

2 Mosebok 12



1 Och HERREN talade till Mose och Aron i Egyptens land och sade:

2 Denna månad skall hos eder vara den främsta månaden, den skall hos eder vara den första av årets månader.

3 Talen till Israels hela menighet och sägen: På tionde dagen i denna månad skall var husfader taga sig ett lamm, så att vart hushåll får ett lamm.

4 Men om hushållet är för litet till ett lamm, så skola husfadern och hans närmaste granne taga ett lamm tillsammans, efter personernas antal. För vart lamm skolen I beräkna ett visst antal, i mån av vad var och en äter.

5 Ett felfritt årsgammalt lamm av hankön skolen I utvälja; av fåren eller av getterna skolen I taga det.

6 Och I skolen förvara det intill fjortonde dagen i denna månad; då skall man -- Israels hela församlade menighet -- slakta det vid aftontiden.

7 Och man skall taga av blodet och stryka på båda dörrposterna och på övre dörrträet i husen där man äter det.

8 Och man skall äta köttet samma natt; det skall vara stekt på eld, och man skall äta det med osyrat bröd jämte bittra örter.

9 I skolen icke äta något därav rått eller kokt i vatten, utan det skall vara stekt på eld, med huvud, fötter och innanmäte.

10 Och I skolen icke lämna något därav kvar till morgonen; skulle något därav bliva kvar till morgonen, skolen I bränna upp det i eld.

11 Och I skolen äta det så: I skolen vara omgjordade kring edra länder, hava edra skor på fötterna och edra stavar i händerna. Och I skolen äta det med hast. Detta är HERRENS Påsk.

12 Ty jag skall på den natten gå fram genom Egyptens land och slå allt förstfött i Egyptens land, både människor och boskap; och över Egyptens alla gudar skall jag hålla dom; jag är HERREN.

13 Och blodet skall vara ett tecken, eder till räddning, på de hus i vilka I ären; ty när jag ser blodet, skall jag gå förbi eder. Och ingen hemsökelse skall drabba eder med fördärv, när jag slår Egyptens land.

14 Och I skolen hava denna dag till en åminnelsedag och fira den såsom en HERRENS högtid. Såsom en evärdlig stiftelse skolen I fira den, släkte efter släkte.

15 I sju dagar skolen I äta osyrat bröd; redan på första dagen skolen I skaffa bort all surdeg ur edra hus. Ty var och en som äter något syrat, från den första dagen till den sjunde, han skall utrotas ur Israel.

16 På den första dagen skolen I hålla en helig sammankomst; I skolen ock på den sjunde dagen hålla en helig sammankomst. På dem skall intet arbete göras; allenast det som var och en behöver till mat, det och intet annat må av eder tillredas.

17 Och I skolen hålla det osyrade brödets högtid, eftersom jag på denna samma dag har fört edra härskaror ut ur Egyptens land. Därför skolen I, släkte efter släkte, hålla denna dag såsom en evärdlig stiftelse.

18 I första månaden, på fjortonde dagen i månaden, om aftonen, skolen I äta osyrat bröd, och I skolen fortfara därmed ända till aftonen på tjuguförsta dagen i månaden.

19 I sju dagar må ingen surdeg finnas i edra hus; ty var och en son äter något syrligt, han skall utrotas ur Israels menighet, evad han är främling eller inföding i landet.

20 Intet syrligt skolen I äta; var I än ären bosatta skolen I äta osyrat bröd.

21 Och Mose kallade till sig alla de äldste i Israel och sade till dem: »Begiven eder hem, och tagen eder ett lamm för vart hushåll och slakten påskalammet.

22 Och tagen en knippa isop och doppen den i blodet som är i skålen, och bestryken det övre dörr träet och båda dörrposterna med blodet som är i skålen; och ingen av eder må gå ut genom sin hus dörr intill morgonen.

23 Ty HERREN skall gå fram för att hemsöka Egypten; men när ha ser blodet på det övre dörrträet och på de två dörrposterna, skall HERREN gå förbi dörren och icke tillstädja Fördärvaren att komma i i edra hus och hemsöka eder.

24 Detta skolen I hålla; det skall vara en stadga för dig och dina barn till evärdlig tid.

25 Och när I kommen in i det land som HERREN skall giva åt eder, såsom han har lovat, skolen I hålla denna gudstjänst.

26 När då edra barn fråga eder: 'Vad betyder denna eder gudstjänst?',

27 skolen I svara: 'Det är ett påskoffer åt HERREN, därför att han gick förbi Israels barns hus i Egypten, när han hemsökte Egypten, men skonade våra hus.'» Då böjde folket sig ned och tillbad.

28 Och Israels barn gingo åstad och gjorde så; de gjorde såsom HERREN hade bjudit Mose och Aron.

29 Och vid midnattstiden slog HERREN allt förstfött i Egyptens land, från den förstfödde hos Farao, som satt på tronen, ända till den förstfödde hos fången, som satt i fängelset, så ock allt förstfött ibland boskapen.

30 Då stod Farao upp om natten jämte alla sina tjänare och alla egyptier, och ett stort klagorop upphävdes i Egypten; ty intet hus fanns, där icke någon död låg.

31 Och han kallade Mose och Aron till sig om natten och sade: »Stån upp och dragen ut från mitt folk, I själva och Israels barn; och gån åstad och hållen gudstjänst åt HERREN, såsom I haven begärt.

32 Tagen ock edra får och edra fäkreatur, såsom I haven begärt, och gån åstad, och välsignen därvid mig.»

33 Och egyptierna trängde på folket för att med hast få dem ut ur landet, ty de tänkte: »Eljest vi allasammans.»

34 Och folket tog med sig sin deg, innan den ännu hade blivit syrad; de togo sina baktråg och lindade in dem i mantlarna och buro dem på sina axlar.

35 Och Israels barn hade gjort såsom Mose sade: de hade av egyptierna begärt deras klenoder av silver och guld, så ock kläder.

36 Och HERREN hade låtit folket finna nåd för egyptiernas ögon, så att de gåvo dem vad de begärde. Så togo de byte från egyptierna.

37 Och Israels barn bröto upp och drogo från Rameses till Suckot, vid pass sex hundra tusen män till fots, förutom kvinnor och barn.

38 En hop folk av allahanda slag drog ock åstad med dem, därtill får och fäkreatur, boskap i stor myckenhet.

39 Och av degen som de hade fört med sig ur Egypten bakade de osyrade kakor, ty den hade icke blivit syrad; de hade ju drivits ut ur Egypten utan att få dröja; ej heller hade de kunnat tillreda någon reskost åt sig.

40 Men den tid Israels barn hade bott i Egypten var fyra hundra trettio år.

41 Just på den dag då de fyra hundra trettio åren voro förlidna drogo alla HERRENS härskaror ut ur Egyptens land.

42 En HERRENS vakenatt var detta, när han skulle föra dem ut ur Egyptens land; denna samma natt är HERRENS, en högtidsvaka för alla Israels barn, släkte efter släkte.

43 Och HERREN sade till Mose och Aron: »Detta är stadgan om påskalammet: Ingen utlänning skall äta därav;

44 men en träl som är köpt för penningaräta därav, sedan du ha omskurit honom.

45 En inhysesman och en legodräng må icke äta därav.

46 I ett och samma hus skall det ätas; du skall icke föra något av köttet ut ur huset, och intet ben skolen I sönderslå därpå.

47 Israels hela menighet skall iakttaga detta.

48 Och om någon främling bor hos dig och vill hålla HERRENS påskhögtid, så skall allt mankön hos honom omskäras, och sedan må han komma och hålla den; han skall då vara såsom en inföding i landet. Men ingen oomskuren må äta därav.

49 En och samma lag skall gälla för infödingen och för främlingen som bor ibland eder.»

50 Och alla Israels barn gjorde så; de gjorde såsom HERREN hade bjudit Mose och Aron.

51 Så förde då HERREN på denna samma dag Israels barn ut ur Egyptens land, efter deras härskaror.




2 Mosebok 4:31



31 Då trodde folket; och när de hörde att HERREN hade sett till Israels barn, och att han hade sett deras betryck, böjde de sig ned och tillbådo.

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Apocalypse Explained # 653

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653. Which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, signifies through the evils of the love of self and the falsities therefrom. This is evident from the signification of "Sodom," as being the love of self and evils of every kind therefrom (of which presently); also from the signification of "Egypt," as being the natural man separated from the spiritual, and falsity of evil of every kind therefrom (of which also presently). Evidently "Sodom and Egypt" mean Jerusalem, and thus the church, in which the goods of love are adulterated and the truths of doctrine are falsified, for it is next said "where also our Lord was crucified;" for the evils of the love of self and the falsities of doctrine are what crucify the Lord, therefore He was crucified by the Jews, because they were in those evils and falsities; but of this more hereafter.

[2] First let it be shown here that "Sodom" signifies in the Word the love of self, and thence every evil; for evils of every kind flow forth from the love of self; since he who loves himself only loves what is his own [proprium], and therefore immerses all things of his will and his understanding in what is his own [proprium], even so that it is impossible for him to be elevated from it to heaven and to the Lord; consequently he sees nothing from the light of heaven, but solely from the light of the world, which light, separated from the light of heaven, is mere darkness in spiritual things, which are the things of heaven and the church; and for this reason also the more a man loves himself the more he despises, yea, denies spiritual things. In consequence also of this the internal spiritual mind, by which man is in the light of heaven, is closed up, and this causes the man to be merely natural, and the merely natural man is inclined to evils of every kind. For the evils into which man is born have their seat in the natural man, and these are removed from him only to the extent in which his interior mind, which receives the light of heaven, is opened; moreover, what is man's own [proprium] has its seat in the natural man, and what is man's own [proprium] is nothing but evil.

[3] That "Sodom" therefore signifies the love of self, and thus evils of every kind, can be seen from the passages in the Word where "Sodom" is mentioned; as in the following. In Ezekiel:

Thy elder sister is Samaria, she and her daughters dwelling at thy left hand; but thy younger sister, dwelling at thy right hand, is Sodom and her daughters; thou hast corrupted thyself more than they in all thy ways; Sodom thy sister hath not done, she and her daughters, as thou hast done and thy daughters. Behold, this was the iniquity of Sodom, pride, satiety of bread, and tranquillity of quiet was hers and her daughters, and she strengthened not the hand of the afflicted and needy; therefore they became lofty, and committed abomination before Me (Ezekiel 16:46-50).

This treats of the abominations of Jerusalem, which were chiefly that they adulterated the goods and truths of the Word and of the church; "Samaria," where the Israelites were, signifies the spiritual church, in which spiritual good, which is the good of charity towards the neighbor, is the essential; but "Jerusalem," where the Jews were, signifies the celestial church, in which celestial good, which is the good of love to the Lord, is the essential. For there are two kingdoms into which heaven and thence the church is divided, the spiritual kingdom and the celestial kingdom (respecting these kingdoms see in the work on Heaven and Hell 20-28). These kingdoms were represented by the Israelites whose metropolis was Samaria, and by the Jews whose metropolis was Jerusalem.

[4] Spiritual good, which is the good of charity toward the neighbor, is the opposite of infernal evil, which is the evil of the love of the world; and celestial good is the opposite of diabolical evil, which is the evil of the love of self. From the love of self flow forth evils of all kinds, and much worse than those from love of the world (See the New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Doctrine, n. 65-83). This is why more direful and abominable things are related of Jerusalem than of Samaria; and this is why Jerusalem is not only called "Sodom," but it is said that she did worse things than Sodom, as it is here said "Sodom hath not done as thou hast done and thy daughters." That the evil of the love of self was the evil of Sodom, is thus declared, "This was the iniquity of Sodom, pride, satiety of bread, tranquillity of quiet, and she strengthened not the hand of the afflicted and needy," "pride" meaning the love of self, "satiety of bread," the contempt of all good and truth of heaven and the church, even to loathing of them, "tranquillity of quiet," security and no anxiety on account of any evil; and "not strengthening the hands of the afflicted and needy" signifies unmercifulness. Because the love of self was the love of Sodom it is said that her daughters "became lofty and committed abomination before Jehovah," the "daughters" that became lofty signifying the cupidities of that love, and the "abomination before Jehovah" signifying every evil against the Divine Itself.

[5] Because the "Chaldeans" signify the profanation and adulteration of the truth of doctrine from the Word, and "the inhabitants of Babylon" the profanation and adulteration of the good of love, therefore the overthrow of these is also compared to the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah. In Jeremiah:

A sword against the Chaldeans, and against the inhabitants of Babylon, according to God's overthrowing Sodom and Gomorrah and the neighboring cities thereof, not a man shall dwell there, nor shall a son of man sojourn therein (Jeremiah 50:35, 40).

And in Isaiah:

So shall Babylon, the ornament of kingdoms, the splendor of the magnificence of the Chaldeans, be as God's overthrowing Sodom and Gomorrah (Isaiah 13:19).

"Sodom" signifies the evil of the love of self, and "Gomorrah" the falsity of that love; and as the love of self does not acknowledge any truth of the church, it is said, "not a man shall dwell there, nor shall a son of man sojourn therein," "man" signifying intelligence, and "son of man," the truth of the church.

[6] Because "Edom" signifies the natural man, who is in falsities from the love of self, and therefore adulterates the goods of the church, her vastation is compared to the overthrowing of Sodom and Gomorrah. In Jeremiah:

Edom shall be a desolation, as the overthrowing of Sodom and Gomorrah, no man [vir] shall dwell there, neither shall a son of man sojourn therein (Jeremiah 49:17, 18).

In Zephaniah:

Moab shall be as Sodom, and the sons of Ammon as Gomorrah, a place abandoned to nettles, and a pit of salt, a waste forever (Zephaniah 2:9).

"Moab," as has been said, means the natural man, who from the love of self adulterates the goods of the church, and "the sons of Ammon" mean those who falsify the truths of the church; and as thence is the devastation of all good and truth it is said, "a place abandoned to nettles, and a pit of salt, a waste forever;" the devastation of all good is signified by "a place of nettles," and the devastation of all truth, by "a pit of salt;" like things are signified by "Sodom and Gomorrah."

[7] Because "Judah" signifies celestial love, which is love to the Lord, from which is all good, and in the contrary sense diabolical love, which is the love of self, from which is all evil, the devastation of the church, which is signified by "Judah and Jerusalem," is also compared to the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah. In Isaiah:

Jerusalem hath stumbled, and Judah hath fallen; the hardening of their faces doth witness against them, and their sin is as Sodom's (Isaiah 3:8, 9).

Hear the word of Jehovah, ye princes of Sodom; give ear to the law of our God, ye people of Gomorrah (Isaiah 1:10). "The Word of Jehovah" means Divine good, and "the law of God" Divine truth, for where good is treated of the name "Jehovah" is used, but where truth is treated of the name "God" is used; and as Divine good, to those who are in the love of self, is evil, it is said "their sin is as Sodom's," and "hear the Word of Jehovah, ye princes of Sodom;" and as Divine truth to those who are in the evil of the love of self is falsity, it is said, "give ear to the law of God, ye people of Gomorrah."

[8] In Moses:

Their vine is of the vine of Sodom, and their grapes are of the field of Gomorrah, grapes of gall, their clusters are of bitterness (Deuteronomy 32:32).

This is said of the direful falsities that exist with the posterity of Jacob, springing from the evils of the love of self. But this is explained above n. 519. In Lamentations:

They that did eat delicacies are laid waste in the streets, they that were brought up in crimson have embraced dunghills; the iniquity of My people is become greater than the sin of Sodom, that was overturned as in a moment (Lamentations 4:5, 6).

This is said of those who are of the Lord's celestial kingdom and church when they are changed into the opposite, for it is celestial love that is turned into the love of self, which is a diabolical love; of those who have been so changed the above is said. What is signified by "eating delicacies," "brought up in crimson," "laid waste in the streets," and "embracing dung-hills," has been explained in the article above n. 652. It is said that their iniquity "is become greater than the sin of Sodom," because they had the Word, from which they could know the truths and goods of heaven and the church, or of doctrine and life, and adulterated them, and this the inhabitants of Sodom could not do; for he who knows the will of the Lord and does it not, sins more than he who does not know it. Moreover, all those with whom the love of self is dominant despise the holy things of heaven and the church, and deny the Divine of the Lord; and to confirm the evils flowing forth from that love they either adulterate the Word or reject it as a writing that is holy only from having been so accepted. Those, therefore, who do this from the love of self are compared to Sodom and Gomorrah.

[9] That those who are taught by the Lord respecting the truths and goods of the church, and yet reject and deny them, do worse than those in Sodom, is evident from the Lord's words respecting Capernaum, in Matthew:

Thou Capernaum, which art exalted unto heaven, shalt be brought down unto hell; for if the mighty works had been done in Sodom which were done in thee it would have remained until this day; I say unto thee 1 that it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom in the day of judgment than for thee 1 (Matthew 11:23, 24).

For the Lord after He left Nazareth abode in Capernaum (Matthew 4:13).

And there did miracles (Matthew 8:5-14; 4:46-54 to the end).

Like things were said by the Lord of the cities in which the disciples preached His coming or the Gospel and were not received. As in these words in Matthew:

Whosoever shall not receive you nor hear your words, when ye go forth out of that house or city shake off the dust of your feet; verily I say unto you it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment than for that city (Matthew 10:14, 15; Mark 6:11; Luke 10:10-12).

For no one rejects the holy things of the church and denies the Divine of the Lord more interiorly than those do who are in the love of self; those who are in the love of the world and in the evils therefrom may reject the holy things of the church, but not so interiorly, that is, from the confirmation of the heart.

[10] Like things are said of the prophets and the people who adulterate the truths and goods of the Word to confirm evils and falsities. In Jeremiah:

In the prophets of Jerusalem I have seen a horrible stubbornness, in adulterating and walking in a lie, while they have strengthened the hands of the evil that no man doth return from his wickedness; they are become to Me as Sodom, and the inhabitants thereof as Gomorrah (Jeremiah 23:14).

By "prophets" here those are meant who teach the truths and goods of doctrine, and in an abstract sense, which is the genuine spiritual sense, doctrine from the Word is meant, thus also the Word in respect to doctrine, therefore "a horrible stubbornness" signifies confirmation of heart against the truths and goods of the Word; "to adulterate and walk in a lie" signifies to pervert the goods and truths of the Word; "to adulterate" signifies to pervert the goods of the Word by evils and falsities, a "lie" means falsity, and "to walk in a lie" means to live in falsities. "To strengthen the hands of the evil" signifies to confirm evils and thence their power over goods; and "no man doth return from his wickedness" signifies to persist in the evils and falsities of doctrine; therefore it is said "they are become as Sodom, and the inhabitants thereof as Gomorrah," "as Sodom" signifying to be in evils springing from the love of self, and "the inhabitants thereof as Gomorrah" signifying an evil life from the falsities of doctrine.

[11] The evil that destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah is described as follows in Moses:

That they wished to offer violence to the angels, and were therefore smitten with blindness, so that they could not find the door where the angels were; and that therefore Jehovah caused brimstone and fire to rain upon Sodom and Gomorrah, and overthrew those cities and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which sprang up from the ground (Genesis 19:1-28).

"Their wishing to offer violence to the angels" means to Divine good and Divine truth, for these are signified by "angels;" the "blindness" with which they were smitten so that they could not find the door signified the complete rejection and denial of the Divine and of the holy things of heaven and the church, even so far as to be unable to see and acknowledge anything of heaven or the church, which is signified by "not finding the door" where the angels were; "brimstone" signifies the lust of destroying the goods and truths of the church by falsities, and "fire" signifies the love of self and every evil that destroys, here the destruction of goods and truths.

[12] That "Sodom and Gomorrah" mean all evils and falsities flowing forth from the love of self has been told me from heaven; for when they who are in evils from that love perish, which occurred at the time of the Last Judgment, there was an appearance of brimstone and fire raining down from heaven; this I also witnessed. That this would occur at the time of the Last Judgment was also predicted by the Lord in Luke:

Likewise even as it came to pass in the days of Lot, on the day that he went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all; after the same manner shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed (Luke 17:28-30).

[13] Because those who from the love of self confirm themselves by means of falsities in evils against the truths and goods of heaven and the church, completely root out with themselves every truth of doctrine and of the Word and every good of spiritual and celestial love, there takes place in them a total vastation, which is thus described in Moses:

The whole land shall be brimstone and salt, a burning; it shall not be sown, neither shall it spring forth, nor shall any herb come up thereon, according to the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah, of Admah and Zeboiim (Deuteronomy 29:23).

"Brimstone" signifies the vastation of all good by lusts from evils; "salt" signifies the vastation of all truth by falsities from those lusts; "the burning of the whole land" signifies the devastation of the church by the love of self; "it shall not be sown, neither spring forth, nor shall any herb come up thereon," signifies that there will be no capacity whatever to receive the truth of the church, "herb" signifying the truth of the church when it first springs forth. And because such is the devastation of good and truth from the love of self it is said, "like the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah, of Admah and Zeboiim," "Admah and Zeboiim" signifying the knowledges of evil and falsity. That such things are to occur at the time of the Last Judgment is what is signified by "in the day when the Son of man is revealed."

Poznámky pod čarou:

1. The Greek has "you."

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.