

1 Samuelsboken 17:20



20 Bittida följande morgon överlämnade David fåren åt en vaktare, tog med sig vad han skulle och begav sig åstad, såsom Isai hade bjudit honom. När han kom fram till vagnborgen, hov hären, som då skulle draga ut i slagordning, upp sitt härskri.





It is common in the Bible for people to "rise up," and it would be easy to pass over the phrase as simply describing a physical action. But in fact it represents an elevation in spiritual state, moving to a more internal frame of mind closer to the Lord. Often it has to do with understanding a new or important idea; we "rise up" to a state of greater perception and enlightenment. Obviously context is crucial to the exact meaning of the phrase in a given passage -- it matters greatly who it is that is rising up, and why.