

Бытие 40



1 Послј сихъ произшествій случилось, что виночерпій царя Египетскаго и хлјбодаръ провинились предъ господиномъ своимъ, царемъ Египетскимъ.

2 Фараонъ прогнјвался на двухъ евнуховъ своихъ, на главнаго виночерпія и на главпаго хлјбодара.

3 И отдалъ ихъ подъ стражу въ домъ начальника тјлохранителей, въ домъ темничный, въ то же мјсто, гдј заключенъ былъ Іосифъ,

4 Начальникъ тјлохранителей приставилъ къ нимъ Іосифа, и онъ служилъ имъ. Они пробыли подъ стражею нјсколько времени.

5 Однажды виночерпію и хлјбодару царя Египетскаго. заключеннымъ въ домј темничномъ, видјлись сны, каждому свой сонъ, обоимъ въ одну ночь, каждому сонъ особеннаго значенія.

6 Поутру Іосифъ, войдя къ нимъ, посмотрјлъ на нихъ, и вотъ, они въ задумчивости.

7 И такъ онъ спросилъ евнуховъ Фараоновыхъ, находившихся съ нимъ въ домј господина его подъ стражею, говоря: отъ чего у васъ сегодня такія мрачныя лица?

8 Они сказали ему: намъ видјлись сны; а истолковать ихъ не кому. Тогда Іосифъ сказалъ имъ: не отъ Бога ли истолкованія? разскажите мнј.

9 И сталъ главный виночерпій разсказывать Іосифу сонъ свой, и сказалъ ему: мнј видјлось, будто виноградная лоза передо мною.

10 На лозј были три вјтви. Она развилась, показался на ней цвјтъ, выросли и созрјли на ней ягоды.

11 У меня въ рукахъ была чаша Фараонова. Я взялъ ягодъ, выжалъ ихъ въ чашу Фараонову, и подалъ чашу въ руку Фараону.

12 Тогда Іосифъ сказалъ ему: вотъ истолкованіе: три вјтви значатъ три дня.

13 Чрезъ три дня Фараонъ вознесетъ главу твою, и опять поставитъ тебя на мјсто твое, и ты подашь чашу Фараонову въ руку его, по прежнему обыкновенію, какъ ты былъ у него виночерпіемъ.

14 Вспомни же меня, когда хорошо тебј будетъ; и сдјлай мнј благодјяніе, и скажи обо мнј Фараону, и выведи меня изъ этого дома.

15 Ибо я украденъ изъ земли Еврейской; а также и здјсь ничего не сдјлалъ, за что бы бросить меня въ эту яму.

16 Главный хлјбодаръ увидјлъ, что истолкованіе хорошо, и сказалъ Іосифу: а мнј видјлось, будто на головј у меня три корзины рјшетчатыхъ.

17 Въ верхней корзинј была всякая пища Фараонова, приготовленная хлјбодаромъ; и птицы клевали ее изъ корзины на головј моей.

18 Іосифъ отвјчалъ, и сказалъ: вотъ истолкованіе: три корзины значатъ три дня.

19 Чрезъ три дня Фараонъ сниметъ съ тебя голову, и повјситъ тебя на деревј; и птицы будутъ клевать плоть твою съ тебя.

20 На третій день, который былъ день рожденія Фараонова, сдјлалъ онъ пиръ для всјхъ служащихъ у него; и вспомнилъ о главномъ виночерпіи и главномъ хлјбодарј, среди служащихъ у него;

21 и поставилъ главнаго виночерпія на прежнее мјсто, и онъ подалъ чашу въ руку Фараону;

22 а главнаго хлјбодара повјсилъ, такъ какъ истолковалъ имъ Іосифъ.

23 Главный же виночерпій не вспомнилъ Іосифа, но забылъ его.




Бытие 39:20



20 и взялъ Іосифа господинъ его, и отдалъ его въ домъ темничный, гдј содержатся царскіе узники. И былъ онъ тамъ въ домј темничномъ.



Psalms 22



1 My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? why are you so far from helping me, and from the words of my groaning?

2 My God, I cry in the daytime, but you don't answer; in the night season, and am not silent.

3 But you are holy, you who inhabit the praises of Israel.

4 Our fathers trusted in you. They trusted, and you delivered them.

5 They cried to you, and were delivered. They trusted in you, and were not disappointed.

6 But I am a worm, and no man; a reproach of men, and despised by the people.

7 All those who see me mock me. They insult me with their lips. They shake their heads, saying,

8 "He trusts in Yahweh; let him deliver him. Let him rescue him, since he delights in him."

9 But you brought me out of the womb. You made me trust at my mother's breasts.

10 I was thrown on you from my mother's womb. You are my God since my mother bore me.

11 Don't be far from me, for trouble is near. For there is none to help.

12 Many bulls have surrounded me. Strong bulls of Bashan have encircled me.

13 They open their mouths wide against me, lions tearing prey and roaring.

14 I am poured out like water. All my bones are out of joint. My heart is like wax; it is melted within me.

15 My strength is dried up like a potsherd. My tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth. You have brought me into the dust of death.

16 For dogs have surrounded me. A company of evildoers have enclosed me. They have pierced my hands and feet.

17 I can count all of my bones. They look and stare at me.

18 They divide my garments among them. They cast lots for my clothing.

19 But don't be far off, Yahweh. You are my help: hurry to help me.

20 Deliver my soul from the sword, my precious life from the power of the dog.

21 Save me from the lion's mouth! Yes, from the horns of the wild oxen, you have answered me.

22 I will declare your name to my brothers. In the midst of the assembly, I will praise you.

23 You who fear Yahweh, praise him! All you descendants of Jacob, glorify him! Stand in awe of him, all you descendants of Israel!

24 For he has not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the afflicted, Neither has he hidden his face from him; but when he cried to him, he heard.

25 Of you comes my praise in the great assembly. I will pay my vows before those who fear him.

26 The humble shall eat and be satisfied. They shall praise Yahweh who seek after him. Let your hearts live forever.

27 All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to Yahweh. All the relatives of the nations shall worship before you.

28 For the kingdom is Yahweh's. He is the ruler over the nations.

29 All the rich ones of the earth shall eat and worship. All those who go down to the dust shall bow before him, even he who can't keep his soul alive.

30 Posterity shall serve him. Future generations shall be told about the Lord.

31 They shall come and shall declare his righteousness to a people that shall be born, for he has done it. A Psalm by David.