

Метью 15



1 Тоді прийшли до Ісуса письменники та Фарисеї з Єрусалиму, кажучи:

2 Чого Твої ученики переступають переказ старших? бо не миють рук своїх, як їдять хлїб.

3 Він же, озвавшись, рече до них: Чого ж се й ви переступаєте заповідь Божу ради переказу вашого?

4 Бог бо заповідав, глаголючи: Поважай батька твого й матір, і: Хто лає батька або матір, нехай умре смертю.

5 Ви ж кажете: Хто скаже батькові або матері: Се дар (Божий), чим би ти з мене мав покористуватись,

6 той може не поважати батька свого або матери своєї. І знівечили ви заповідь Божу ради переказу вашого.

7 Лицеміри, добре прорік про вас Ісаія, глаголючи:

8 Народ сей приближуєть ся до мене губами своїми, й устами мене шанує, серце ж їх далеко від мене.

9 Та марно вони поклоняють ся мені, навчаючи наук заповідей чоловічих.

10 І, прикликавши людей, рече до них: Слухайте та й розумійте:

11 Не те, що входить в уста, сквернить чоловіка, а що виходить із уст те сквернить чоловіка.

12 Приступивши тоді ученики, рекли до Него: Чи знаєш, що Фарисеї, чувши слово, поблазнились?

13 Він же, озвавшись, рече: Усяка рослина, що не насаджував Отець мій небесний, викоренить ся.

14 Не вважайте на них: проводирі вони слїпі слїпих. А коли слїпий веде слїпого, обидва впадуть у яму.

15 Озвав ся ж Петр і каже до Него: Виясни нам сю приповість.

16 Ісус же рече: Чи й ви ще без розуму?

17 Чи ще не зрозуміли, що те, що входить в уста, йде в живіт, і звергаєть ся в одхідник;

18 а те, що виходить із уст, береть ся з серця, і воно сквернить чоловіка.

19 Бо з серця беруть ся ледачі думки, душогубства, перелюбки, бдуд, крадїж, криве сьвідкуваннє, хула.

20 Оце, що сквернить чоловіка; а їсти, непомивши рук, се не сквернить чоловіка.

21 Вийшов тодї Ісус ізвідтіля, і перейшов у Тирські та в Сидонські сторони.

22 Коли се жінка Канаанка прийшла з тих гряниць, і кричала до Него, кажучи: Помилуй мене, Господи, сину Давидів; дочка моя тяжко біснуєть ся.

23 Він же не відказав їй нї слова. І, приступивши ученики Його, благали Його, кажучи: Відпусти її, бо кричить за нами.

24 Він же, озвавшись, рече: Послано мене тільки до загублених овечок дому Ізраїлевого.

25 Вона ж, приступивши, поклонилась Йому, кажучи: Господи, поможи мені.

26 Він же, озвавшись, рече: Не годить ся взяти в дїтей хлїб, і кинути собакам.

27 А вона каже: Так, Господи; тільки ж і собаки їдять кришки, що падають із стола в господаря їх.

28 Тоді озвавсь Ісус і рече до неї: Жінко, велика віра твоя: нехай станеть ся тобі, як бажаєш. І одужала дочка її з того часу.

29 І, перейшовши Ісус ізвідтіля, прийшов близько до моря Галилейського, й, зійшовши на гору, сів там.

30 І поприходило до Него пребагато людей, маючи з собою кривих, слїпих, німих, калїк і багацько инших, та й клали їх у ногах в Ісуса, й сцїлив їх,

31 так що люде дивувались, бачивши, що нїмі говорять, калїки здорові, криві ходять, а слїпі бачять; і прославляли Бога Ізраїлевого.

32 Ісус же, покликавши учеників своїх, рече: Жаль менї людей, бо вже вони три днї пробувають зо мною, й не мають що їсти; а не хочу відпустити їх голодних, щоб не помлїли на дорозі.

33 І кажуть Йому ученики Його: Де ж нам узяти стільки хлїба в пустині, щоб нагодувати стільки народу?

34 І рече їм Ісус: Скільки хлїбів маєте ви? Вони ж кажуть: Сїм, та кілька рибок.

35 І звелїв народові посідати на землї.

36 І, взявши сім хлїбів та рибу, оддав хвалу, ламав і давав ученикам своїм, а ученики народові.

37 І їли всї, й понаїдались; і назбирали останків ламаного сїм повних кошів.

38 А тих, що їли, було чотири тисячі чоловіка, опріч жінок та дітей.

39 І, відпустивши народ, увійшов у човен, та й прибув у гряниці Магдалські.


Ze Swedenborgových děl


Canons of the New Church # 43

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1. There are three summaries of the Christian Church's doctrine concerning the Divine Trinity as well as Unity, which are called Creeds, the Apostolic, the Nicene, and the Athanasian. The Apostles' Creed was drawn up by men termed the Apostolic Fathers; the Nicene Creed by an assembly of bishops and priests summoned by Emperor Constantine to the city of Nicaea for the purpose of dispelling the scandals of Arius in regard to his having denied the Divinity of the Son of God; and the Athanasian Creed by some person or persons immediately 1 after that Council. These three Creeds have been acknowledged and accepted by the Christian Church as ecumenical and catholic, that is, as the universals of doctrine in regard to God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

2. The Apostles' Creed teaches thus:

I believe in God the Father Almighty, God 2 of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ His Son, our Lord, who was conceived from the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary ... I believe in the Holy Spirit, etc.

The Nicene Creed teaches thus:

I believe in One God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth ....

And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only-begotten Son of God, begotten not made, of one substance with the Father, by whom all things were made; who came down from heaven and was incarnate from the Holy Spirit out of the virgin Mary, and was made Man ....

And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and Giver of Life, who proceedeth from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified; who spoke by the Prophets . . . .

The Athanasian Creed teaches thus:

The Catholic Faith is this: That we worship one God in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity. That there is one Person of the Father, another of the Son, and another of the Holy Spirit . . . That Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have one Godhead and coeternal majesty. That the Father is uncreate, immeasurable, eternal, almighty, God and Lord, in like manner the Son, and in like manner the Holy Spirit; nevertheless there are not three uncreates, immeasurables, eternals, almighties, gods and lords, but One. The Son is of the Father alone, not made nor created but begotten; the Holy Spirit is from the Father and the Son, not made, nor created, nor begotten, but proceeding. In this Trinity none is before or after another, none is greater or less than another, but the whole three Persons are co-eternal and co-equal. But since we are compelled by Christian verity to confess each Person by Himself to be God and Lord, so are we forbidden by the Catholic religion to say three Gods and three Lords.

Furthermore, in regard to the Lord Jesus Christ, thus:

That although He is God and Man, yet He is not two but one Christ.

3. From the pronouncements in the three creeds it may be gathered how God's Trinity in Unity and Unity in Trinity is understood in each case. For the Apostles' Creed declares in regard to God the Father, that He is the Creator of the Universe; in regard to His Son, that He was conceived from the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary; and in regard to the Holy Spirit, that it exists.

The Nicene Creed, on the other hand, declares in regard to God the Father, that He is the Creator of the Universe; in regard to the Son, that He was begotten before all ages and that He came down and was incarnate; and in regard to the Holy Spirit, that it proceeds from them both.

Whereas the Athanasian Creed declares in regard to Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, that they are three co-eternal and co-equal Persons, and that each one of them is God; nevertheless there are not three Gods, but one and that although from Christian verity each Person by Himself is God, yet, from the Catholic religion, you may not say three Gods.

4. It is evident from these three Creeds that two Trinities have been handed down, one that came into existence before the world was created, the other that came into existence after that. A Trinity before the world was created is in the Nicene and Athanasian Creeds, whereas a Trinity after the world was created is in the Apostles' Creed. Consequently, the Apostolic Church knew nothing of a "Son from eternity", but only of a Son born in the world; and so it is this Son that it invoked, not one born from eternity. On the other hand, the Church after the Nicene Creed, just as though it was established afresh, acknowledged as God a Son from eternity, but not the Son born in the world.

5. Those two Trinities differ as much from each other as evening and morning, or rather as night and day; accordingly, both of them together cannot possibly be affirmed as true in a member of the Church, because with him religion might perish, and with religion, sound reason. This is because it is not possible from the Nicene and Athanasian Trinities to think of one God, but it is possible to do so in the case of the Apostolic Trinity; and one God may be thought of in the latter case, because this Trinity exists in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God born in the world.

6. That the Divine Trinity is in the Lord God the Saviour Jesus Christ, He Himself teaches; for He says:

that the Father and He are one [John 10:30.]

that He is in the Father, and the Father in Him [John 14:10-11.]

that all things of the Father are His [John 3:35; 16:15.]

that he who sees Him sees the Father [John 14:9.]


that he who believes in Him, believes in the Father [John 12:44.]

and, according to Paul,

In Him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily [Col. 2:9]

according to John,

He is the true God and eternal life [1 John 5:20.]

and according to Isaiah,

He is the Father of Eternity [Isa. 60:6.]

and elsewhere in the same He is "Jehovah the Redeemer", "the only God" 3 , and that, because of Redemption, He is "Jehovah our Righteousness" 4 ; and, where it treats of Him, that He is "God, Father" [Isa. 60:6; 63:16]; "His glory will He not give to another" [Isa. 42:8; 48:11; then that "the Holy Spirit is from Him" [John 20:22].

As, then, God is One and there is a Divine Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, according to the Lord's words, [Matt. 28:19], it follows that this Trinity is in one person, and that it is in the Person of Him who was conceived from God the Father, and born of the virgin Mary, and called, on that account, "Son of the Most High", "Son of God", "Only-begotten Son" [Luke 1:31-35; John 1:18; 20:31; Matt. 3:17 16:16; 17:5]. It is obvious to both internal and external sight that in all these places, and in those quoted above, there is not meant any Son from eternity. Accordingly, with this Divine Trinity, which is indeed the "Fullness of the Godhead, dwelling in Him bodily", [according to Paul], 5 being in the Lord God the Saviour Jesus Christ, it follows that He alone is to be approached, to be appealed to for help, and to be worshipped; and that, when this is done, the Father is being approached at the same time, and [the man] receives the Holy Spirit; for He teaches that He Himself is "the Way, the Truth, and the Life"; that no one cometh to the Father except through Him; and that he that does not by Him as the Door enter into the sheepfold (i.e. the Church), is not a shepherd, but a thief and a robber [John 14:6; 10:1-9]; then too, that they who believe on Him have eternal life, and they who do not believe, shall not see life, [John 3:15-16, 36; 6:40; 11:25-26; 1 John 5:20].

7. The Divine Trinity, and with it the Divine Unity, being in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Redeemer and Saviour of the world, this Trinity is the Trinity of the New Church.

[Chapter VI and the first part of Chapter VII are missing. The two pages of the original on which they were written could not be found when the two existing copies were made.]

Poznámky pod čarou:

1. The word statim (immediately) is not found in the Skara Manuscript.

2. The word "God" is here in both MSS. Worcester alters it to "Creator", which agrees with the usual form of the Creed. See paragraph 3 of this chapter.

3. See Isa, 43:10-14; 44:6, 24; 14:21-22; etc.

4. See Jer. 23:6.

5. The words, "according to Paul", are found here in the Nordenskjold manuscript but not in the Skara Manuscript.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.



John 10:1-9



1 "Most certainly, I tell you, one who doesn't enter by the door into the sheep fold, but climbs up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.

2 But one who enters in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep.

3 The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name, and leads them out.

4 Whenever he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them, and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice.

5 They will by no means follow a stranger, but will flee from him; for they don't know the voice of strangers."

6 Jesus spoke this parable to them, but they didn't understand what he was telling them.

7 Jesus therefore said to them again, "Most certainly, I tell you, I am the sheep's door.

8 All who came before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep didn't listen to them.

9 I am the door. If anyone enters in by me, he will be saved, and will go in and go out, and will find pasture.