài tìm được người trong một nơi rừng-rú, Tại nơi vắng vẻ, giữa những tiếng hét la của đồng vắng. Ngài bao phủ người, săn sóc ngươi, Gìn giữ người như con ngươi của mắt mình.

11 Như phụng hoàng phấp phới dởn ổ mình, Bay chung quanh con nhỏ mình, Sè cánh ra xớt nó, Và cõng nó trên chéo cánh mình thể nào,

12 Thì một mình Ðức Giê-hô-va đã dẫn dắt người thể ấy, Không có thần nào khác ở cùng người.

13 Ngài đã khiến người cỡi trên các nơi cao của xứ, Y-sơ-ra-ên ăn hoa quả của đồng ruộng, Ngài khiến người hút mật của hòn đá, Dầu của hòn đá cứng hơn hết,

14 Và nút mỡ sữa bò và sữa chiên. Ngài ban cho người mỡ chiên con, Chiên đực sanh tại Ba-san, và dê đực, Cùng bột lọc nhất hạng của lúa mạch; Người có uống huyết của nho như rượu mạnh.

15 Giê-su-run đã mập mạp và cất đá, Người trở nên mập, lớn và béo tròn. Người đã lìa bỏ Ðức Chúa Trời, là Ðấng dựng nên người, Và khinh dể Hòn Ðá của sự chửng cứu ngươi.

16 Chúng nó trêu ghẹo Ngài phân bì, bởi sự cúng thờ những thần khác, Chọc giận Ngài vì các sự gớm ghiếc;

17 Tế lễ những ma quỉ chẳng phải là Ðức Chúa Trời, Quì lạy các thần mà mình chưa hề biết, Tức là các thần mới vừa đến ít lâu, Mà tổ phụ các ngươi không kính sợ.

18 Ngươi không kể đến Hòn Ðá sanh mình. Và quên Ðức Chúa Trời đã tạo mình.

19 Ðức Giê-hô-va có thấy điều đó, nên trong cơn thạnh nộ, Ngài đã từ bỏ các con traicon gái mình.

20 Ngài có phán: Ta sẽ giấu mặt ta, Ðể xem sự cuối cùng của chúng nó ra sao; Vì là một dòng dõi gian tà, Là những con cái không có lòng trung tín.

21 Chúng nó giục ta phân bì, vì cúng thờ thần chẳng phải là Ðức Chúa Trời, Lấy sự hư không mà chọc giận ta; Ta cũng vậy, lấy một dân tộc hèn mà trêu sự phân bì của chúng nó, Lấy một nước ngu dại mà chọc giận chúng nó.

22 Vì có lửa nổi phừng trong cơn giận ta, Cháy cho đến đáy sâu âm phủ, Thiêu nuốt đất và thổ sản, Cùng cháy đốt nền các núi.

23 Ta sẽ chất những tai vạ trên mình chúng nó, Bắn chúng nó hết các tên ta.

24 Chúng nó sẽ bị đói hao mòn, bị rét tiêu đi, Và một thứ dịch hạch độc dữ ăn nuốt. Ta sẽ khiến răng thú rừng, Và nọc độc của loài bò dưới bụi đến hại chúng nó.

25 Ngoài thì gươm dao, Trong thì kinh khủng Sẽ làm cho trai trẻ, gái đồng trinh, Và con đang , luôn với người già bạc Ðều bị diệt vong.

26 Ta nói rằng: Ta sẽ lấy hơi thở ta quét sạch chúng nó đi, Diệt kỷ niệm chúng nó khỏi loài người.

27 Song sợ thù nghịch nhiếc nhóc, Kẻ cừu địch chúng nó lầm hiểu, La rằng: Tay chúng tôi đã tỏ sức cao cường, Chớ chẳng phải Ðức Giê-hô-va có làm mọi điều ấy đâu!

28 Vì là một dân mất trí, Trong lòng không có thông minh!

29 Chớ chi họ khôn ngoan và hiểu được, Ước gì nghĩ đến sự cuối cùng vẫn đợi họ!

30 Nhược bằng Hòn Ðá không có bán chúng nó, Và Giê-hô-va không giao nộp chúng nó, Thì làm sao một người rượt nổi ngàn người, Và hai người đuổi mười ngàn người trốn đi?

31 Vì hòn đá chúng nó chẳng phải như Hòn Ðá chúng ta, Thù nghịch chúng ta cũng xét đoán như vậy.

32 Cây nho chúng nó vốn là chồi của Sô-đôm, Và do đất của Gô-mô-rơ. Trái nho chúng nó vốn là độc, Và chùm nho vốn là đắng;

33 ượu nho chúng nó là nọc độc con rắn, Một thứ nọc độc rất dữ của rắn hổ.

34 Những việc như thế làm sao ta quên được? Ta đã niêm phong nó vào trong kho ta.

35 Khi chân chúng nó xiêu tó, Sự báo thù sẽ thuộc về ta, phần đối trả sẽ qui về ta. Vì ngày bại hoại của chúng nó hầu gần, Và những tai họa buộc phải xảy ra cho chúng nó đến mau.

36 Phải, khi Ðức Giê-hô-va thấy sức lực của dân sự mình hao mòn, Và không còn lại tôi mọi hay là tự chủ cho chúng nó, Thì Ngài sẽ đoán xét công bình cho chúng nó, Và thương xót tôi tớ Ngài.

37 Ngài sẽ phán: Các thần chúng nó, Những hòn đá chúng nó nhờ cậy,

38 Các thần hưởng mỡ của hi sinh, Và uống rượu của lễ quán chúng nó, đều ở đâu? Các thần ấy hãy đứng dậy, giúp đỡ Và che phủ cho các người!

39 Bây giờ, hãy xem ta là Ðức Chúa Trời, Ngoài ta chẳng có Ðức Chúa Trời nào khác. Ta khiến cho chết và cho sống lại, Làm cho bị thương và chữa cho lành, Chẳng có ai giải cứu khỏi tay ta được.

40 Vì ta giơ tay chỉ trời Mà thề rằng: Ta quả thật hằng sống đời đời,

41 Khi ta mài lưỡi sáng của gươm ta, Và tay ta cầm sự đoán xét, Thì ta sẽ báo thù kẻ cừu địch ta, Cùng đối trả những kẻ nào ghét ta.

42 Ta sẽ làm cho các mũi tên ta say huyết; Lưỡi gươm ta ăn thịt, Tức là huyết của kẻ bị giết và của phu tù, thịt của đầu các tướng thù nghịch.

43 Hỡi các nước! hãy vui mừng với dân Ngài, Vì Ðức Chúa Trời sẽ báo thù huyết của tôi tớ Ngài, Trả thù kẻ cừu địch Ngài, Và tha tội cho xứ và cho dân của Ngài.

44 Vậy, Môi-se cùng Giô-suê, con trai của Nun, đến đọc hết các lời bài ca nầy cho dân sự nghe.

45 Khi Môi-se đã đọc xong các lời nầy tại trước mặt cả Y-sơ-ra-ên,

46 thì người nói cùng chúng rằng: Hãy để lòng chăm chỉ về hết thảy lời ta đã nài khuyên các ngươi ngày nay, mà truyền cho con cháu mình, để chúng nó cẩn thận làm theo các lời của luật pháp nầy.

47 Vì chẳng phải một lời nói vô giá cho các ngươi đâu, nhưng nó là sự sống của các ngươi; nhờ lời nói nầy, các ngươi sẽ ở lâu ngày trên đất mà các ngươi sẽ đi nhận lấy, khi qua sông Giô-đanh.

48 Trong ngày đó, Ðức Giê-hô-va phán cùng Môi-se rằng:

49 Hãy đi lên núi A-ba-rim, trên đỉnh Nê-bô, ở trong xứ Mô-áp, đối ngang Giê-ri-cô; rồi nhìn xứ Ca-na-an mà ta ban cho dân Y-sơ-ra-ên làm sản nghiệp.

50 Vả, ngươi sẽ chết trên núi mà ngươi lên đó và sẽ được tiếp về cùng dân ngươi, y như A-rôn, anh ngươi, đã chết trên núi Hô-rơ, và đã được tiếp về cùng dân của người,

51 bởi vì tại giữa dân Y-sơ-ra-ên, các ngươi đã phạm tội cùng ta, nơi nước Mê-ri-ba tại Ca-đe, trong đồng bắng Xin, và vì các ngươi không tôn ta thánh giữa dân Y-sơ-ra-ên.

52 Quả thật, ngươi sẽ thấy xứ ở trước mặt mình, nhưng không được vào trong xứ ấy mà ta ban cho dân Y-sơ-ra-ên.


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Arcana Coelestia # 10283

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10283. 'It shall not be poured onto the flesh of a person' means no imparting [of what is the Lord's] to a person's proprium or self. This is clear from the meaning of 'the flesh of a person' as his proprium, dealt with below; and from the meaning of 'pouring onto' as imparting to. For 'pouring' has a similar meaning to 'touching'; but 'pouring' is used in connection with liquids, namely oil, wine, and water, and 'pouring out' in connection with Divine, heavenly, and spiritual realities, whereas 'touching' is used in connection with dry substances and with bodily things. For the meaning of 'touching' as imparting, see 10130. From this it follows that 'the anointing oil shall not be poured onto the flesh of a person' means that there is no imparting of the Divine Good of the Lord's Divine Love to a person's proprium or self, because a person's proprium is nothing but evil and the Lord's Divine Good cannot be imparted to what is evil.

A person's proprium or self is nothing but evil, see 210, 215, 694, 731, 874-876, 987, 1023, 1024, 1047, 5660, 5786, 8480.

[2] One part of the human proprium belongs to the will and the other part to the understanding; the will part consists of evil, and the understanding part of falsity arising from this. The former - the will part of the proprium - is meant by human flesh, and the understanding part by the blood of that flesh. The truth of this is clear from the following places: In Matthew,

Jesus said, Blessed are you, Simon, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven. Matthew 16:17.

It is plainly evident that 'flesh' here, and also 'blood', means the human proprium or self.

[3] In John,

As many as received Him, to them He gave power to be sons of God, who were born, not of blood 1 , nor of the will of the flesh, but of God. John 1:12-13.

'Blood' here means falsities that come out of the understanding part of the human proprium, and 'the will of the flesh' evils that spring from the will part of it. For the meaning of 'blood' as falsity arising from evil, thus what is in the understanding part of the proprium as a result of what is in the will part, see 4735, 9127.

[4] In Isaiah,

I will feed your oppressors with their flesh and they will be drunk with their blood as with new wine. Isaiah 49:26.

'Feeding them with their flesh' and 'making them drunk with their blood' stands for filling them up with evil and the falsity of evil, thus with what is of the proprium or what is one's own; for both the evil and the falsity come out of the proprium.

[5] In Jeremiah,

Cursed is the man (homo) who trusts in man (homo) and makes flesh his arm. Jeremiah 17:5.

'Trusting in man and making flesh his arm' means trusting in oneself and one's proprium.

[6] In Isaiah,

The people have become as fuel for the fire. If any of them cuts down on the right he will be hungry, and if any eats on the left they will not be satisfied. Each will eat the flesh of his own arm 2 ; Manasseh [will eat] Ephraim, and Ephraim Manasseh. Isaiah 9:19-21.

'Fuel for the fire' means making the evils or desires of self-love and love of the world one's own, 'being hungry' and 'not being satisfied' mean not accepting the good or the truth of faith, and 'the flesh of his arm' means both parts of the human proprium, 'Manasseh' meaning evil in the will, 'Ephraim' falsity in the understanding, and 'eating' making one's own.

'Fire' means the evils or desires of self-love and love of the world, see 5071, 5215, 6314, 6832, 7324, 7575, 9141.

The reason why 'being hungry' and 'not being satisfied' mean not accepting the good or the truth of faith is that 'hunger' or famine and 'thirst' mean desolation with regard to goodness and truth, 5360, 5376, 6110, 7102, 8568(end).

'The right' means good from which truth emanates, and 'the left' truth through which good comes, 10061; consequently 'being hungry if any of them cuts down on the right, and not being satisfied if any eats on the left' means that no matter how much instruction they may receive about goodness and truth they will not accept them.

[7] 'Manasseh' means good in the will, 5351, 5353, 5354(end), 6222, 6234, 6238, 6267, and 'Ephraim' truth in the understanding, 3969, 5354, 6222, 6234, 6238, 6267, so that in the contrary sense 'Manasseh' means evil in the will and 'Ephraim' falsity in the understanding, since almost everything in the Word also has a contrary meaning.

'Eating' means making one's own, 3168, 3513(end), 3596, 4745, from which it is evident what 'eating the flesh of his own arm' means, namely making evil and falsity originating in the proprium one's own.

The expression 'flesh of the arm' is used because 'the arm', like 'the hand', means the powers present in a person, in which he puts his trust, see in the places referred to in 10019.

[8] In Zechariah,

I said, I will not feed you. Let the one that is dying die; [the sheep] that are left will eat, every one the flesh of another. Zechariah 11:9.

'Not feeding' stands for not teaching and reforming, 'dying' for loss of spiritual life, and 'eating the flesh of another' for making evils originating in the proprium of another one's own.

[9] In Ezekiel,

Jerusalem committed whoredom with the sons of Egypt, her neighbours, the great in flesh. Ezekiel 16:26.

'Jerusalem' stands for the perverted Church, 'committing whoredom with the sons of Egypt, the great in flesh' for falsifying the Church's truths by means of factual knowledge which begins in the natural man alone, thus by means of factual knowledge based on sensory evidence.

'Jerusalem' means the Church, see 402, 2117, 3654, in this instance the Church when it has been perverted.

'Committing whoredom' means falsifying truths, 2466, 2729, 8904.

'Sons' means truths, or else falsities, 1147, 3373, 4257, 9807.

'Egypt' means factual knowledge, in either [a good or a bad] sense, see in the places referred to in 9340, and also the natural, in the places referred to in 9391.

Consequently the words 'the great in flesh' describe people who, relying on sensory evidence, reason and draw conclusions about the Church's truths. Those who do this lay hold of falsities as truths, for to rely on sensory evidence to reason and draw conclusions about anything is to rely on the illusions of the bodily senses. People therefore who are ruled by their senses are meant by 'the great in flesh'; for their own bodily perceptions govern their thinking.

[10] In Isaiah,

Egypt is man (homo) and not God, and his horses are flesh, but not spirit. Isaiah 31:3.

Here also 'Egypt' stands for factual knowledge, 'his horses' for a power of understanding consisting of this. That power is called 'flesh, not spirit' when people use what is their own and not God's to draw conclusions.

By 'horses' is meant the power of understanding, see 2761, 2762, 3217, 5321, 6534, and by 'the horses of Egypt' factual knowledge supplied from a perverted understanding, 6125, 8146, 8148.

[11] The fact that 'flesh' means a person's proprium or selfhood, or what amounts to the same thing, his own evil will, is clear in Moses, where the subject is the Israelite people's desire for flesh to eat, described as follows,

The rabble who were in the midst of the people had a strong craving and said, Who will feed us with flesh? Jehovah said, Tomorrow you will eat flesh. Not for one day will you eat it, nor for two days, nor for five days, nor for ten days, nor for twenty days, [but] for a whole month. And a wind set out from Jehovah, and it cut off the quails from the sea and sent them down 3 over the camp, about two cubits above the surface of the land. The people rose up that whole day, and the whole night, and the whole of the next day, and gathered them and spread them out all around the camp. The flesh was still between their teeth, before it could be swallowed, and Jehovah's anger flared up against the people, and He struck the people with an extremely great plague. So he called the name of the place The Graves of Craving. Numbers 11:4, 18-20, 31-34.

[12] The fact that 'flesh' meant that nation's proprium becomes clear from every detail in these verses; for unless this had been meant what evil could there have been in their desire for flesh, especially as flesh had been promised them on a previous occasion, Exodus 16:12? But since it meant the proprium, thus an evil will, which that nation possessed in greater measure than other nations, it says - when they desired flesh - that they 'had a strong craving', on account of which they were struck with a great plague, and on account of which the place where they were buried was called The Graves of Craving. Whether you speak of an evil will or of craving, it amounts to the same thing, for an evil will consists in craving. The human proprium has no desire for anything apart from what belongs to itself; it has no desire for anything that concerns the neighbour or anything that concerns God, unless this is beneficial to itself. Since that nation was like this it says that they would eat flesh not for one day, not for two, not for five, nor for ten, nor for twenty, but for a whole month, meaning that this nation would be like that forever (for 'a whole month' means forever); and for the same reason it says that while the flesh was still between their teeth, before it could be swallowed, they were struck with a great plague. For by 'teeth' the bodily level of the proprium, the lowest of a person's mind, is meant, 4424(end), 5565-5568, 9062. The fact that this nation was like this may be seen in the places referred to in 9380, and in the Song of Moses, at Deuteronomy 32:20, 22-26, 28, 32-34.

[13] In the Word spirit is set in contrast to flesh, for 'spirit' means life from the Lord and 'flesh' life from man, as in John,

It is the Spirit which bestows life, the flesh does not profit anything. The words that I speak to you, they are spirit and they are life. John 6:63.

From this it is clear that 'spirit' means life from the Lord, which is the life of love to Him and faith in Him, received from Him, and that 'flesh' means life from man, thus his selfhood. This is why it says 'the flesh does not profit anything'. Something similar is meant elsewhere in John,

That which has been born from the flesh is flesh, but that which has been born from the spirit is spirit. John 3:6.

In David,

God remembered that they were flesh; a spirit which would pass away would not come back. Psalms 78:39.

[14] Since 'flesh' in reference to man means his proprium, which consists of the evil of self-love and love of the world, it is evident what 'flesh' means when used in reference to the Lord, namely His Proprium, which consists of the Divine Good of Divine Love. This is what 'the Lord's flesh' means in John,

The bread which I will give you is My flesh. Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you will have no life in you. Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life; for My flesh is truly food and My blood is truly drink. John 6:51, 53-55.

'The flesh' of the Lord means the Divine Good of His Divine Love, and 'the blood' the Divine Truth emanating from that Divine Good, so that they are similar in meaning to the bread and wine in the Holy Supper; and those Divine Realities are His own, present within His Divine Human, see 1001, 3813, 4735, 6978, 7317, 7326, 7850, 9127, 9393, 10026, 10033, 10152. Also, the sacrifices represented forms of good that originate in the Lord, and therefore the flesh of those sacrifices meant forms of good, 10040, 10079. Furthermore, various places in the Word use the expression 'all flesh', by which every human being should be understood, as in Genesis 6:12-13, 17, 19; Isaiah 40:5-6; 49:26; 66:16, 23-24; Jeremiah 25:31; 32:27; 45:5; Ezekiel 20:48; 21:4-5; and elsewhere.

Poznámky pod čarou:

1. literally, bloods

2. literally, they will eat, a man (vir) the flesh of his own arm

3. Reading demisit (sent down) for dimisit (allowed to depart)

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

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Arcana Coelestia # 2466

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2466. It is certainly possible to confirm that in the internal sense such things are meant as have been set forth in the paragraph above, and indeed to confirm them as to each word. But apart from the fact that they have been confirmed already they are also such as shock people's minds and offend their ears. From the summary explanation given above it may become clear that those things are used to describe how such a religion originated as that meant in the Word by 'Moab' and 'the son of Ammon'. The nature of it will be stated later on where Moab and the son of Ammon are the subject. The fact that adulterated good and falsified truth are meant is clear. Adulterations of good and falsifications of truth are commonly described in the Word as acts of adultery and whoredom, and are actually called such. The reason for this is that good and truth belong together like a married couple, 1904, 2173. Indeed, though scarcely anyone may credit it, it is from this marriage of good and truth as its own true source that the holiness of marriages on earth is derived as well as the marriage laws laid down in the Word.

[2] The truth of the matter is that when celestial things together with spiritual come down from heaven into a lower sphere they are in a most perfect way converted there into the likeness of marriages. They do so on account of the correspondence which exists between spiritual things and natural, a correspondence which in the Lord's Divine mercy will be described elsewhere. But when those same things are perverted in the lower sphere, as happens when evil genii and evil spirits are present there, they are in that case converted into the kind of things that go with acts of adultery and whoredom. This is why in the Word defilements of good and perversions of truth are described as acts of adultery and whoredom and are also called such, as becomes quite clear from the following places: In Ezekiel,

You committed whoredom because of your renown, and poured out your acts of whoredom on every passer-by. You took some of your garments and made for yourself high places variously coloured, and on them committed whoredom. For your adornment you took vessels made of My gold and of My silver, which I had given you, and made for yourself figures of the male, and committed whoredom with them. You took your sons and your daughters, whom you had borne to Me, and sacrificed them to them. Were your acts of whoredom a small matter? You committed whoredom with the sons of Egypt, your neighbours, great in flesh, and multiplied your whoredom to provoke Me to anger. You committed whoredom with the sons of Asshur, and you committed whoredom with them and were not satisfied. And you multiplied your whoredom, even as far as the trading land of Chaldea; and yet you were not satisfied with this. Ezekiel 16:15-17, 20, 26, 28-29, and following verses.

This refers to Jerusalem, which means in this instance the Church perverted as regards truths. Anyone may see that all the things referred to here have entirely different meanings.

[3] That the perversion of some aspect of the Church is called whoredom is quite evident. 'The garments' referred to are truths that are being perverted. Consequent falsities which are worshipped are meant by 'the variously coloured high places' on which whoredom took place - 'garments' meaning truths, see 1073, and 'high places' worship, 796. 'The vessels for adornment made of the gold and the silver which I had given' are cognitions of good and truth drawn from the Word which they use to confirm falsities. And when such falsities are seen as truths they are called 'figures of the male with whom whoredom was committed'. For 'vessels for adornment made of gold and silver' means cognitions of good and truth, as is evident from the meaning of 'gold' as good, 113, 1551, 1552, and of 'silver' as truth, 1551, 2048; 'figures of the mare' means falsities which are seen as truths, 2046. 'The sons and daughters whom they had borne and sacrificed to them' means the goods and truths which they perverted, as is evident from the meaning of 'sons and daughters', 489-491, 533, 2362; 'committing whoredom with the sons of Egypt' means perverting those goods and truths by means of facts, as is evident from the meaning of 'Egypt' as factual knowledge, 1164, 1165, 1186, 1462. 'Committing whoredom with the sons of Asshur' means perverting by means of reasonings, as is evident from the meaning of 'Asshur' as reasoning, 119, 1186; 'multiplying whoredom even as far as the land of Chaldea' means even to the profanation of truth, which is Chaldea, 1368. All this makes plain the nature of the internal sense of the Word within the sense of the letter.

[4] A similar passage occurs elsewhere in the same prophet,

Two women, the daughters of one mother, committed whoredom in Egypt. In their youth they committed whoredom. Oholah is Samaria, Oholibah is Jerusalem. Oholah committed whoredom under Me and doted on her lovers, on the Assyrians her neighbours. She bestowed her acts of whoredom on them, the choicest of all the sons of Asshur. Her acts of whoredom brought from Egypt she did not give up, for they had lain with her in her youth. Oholibah corrupted her love more than she, and her acts of whoredom more than her sister's acts of whoredom; she doted on the sons of Asshur. She added to her acts of whoredom and saw the images of the Chaldeans. As soon as her eyes saw them she desired them. The sons of Babel came to her, into her love-bed. Ezekiel 23:2-5, 7-8, 11-12, 14, 16-17.

'Samaria' is a Church with the affection for truth, 'Jerusalem' a Church with the affection for good. By 'the acts of whoredom' committed by such affections with 'the Egyptians' and with 'the sons of Asshur' are meant the perversions of good and truth by means of facts and reasonings used to confirm falsities, as is evident from the meaning of 'Egypt', 1164, 1165, 1186, 1462, and of 'Asshur', 119, 1186. These perversions extended even to profane worship which in respect of truth is 'Chaldea', 1368, and in respect of good is 'the sons of Babel', 1182, 1326.

[5] In Isaiah,

And it will be at the end of seventy years, that Jehovah will visit Tyre, and she will return to hiring herself out as a harlot, and will commit whoredom with all the kingdoms of the earth. Isaiah 23:17.

It is the flaunting of falsity that is meant by Tyre's 'hiring herself out as a harlot and committing whoredom'. 'Tyre' means cognitions of truth, see 1201, 'kingdoms' truths with which whoredom took place, 1672.

[6] In Jeremiah,

You have committed whoredom with many partners; but return to Me. Lift up your eyes to the hills and see - where have you not been ravished? By the waysides you have sat waiting for them, like an Arab in the wilderness, and you have profaned the land with your acts of whoredom and with your wickedness. Jeremiah 3:1-2.

'Committing whoredom' and 'profaning the land with acts of whoredom' is perverting and falsifying the truths of the Church. 'The land' is the Church, see 662, 1066, 1067.

[7] In the same prophet,

With the voice of her whoredom she profaned the land, she committed adultery with stone and wood. Jeremiah 3:9.

'Committing adultery with stone and wood' means perverting truths and goods that are part of external worship - 'stone' meaning that kind of truth, see 643, 1298, 'wood' that kind of good, 643.

[8] In the same prophet,

Because they have committed folly in Israel, and have committed adultery with their companions' wives, and have in My name spoken a false word which I did not command. Jeremiah 29:23.

'Committing adultery with companions' wives' is teaching falsity as from them.

[9] In the same prophet,

In the prophets of Jerusalem I have seen a horrible thing: in their committing adultery and walking in falsity. Jeremiah 23:14.

Here 'committing adultery' has regard to good which is being defiled, 'walking in falsity' to truth which is being perverted. In the same prophet,

Your adulterous acts and your neighings, the filth of your whoredom committed on the hills, in the field - I have seen your abominations. Woe to you, O Jerusalem; you will not be made clean after this; how long yet? Jeremiah 13:27.

[10] In Hosea,

Whoredom, and wine, and new wine have taken possession of the heart. My people inquire of a piece of wood and their staff makes declaration to them, for the spirit of whoredom has led them astray, and they have committed whoredom beneath their god. They sacrifice on the tops of the mountains and burn incense on the hills, under oak, poplar, and terebinth. Therefore your daughters commit whoredom and your daughters-in-law commit adultery. Shall I not punish 1 your daughters because they commit whoredom and your daughters-in-law because they commit adultery, for the men themselves divide with harlots and sacrifice with cult-prostitutes? Hosea 4:11-14.

What each of these things means in the internal sense becomes clear from the meaning of 'wine' as falsity, of 'new wine' as evil deriving from this, of 'the piece of wood which they inquire of' as the good belonging to the delight that goes with some evil desire, 'the staff which makes a declaration' as the imaginary power of their own understanding, also of 'mountains and hills' as self-love and love of the world, of 'oak, poplar, and terebinth' as so many dull-witted perceptions in which they trust, of 'daughters and daughters-in-law' as affections that are such. From this it is evident what acts of 'whoredom', 'adultery', and 'cult-prostitution' mean here.

[11] In the same prophet,

O Israel, you have committed whoredom beneath 2 your god; you have taken delight in hiring yourself out as a harlot on every threshing-floor. Hosea 9:1.

'Hiring oneself out as a harlot' stands for a flaunting of falsity. In Moses,

Lest you make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land, and they go whoring after their gods and sacrifice to their gods, and someone calls you and you eat of his sacrifices, and you take his daughters for your sons, and his daughters go whoring after their gods, and they cause your sons to go whoring after their gods. Exodus 34:15-16.

In the same author,

I will cut off from the midst of their people all who go whoring after him, for whoring after Molech. And anyone who looks to those who have familiar spirits and to wizards, and goes whoring after them, I will set My face against that person and will cut him off from the midst of his people. Leviticus 20:5-6.

In the same author,

Your sons will be shepherds in the wilderness for forty years, and will bear your acts of whoredom until your bodies are consumed in the wilderness. Numbers 14:33.

In the same author,

May you remember all the commandments of Jehovah and do them, and may you not seek after your own heart and after your own eyes, which you go whoring after. Numbers 15:39.

[12] An even plainer usage occurs in John,

One angel said, Come, I will show you the judgement of the great harlot who is seated on many waters, with whom the kings of the earth have committed whoredom, and with the wine of whose whoredom the inhabitants of the earth have become drunk. Revelation 17:1-2.

'The great harlot' stands for people whose worship is profane. 'The many waters on which she is seated' are cognitions, 28, 739, 'the kings of the earth who committed whoredom with her' are the truths of the Church, 1672, 2015, 2069. 'The wine with which the people became drunk' is falsity, 1071, 1072. It is because wine' and 'drunkenness' have this meaning that Lot's daughters are said to have made their father drink wine, verses 32-33, 35.

[13] In the same book,

Babylon has given all nations drink from the wine of the fury of her whoredom; and the kings of the earth have committed whoredom with her. Revelation 18:3.

'Babylon' or Babel stands for worship whose external features appear holy but whose interiors are unholy, 1182, 1295, 1326. 'The nations to whom she gives drink' means goods which are rendered profane, 1259, 1260, 1416, 1849, 'the kings who commit whoredom with her' means truths, 1672, 2015, 2069. In the same book,

The judgements of the Lord God are true and right, for He has judged the great harlot who corrupted the earth with her whoredom. Revelation 19:2.

'The earth' stands for the Church, 566, 662, 1066, 1067, 2117, 2118.

[14] It was because 'acts of whoredom' had such a meaning, and 'daughters' meant affections, that a priest's daughter was so strictly forbidden to commit whoredom, concerning which the following is said in Moses,

Any priest's daughter, in that she has begun to commit whoredom, is profaning her father; she shall be burnt with fire. Leviticus 21:9.

Also they were forbidden to bring the earnings of a harlot into the house of Jehovah because it was an abomination, Deuteronomy 23:18. And for the same reason a certain procedure had to be followed - given in Numbers 5:12-31 - for investigating the behaviour of a wife whom the husband suspected of adultery; every single detail of that procedure has reference to the adulteration of good. Besides these many more genera and still more species of adultery and whoredom are referred to in the Word. The genus described by means of Lot's daughters lying with their father and called 'Moab' and 'the son of Ammon' is dealt with immediately below.

Poznámky pod čarou:

1. literally, visit

2. The Latin means above, but the Hebrew means from under or from beneath, which Swedenborg has in other places where he quotes this verse.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.