

Daniel 2:35



35 Bấy giờ sắt, đất sét, đồng, bạc, và vàng đều cùng nhau tan nát cả; trở nên như rơm rác bay trên sân đạp lúa mùa họ, phải gió đùa đi, chẳng tìm nơi nào cho chúng nó; nhưng hòn đã đập vào pho tượng thì hóa ra một hòn núi lớn và đầy khắp đất.





A "reward" in the Bible represents something that brings people together, or brings spiritual states together, and binds them. In the Bible, of course -- especially the New Testament -- we're told repeatedly to do what is good and right "without thought of reward." That's because removing the idea of a natural reward lets us be aware of spiritual rewards, which are actually intrinsic to the good that's being done. On a relatively low level, we feel delight in doing something nice and useful for someone else; that delight is a reward. The love that can exist between partners in a committed, loving marriage is a reward. The delight we feel when we truly want what is good and know how to create it is a reward. And ultimately, our conjunction with the Lord and the delight of His love and salvation is the deepest reward of all. These are the things meant when the Bible speaks of "rewards.



Luke 24:50-53



50 He led them out as far as Bethany, and he lifted up his hands, and blessed them.

51 It happened, while he blessed them, that he withdrew from them, and was carried up into heaven.

52 They worshiped him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy,

53 and were continually in the temple, praising and blessing God. Amen.